Revised July 2015

Bracken Edge Primary School

“Belong, Enjoy, Persevere, Succeed”

Primary Schools’ Sports Funding

The Government is providing funding of £150 million per annum for academic years 2013/14 and 2014/15 to provide new, substantial primary sport funding. This funding is being jointly provided by the Department for Education, Health, Culture, Media and Sport and will see money going directly to primary school head teachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children.

The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools. OFSTED will play a significant role in ensuring that schools target this funding in areas which will lead to clear outcomes in raising standards and opportunities in PE and school sport for all children throughout the primary phase. All schools will receive a lump sum of £8000 plus a premium of £5 per pupil for the next two academic years.

Purpose of funding

Schools will have to spend the funding on improving their provision of PE and school sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.

PE at Bracken Edge

From the Primary PE funding scheme Bracken Edge received £9000, as a school we have formed an action plan that will allow this money to future proof quality first teaching in PE as well as a strong focus on Staff development.

1)  Developing a health and wellbeing curriculum

-  Balanced broad curriculum looking at the health needs in our community

As a school we pride ourselves on reflecting our pupil’s needs by tailoring our curriculum to be both holistic and meaningful. Being part of a multicultural community allows the children and staff to explore different ways we can keep healthy whether this is through looking at different cooking styles, different exercise routines or approaches.

As well as this we realise how important our role is in educating our pupils to keep safe, and we feel this is another vehicle of addressing the importance of drug and alcohol education as well as relationships.

2)  Staffing expertise

-  3 HLTA’s

-  Sports Coaches

-  Staff development

As a commitment to the success and safeguarding of this project, we as a school have made a decision to create a team of 3 highly trained and focused HLTA staff who deliver the PE curriculum to all pupils. This has seen the standard of teaching basic skills improve as well as the use of professional understanding of some of the popular games such as Netball or Athletics.

We regularly have sports coaches coming in to school to show the pupils different sports such as football and skate boarding.

The school is committed to Professional Development and is using the opportunity to combine the vast skill set of the HLTA’s and look at a support package for NQT’s and teachers needing support.

3)  Increased participation in competitive school sport

-  High take up of after school sports clubs; Netball, football, Dance, Athletics, Gymnastics,

-  Competed at local level in Football, Athletics, Swimming Gala

The culture of sport in Bracken Edge is certainly one that has developed with enthusiasm with both staff and pupils. Due to the varied curriculum and topics, which really capture the contextual learning that our pupils benefit from, the pupils are engaged and enthusiastic throughout their lessons.

All pupils are encouraged to access the after school clubs ~ currently around 15% of the pupils are engaged with one or more of them.