September 2007 15-07-0858-010-003c
IEEE P802.15
Wireless Personal Area Networks
Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)Title / IEEE802.15 TG3c meeting minutes, Waikoloa Hawaii
Date Submitted / 19 September 2007
r1: 12th November 2007
Source / [Hideto Ikeda]
[Chin Sean Sum]
[Tuncer Baykas ] / Voice: [+81-46-847-5138]
Fax: [+81-46-847-5145]
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Re: / 802.15.3c Meeting Waikoloa Hawaii
Abstract / IEEE 802.15 Task Group TG3c Minutes
Purpose / Official minutes of the TG3c Session
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Monday, Sep 17, 1st slot, 1.30 PM.
Meeting called to order
1.30 pm
Meeting is called to order by R. Fisher.
Announcement and Introduction
Opening introduction, 07/818r0, was presented. The summary is as below:
- PAR TG3c (http://standards
- Online attendance registration (
- Highlights of the IEEE standard boards bylaws on patents in standards
- The leadership of TG3c
Ø It was announced that A. Seyedi left the group, therefore leaving one sub-editor position vacant.
Ø I. Lakkis volunteered to be the sub-editor.
- Meeting objectives, timeline were explained.
Call for recording secretary
Chin-Sean Sum and Tuncer Baykas of NICT were appointed as the recording secretaries.
Approval of the San Francisco Meeting Minutes
The San Francisco meeting minutes, 07/811r0, were presented.
Motion to approve San Francisco minutes by R. Roberts
Seconded by Kursat Kimyacioglu
For: 33, against: 1, abstain: 0
Motion was passed and the San Francisco meeting minutes were approved.
Review of remaining proposal list
The list of the remaining proposals can be found in 07/795r0.
Results of the #1 ballot, in San Francisco, were summarized and presented.
J. Barr inquired the source or reference of the 20% vote requirement to pass the proposal down selection process. R. Fisher explained that document of reference is the down selection procedure 05/692r3. J. Barr pointed out the need to clarify the two distinctive rules for elimination. R. Roberts pointed out that a process that eliminates more than one proposals should be known as the special elimination vote, not a down selection vote. John Barr suggested to change the SF minutes indicating that the voting was for elimination and not down selection.
The sentence “first down selection vote” in San Francisco meeting minutes 07/811 (pg. 4) is replaced by the sentence “the initial elimination vote, step 4 given in document 05/692r3”. The sentence “first down selection” in San Francisco meeting minutes 07/811 (pg. 5) is replaced by the sentence “The elimination”.
Motion to approve the revised San Francisco meeting minutes by J. Barr, seconded by R. Roberts. Ballot outcome was for: 30, against: 0, abstain: 0
The motion was passed and the revised minutes were approved.
The revised minutes can be found in 07/811r1.
The updated list of the remaining proposal can be found in 07/795r0.
Definition of a merged proposal, 07/808
Only newly merged proposals can be presented before the first round of voting in Hawaii. Any multiple proposals that become a single proposal can be defined as merged.
Read by R. Fisher, elaborated by S. Kato.
Call for merged proposals and withdrawing of proposals,
Proposal no.9 (T.W. Huang) 07/762r0 has merged with proposal no.10 (H. Harada).
Proposal no.6 (C. Ngo) 07/701r4 has merged with proposal no.10 (H. Harada).
Proposal no.2 (H. Nakase) 07/757r0 has merged with proposal no.10 (H. Harada).
J. Gilb asked to list out the remaining proposals.
The remaining proposals:
T. Matsumoto (proposal no.1) in 07/698
D. Birru (proposal no.7) in 07/681
J. Gilb, (proposal no.8) in 07/767
H. Harada (proposal no.10) in 07/761
I. Lakkis (proposal no.11) in 07/760
M. McLaughlin (proposal no.12) in 07/683.
M. McLaughlin stated that Decawave still has an independent proposal, 07/6831.
Allocating the time slots for presentation of proposals and for votes
R. Fisher asked if the proposals should be re-randomized. There was no response.
John Barr asked if the merged proposals were going to be presented. R. Fisher replied yes.
Barr asked which proposals would be presented? R. Fisher explained that only genuinely merged proposals, as defined in 07/808, would be presented. Reviewing the merged document list, only proposal 10 is a genuinely merged proposals. S. Kato stated that only proposal no. 10 can be allowed to make the full presentation.
3.30 pm. Recess called by R. Fisher.
Monday, Sep 17, 2nd slot, 4 PM.
Approval of agenda
The meeting agenda in 07/821r0 was presented and opened for discussion.
The down selection number was decreased (i.e. down selection #2 was decreased to down selection #1)
Technical contribution, by J. Barr, “On 60GHz FCC NPRM”, 07/840r0, was inserted into the 3rd slot on Sept 18.
Technical contribution, by Katayama, “2Gbps Transmission Demonstration using pi/2 DBPSK Alternative”, 07/835r0, was inserted into the 3rd slot on Sept 18.
J. Barr suggested that the Special Order should be used for the down selection voting.
“Special Order” means that the voting takes place only at a specified time.
R. Fisher agreed that the down selection voting would be by Special Order.
Motion to approve agenda, 07/821r1, by I. Lakkis, seconded by H. Harada.
Ballot outcome was: for 43, against 0, abstain 0.
The motion was passed and the agenda was approved.
Presentation, merged proposals
CoMPA proposal presentation by H. Harada, 07/761r8
- List of contributors and newly merged proposals.
- Information on updated PHY modes, superframe format for ADD, UEP, beam forming, dev-dev communications.
Q1. R. Fisher suggested the term “CoMPA” be inserted in to the title
A1. The proposal is not only contributed by CoMPA members but also from other organizations.
Q2. Katayama commented on the difficulty to combine pi/2 BPSK and MSK in the PHY modes.
A2. Harada replied that it is possible to put them as one in the proposal.
Q3. J. Barr questioned the reason of the superframe to be limited to 2ms? What is the significance of beacon period in the superframe?
A4. In order to support applications such as beam forming, dev-dev communication etc, it is essential to fix the length of the superframe. Due to the directional communication nature, beacon period with omni communication is repeated every 2ms for ADD, beam forming applications and so on.
J. Barr said: How can TG3c vote on only Powerpoint presentations without supporting draft text? Some draft texts should be generated first. J. Gilb and P. Kinney, 802.15.4 Chair said that other 802.15 Standards were generated in the same manner.
5.55 pm
Recess called by R. Fisher.
Tuesday, Sep 18, 3rd slot, 8.15 AM.
Meeting call to order
07/818. The 5 patent slides were shown again.
Final five minutes statements from all proposers
R. Fisher announced the updates on the merging of remaining proposals.
More proposal merging occurred in meetings held Monday night. The six proposals were reduced to three:
M. McLaughlin declared that Decawave (proposal no. 12) had merged with Philips, ETRI, GEDC and Korean University (proposal no. 7).
M. McLaughlin then declared that the merged Decawave-Philips-ETRI-GEDC-Korean University (proposal no. 7) had merged with CoMPA (proposal no. 10).
H. Harada declared that the combined proposal of Decawave-Philips-ETRI-GEDC-Korean University had been included in the updated CoMPA proposal.
T. Matsumoto declared that Panasonic (proposal no. 1) had merged with CoMPA (proposal no. 10).
The result of the above mergers were these three proposals:
J. Gilb (Proposal no.8) as in 07/767r0.07/702r5
H. Harada (Proposal no.10) as in 07/761r8.
I. Lakkis (Proposal no.11) as in 07/760r1.
It became clear that there was not enough time for the 1st down selection vote to occur during the Special Order 3rd slot.
Motion, by J. Gilb, to remove agenda 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 4.2 in 07/821r1 to the 4th slot, seconded by S. Kato.
Ballot outcome: for 60, against 0, abstain 0.
Motion by J. Barr to move agenda 4.3 to the 3rd slot, seconded by A. Sadri.
Motion passed since no objections were noted.
The modified agenda became 07/821r2.
05/692r3. TG3 down selection procedure reviewed by R. Roberts.
07/844(draft). Tabular summary of the remaining proposals, listing proposer names, affiliation and relevant DCN’s (Document Control Numbers).
Down selection voting form(draft), prepared by H. Ikeda. This secret ballot conforms with the sample ballot found on page 2 of 05/692r3. The ballot was planned to be administered and proctored by R. Alfvin.
Technical contribution
07/840r0. John Barr,"60 GHz NPRM". The FCC has issued Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Docket 07-104, that would modify the part 15.255 rules on un-licensed operation in the 60 GHz band. This NPRM was generated by the WCAI, a group interested in providing point-to-point radio links in the 60 GHz band using higher rf power and high gain directive antennas. There is concern that the WCAI systems will interfere with 60 GHz WPANs. 07/840r0 recommends reduced rf power and station call signs which will allow the FCC to track down sources that interfere with WPAN systems. Barr obtained his contribution from Mike Lynch, Chair of 802.18, the regulatory Working Group.
10.00 am
Recess called by R. Fisher
Tuesday, Sep 18, 4th slot, 10.30 AM.
Meeting called to order by R. Fisher
07/818r0. The 5 patent slides were shown again.
Technical contribution
Barr’s discussion on 60GHz NPRM, 07/840r0 updated to 07/840r1, continued.
Motion, by Barr, to request the 802.15 WG to approve document 07/840r1 as recommendation to 802.18 in response to FCC NPRM (ET Docket 08-104, RM-11104), seconded by R. Roberts. Ballot outcome: for 22, against 0, abstain 19.
Modification and approval of the agenda 07/821r1
The modified meeting agenda was presented by R. Fisher.
J. Gilb suggested to change TBD sessions into recess.
Motion by J. Gilb to approve the modified agenda, seconded by J. Barr.
Ballot outcome: for 50, against 0, abstain 0.
The modified agenda is 07/821r2.
Technical contribution
Presented by Y. Katayama: 2Gbps Transmission Demonstration using pi/2 (D)BPSK Transmission as in 07/835r0.
11.30 am
Recess called by R. Fisher.
Tuesday, Sep 18, 5th slot, 1.30 PM.
Meeting called to order by R. Fisher.
07/818r0. The 5 patent slides were shown again.
Definition of a merged proposal,
Definition of a merged proposal, 07/808r0 was reviewed by R. Fisher.
Presentation of merged proposal
CoMPA merged proposal presented by H. Harada 07/761r10.
The latest list of the remaining proposals was shown by R. Fisher, as in 07/844(draft).
J. Gilb (proposal no.8) as in 07/702/r6.
H. Harada (proposal no.10) 07/761r10
I. Lakkis (proposal no.11) 07/760r2.
05/692r3. R. Fisher. Review the down selection procedure.
I. Lakkis announced that proposal no. 8 and proposal no. 11 have already merged.
S. Kato requested for a presentation time slot for the newly merged proposal.
2.00 pm
Recess called by R. Fisher.
The latest list of the remaining proposals was shown by R. Fisher, as in 07/844(draft).
Proposal no. 8 was deleted, and Proposal no.10 and no.11 were on the list.
J. Gilb requested that the two members (T. Okuyama from Toshiba and H. Shimawaki from NEC) to be removed temporarily from merged proposal no.11, due to their absence in the decision of merging with proposal no.11, I. Lakkis.
The latest list of the remaining proposals was finalized, as in 07/844r0.
Newly merged proposal no.11(07/760r2) presented by J. Gilb.
J. Gilb stated their intention to have a common mode, the same channelization and the same frame format with CoMPA as a single proposal.
J. Gilb also stated that the OFDM system will support the CoMPA’s SC sampling clock.
2.50 pm
Recess called by R. Fisher.
Motion to by S. Kato to remove all down selection from the TG3c agenda, 07/821r2.
S. Kato and J. Gilb believed that a friendly merger of the two remaining proposals no. 10 and no. 11, will occur in the next two months, and only one proposal will be presented in the November meeting in Atlanta. Motion seconded by Wei Li. Ballot outcome: for 44, against 0, abstain: 1. The modified meeting agenda, 07/821r3, shows the removal of down selection.
3.15 pm
Recess called by R. Fisher.
4.00 pm TG3c 6th slot was cancelled.
Wednesday, Sep 19, 7th slot, 8.05 AM.
Meeting is called to order by R. Fisher.
07/818. The 5 patent slides were shown again.
Technical contribution
8.10 am
07/850r1. Presented by E. Casas: Why we want a single 60GHz Standard.
8.30 am
07/846r2. Presented by J. Trachewsky: An Etiquette for 60GHz Access.
9.25 am
Recess called by R. Fisher.
Wednesday, Sep 19, 8th slot, 1.30 PM.
Meeting is called to order by R. Fisher.
07/818r0. The 5 patent slides were shown again.
07/857r0. J. Gilb announced the updated editorial staff.
Technical editor: J. Gilb
Sub-editors: Art Astrin, Stan Skafidas, Ismail Lakkis, Chiu Ngo, Tuncer Baykas, Chin-Sean Sum, Assaf Kasher, Brian Gaffney.
Discussion on project timeline/ objectives
05/311r16. R. Roberts updated the TG3c timeline. Currently, the selection process had produced two remaining proposals.
1.50 pm
Recess called by R. Fisher.
Generating the TG3c closing report
07/848. R. Fisher read the closing report for this meeting.
1. 9 proposals, in San Francisco, were merged to 2 proposals.
2. Down selection was canceled.
3. 4 technical contributions.
4. 6 new sub-editors added.
5. Plan to finish the standard.
Motion by J. Gilb to approve the closing report, seconded by S. Kato.
No objections noted. Motion approved by acclamation.
Motion to adjourn TG3c meeting, by J. Gilb, seconded by B. Bosco.
No objections noted. Motion to adjourn meeting approved by acclamation.
2.17 pm
Meeting adjourned by R. Fisher.