NAME: ______S#: ______

Waseda English Theme ClassReport Grading Checklist

Students were informed of this checklist (see the signed “Document of Course Report Understanding”).




Report submitted in hardcopy and by email on time?

____ Yes ____ No = INSTANT COURSE FAILURE!!!

(Note: “on time” means (1) submitting the printed hardcopyto the professorat thebeginning of the last classand (2) having sent the report by email in BOTH Microsoft Word and PDF format before the beginning of the last class.

If you are missing ANY of the following, you get a ZERO! COURSE FAILURE!!!

-- No Report Section 1 (250-word philosopher background)

-- No Report Section 2(500-word philosophy explanation)

-- No Report Section 3 (250-word philosophy meaning/conclusion)

-- No citations in the report

-- No references used and/or listed

If ANYplagiarism is detected, you willFAIL THIS SEMESTER ! ! !


Header / 0 / 5
Class name + number / 0 / 5
Philosopher name / 0 / 5
Student name + number / 0 / 5
Footer / 0 / 5
Correct due date / 0 / 5
Page numbers / 0 / 5
Word count / 0 / 5
Title / 0 / 5
Good font choice? / 0 / 5
Good margins? / 0 / 5
Double-spaced? / 0 / 5
Indented paragraphs withTAB key? / 0 / 5
Extra space between all sections? / 0 / 5
Section 1 (250 words) / 0 / 5
Section 1: more than 250 words? / 0 / 5
Section 1: word count added? / 0 / 5
Section 1:multiple paragraphs? / 0 / 5
Section 1:done correctly? / 0 / 5
Section 2 (500 words) / 0 / 5
Section 2: more than 500 words? / 0 / 5
Section 2: word count added? / 0 / 5
Section 2:multiple paragraphs? / 0 / 5
Section 2:done correctly? / 0 / 5
Section 3 (250 words) / 0 / 5
Section 3: more than 250 words? / 0 / 5
Section 3: word count added? / 0 / 5
Section 3:multiple paragraphs? / 0 / 5
Section 3:done correctly? / 0 / 5
Section 3: good argument for philosopher
influence? / 0 / 5
Grammar / 0 / 3 / 6 / 10
Vocabulary / 0 / 3 / 6 / 10
Sentence construction / 0 / 3 / 6 / 10
No citations? / AUTOMATIC FAIL
No references? / AUTOMATIC FAIL
Evidence of machine translation? / AUTOMATIC FAIL
No emailed versions sent on time? / AUTOMATIC FAIL
Citations? / 0 / 5
Correct style? (author last name, date) / 0 / 5
Correct placement (at least one for each
paragraph)? / 0 / 5
At least 5 references? / 0 / 5
References written correctly? / 0 / 5
Do references match citations / citations
match references? / 0 / 40
No Wikipedia or similar webpages used? / 0 / 40
Stapled, upper-left corner? / 0 / 5
Emailed versions sent on time? / 0 / 5
Both Word and PDF versions sent? / 0 / 5

TOTAL: ______/ 300