1. Details of Offshore Export Services:

Export of computer software in non-physical i.e. Export through Data communication/Satellite links should be declared through SOFTEX form. Each set of SOFTEX forms comprises three copies marked Original, Duplicate & Triplicate. All the three forms in each set should be completed and entire set should be submitted for the purpose of certification together with relevant documents. Each exporter will have to designate a single branch of an Authorized Dealer to whom export documents, in respect of all software exports made via dedicated earth stations/satellite links will be submitted by him together with the relative SOFTEX forms for negotiation/collection.

  1. Instruction for how to filling the Softex forms:

1)Softex Form should be neatly typed, all details to be filled properly and in readable font.

2)Address of the exporter is the address from where the actual transmission happens and should be clearly mentioned.

3)STPI Center must be mentioned, under whose jurisdiction the unit is situated.

4)IEC code is a 10 digit number and should be clearly mentioned.

5)Buyer's name & address and country details should be mentioned clearly and must match with the address present in supporting documents (GOC/Contract Copy & SOI/Invoices).

6)Date & number of Invoice must be mentioned clearly and must match with the attached invoices.

7)If Contract copy/GOC is not submitted to STPI in last 6 months, then should attach along with Softex Form. In case of any amendments in the contract , GOC submission is must.

8)In case of any Royalty, points – 12,13,14 & 15 must be filled in the Softex Form.

9)Data Comm. Service Provider (STPI/VSNL/DOT/Internet/Others) should be specified.

10)Software category defined (906,907,908, 909, 910 & 911). Please note tick only one category, incase of more category then tick only major category.

11)Export Value Currency and amount as per the Export Invoice & Agreement/Contract/Purchase Order.

12)Authorized Dealer name, address and Code Number should be specified properly. Pleasenote that Authorize dealer code number is 14 digits for Indian banks.

13)Section 'C' for signature, Date, Name Designation required.

For further details refer to ‘Sample Format’ present in Download  Formats

  1. Details to be required in statement of Invoice/Invoice:

1. Buyer's name & address should be cross verified with export order.
2. Invoice Number and Date.
3. Importer 's and Exporter's Code Number.
4. Export Destination.
5. Data Communication Services.
6. Export Agreement/Contract/ Purchase Order Number and Date.
7. Currency and Amount.
8. Authorized Dealer Bank Name & Code Number.
9. Authorized Signature & Official Stamp. A request letter with relevant forms & corresponding statement of invoices should be submitted to STPI for certification.

  1. Service Charges for certification of Softex Forms for Non-STP Units :

Invoice Value / Approved STPI Charges
(Rate per Invoice)
Up to US$ 100 / Rs. 110/-
Invoice Value US$ 101 - US$ 500 / Rs. 300/-
Invoice Value US$ 501 - US$ 1000 / Rs. 600/-
Invoice Value US$ 1001 - US$ 10000 / Rs. 1200/-
Invoice Value US$ 10001 - US$ 50000 / Rs. 1250/-
Invoice Value US$ 50001 - US$ 100000 / Rs. 1275/-
Invoice Value above US$ 100001 / Rs. 1300/-
  1. Disposal of Softex Form:

After certifying all the three copies of SOFTEX forms by the designated official will forward the original directly to the nearest office of the Exchange Control Department of RBI. The duplicate will be returned to the exporter & the triplicate will be retained by the STPI office for record purpose. Within 21 days, from the date of certification of SOFTEX Form by the STPI the exporter should submit the duplicate copy together with a copy of the supporting documents to the authorized dealer. The Duplicate copy of the form together with documents will be retained by the authorized dealer till full export proceeds have been realized and repatriated and thereafter will be submitted to the RBI, duly certified under cover of an appropriate ( R ) return along with the copy of invoice/statement of invoices.

For any clarifications, please feel free to contact on following e-mail Ids: for Mumbai and for Pune at

Annexure I


(Submit SOFTEX Forms within 30 days from the Date ofthe Invoice)

Unit Name: Category of exporter: STP/Non STP

Tick the appropriate choice‘NA’ means Not Applicable

S. No











Covering letter on Company Letter Head as per format



Email id & Contact No is present on the Covering letter - 1



Annexure – I (Checklist)



SOFTEX Form in Triplicate properly filled, signed and sealed



All columns are filled (IEC, AD, Full Buyer Address, Datacom Service Provider, etc) up.



Softex Form is being submitted within30 days from the date of the Invoice.



Invoices/Statement of Invoices(SOI) in Triplicate signed and sealed.



Copy of Agreement /Purchase Order/Work Order/Job Ordersubmitted.



Copy of Authorized Datacom Service Provider (Internet Bill) submitted.



APR submitted till last F.Y. (Yes/No) For STP Units only



MPRs submitted till last F.Y. (Yes/No) For STP Units only



Details of Annual Service Charges Paid to STPI (For STP Units only)



Is LOP Valid (For STP Units only) ?



Copy of Service charges by Cheque/DD as per revised charges

(ForNon-STP unit only)




Import & Export Code issued by DGFT (Copy required)

* Hard Copy must be attached in the respective order.

Authorized Signatory with seal

(For declaration of Software Exports through data-communication links and receipt of Royalty on the Software Packages/Products exported)
FORM NO: / A / C
/ Original
Name and address of the Exporter
STPI Center within whose jurisdiction
the unit is situated
Import-Export Code Number /
Category of Exporter (EOU/DTA Unit) / STP/EHTP/EPZ/SEZ/100% EOU
Buyer's name and address including country and their relationship with exporting unit (if any)
Name of the country:-
Date and Number of Invoice
a)Whether export contract/purchase order already registered with STPI. (If 'No' ,please attach copy of the contract/purchase order) / Yes / No
b)Does contract stipulate Payment of royalty / Yes / No
(For exports through data communication link)
Name of authorised datacom service provider
STPI/VSNL/DOT/Internet/Others service provider
Type of software exported (Please mark '  ' on the appropriate box on the left side)
(a) Computer Software / RBI Code
Data Entry jobs and Conversion Software Data Processing / 9 / 0 / 6
 Software Development / 9 / 0 / 7
Software Product, Packages / 9 / 0 / 8
Others (Please specify) / 9 / 0 / 9
(b)Other Software
Video/TV Software / 9 / 1 / 0
Others (Please specify) / 9 / 1 / 1
Analysis of Export Value Currency Amount
a) / Full export value Of which :-
  1. Net value of exports without transmission charges

  1. Transmission charges Included in invoice

b) / Transmission charges (if payable Separately by th overseas client)
c) / Deduct: Agency commission, At the rate of …….%
d) / Any other deduction as Permitted by RBI (please specify)
e) / Amount to be realised [(a+b) - (c+d)]
How export value will be realized (mode of realisation) (Please mark ' ' on the appropriate box)
a) Under L/C / a)Name and address of Authorised Dealer
b)Authorised Dealer Code No
b) Bank Guarantee / a)Name and address of Authorised Dealer
b)Authorised Dealer Code No
c) Any other arrangement e.g. advance payment, etc. including transfer/remittance to bank account maintained overseas (Please specify) / a)Name and address of Authorised Dealer
b)Authorised Dealer Code No
(For receipt of Royalty on Software Packages/Products exported)
Details of Software Package(s)/Product(s) exported
a) / Date of export
b) / GR/SDF/PP/SOFTEX Form No. on Which exports were declared
c) / Royalty agreement details
%age and amount of royalty
Period of royalty agreement (Enclose copy of Royalty agreement, if not already registered)
How royalty value will be realised (as defined in Royalty agreement)
Calculation of royalty amount (Enclose copy of communication from the foreign customer)
Name and address of designated Authorised Dealer in India through whom payment has Been received/to be received. / A.D.Code No
Declaration by exporter
I/We hereby declare that I/we am/are the seller of the software in respect of which this declaration is made and that the particulars given above are true and that the value to be received from the buyer represents the export value contracted and declared above. I/we also declare that the software has been developed and exported by using authorised and legitimate datacom links.
I/We undertake that I/we will deliver to the bank named above the foreign exchange representing the full value of the software exported as above on or before …………… (i.e. within six months from the date of invoice / date of last invoice raised during a month), in the manner specified in the Regulations made under the Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999.
Place: ______i
Designation:__________/ Stamp
/ (Signature of the Exporter)
(1)Copy of Export Contract [17(a)]
(2)Copy of Royalty Agreement [12(c)]
(3)Copy of communication from foreign customer [14]
Space for use of the competent authority (i.e. STPI/EPZ/SEZ) on behalf of Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Certified that the software described above was actually transmitted and the export/royalty value declared by the exporter has been found to be in order and accepted by us.
Place: ______
Date: ______
Designation:______ / Stamp
/ ( Signature of the Designated Official of STPI/EPZ/SEZ on behalf of Ministry of Communications Information Technology )
(For declaration of Software Exports through data-communication links and receipt of Royalty on the Software Packages/Products exported)
FORM NO: / A / C
/ Duplicate
Name and address of the Exporter
STPI Center within whose jurisdiction
the unit is situated
Import-Export Code Number /
Category of Exporter (EOU/DTA Unit) / STP/EHTP/EPZ/SEZ/100% EOU
Buyer's name and address including country and their relationship with exporting unit (if any)
Name of the country:-
Date and Number of Invoice
b)Whether export contract/purchase order already registered with STPI. (If 'No' ,please attach copy of the contract/purchase order) / Yes / No
c)Does contract stipulate Payment of royalty / Yes / No
(For exports through data communication link)
Name of authorised datacom service provider
STPI/VSNL/DOT/Internet/Others service provider
Type of software exported (Please mark '  ' on the appropriate box on the left side)
(a) Computer Software / RBI Code
Data Entry jobs and Conversion Software Data Processing / 9 / 0 / 6
 Software Development / 9 / 0 / 7
Software Product, Packages / 9 / 0 / 8
Others (Please specify) / 9 / 0 / 9
(b)Other Software
Video/TV Software / 9 / 1 / 0
Others (Please specify) / 9 / 1 / 1
Analysis of Export Value Currency Amount
f) / Full export value Of which :-
  1. Net value of exports without transmission charges

  1. Transmission charges Included in invoice

g) / Transmission charges (if payable Separately by th overseas client)
h) / Deduct: Agency commission, At the rate of …….%
i) / Any other deduction as Permitted by RBI (please specify)
j) / Amount to be realised [(a+b) - (c+d)]
How export value will be realized (mode of realisation) (Please mark ' ' on the appropriate box)
a) Under L/C / c)Name and address of Authorised Dealer
d)Authorised Dealer Code No
b) Bank Guarantee / c)Name and address of Authorised Dealer
d)Authorised Dealer Code No
c) Any other arrangement e.g. advance payment, etc. including transfer/remittance to bank account maintained overseas (Please specify) / c)Name and address of Authorised Dealer
d)Authorised Dealer Code No
(For receipt of Royalty on Software Packages/Products exported)
Details of Software Package(s)/Product(s) exported
d) / Date of export
e) / GR/SDF/PP/SOFTEX Form No. on Which exports were declared
f) / Royalty agreement details
%age and amount of royalty
Period of royalty agreement (Enclose copy of Royalty agreement, if not already registered)
How royalty value will be realised (as defined in Royalty agreement)
Calculation of royalty amount (Enclose copy of communication from the foreign customer)
Name and address of designated Authorised Dealer in India through whom payment has Been received/to be received. / A.D.Code No
Declaration by exporter
I/We hereby declare that I/we am/are the seller of the software in respect of which this declaration is made and that the particulars given above are true and that the value to be received from the buyer represents the export value contracted and declared above. I/we also declare that the software has been developed and exported by using authorised and legitimate datacom links.
I/We undertake that I/we will deliver to the bank named above the foreign exchange representing the full value of the software exported as above on or before …………… (i.e. within six months from the date of invoice / date of last invoice raised during a month), in the manner specified in the Regulations made under the Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999.
Place: ______i
Designation:__________/ Stamp
/ (Signature of the Exporter)
(4)Copy of Export Contract [17(a)]
(5)Copy of Royalty Agreement [12(c)]
(6)Copy of communication from foreign customer [14]
Space for use of the competent authority (i.e. STPI/EPZ/SEZ) on behalf of Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Certified that the software described above was actually transmitted and the export/royalty value declared by the exporter has been found to be in order and accepted by us.
Place: ______
Date: ______
Designation:______ / Stamp
/ ( Signature of the Designated Official of STPI/EPZ/SEZ on behalf of Ministry of Communications Information Technology )
For Authorised Dealer's use only
Duplicate to be forwarded after realisation along with R Supplementary Return
Certificate by authorised dealer
AD's Uniform Code No……………………………………
The SOFTEX Form included in the ENC statement sent to the Reserve Bank with the 'R' Return (NOSTRO/VOSTRO)……………………… for the period ending……………………(Currency Name) sent on We certify and confirm that we have received the total amount of ……………. (Currency) ……………………….. (Amount) as under being the proceeds of exports declared on this form.
Date of Receipt / Currency / Credit to Nostro Account In ______(country) / Debit to Non- Resident Rupee Account of Bank in ______(Country) / Period of R-Return with which the realization has been reported to RBI
In our In the name
name of ** / Held with Held with
Us ** / In our In the name
name of ** / Held with Held with
us **
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
(** Write the name of the concerned branch of Authorised Dealer)
Any other manner of receipt (Specify) …………………………………………………………………………………
Place: ______
Date: ______
Designation:______ / (Signature of Authorised Official)
(For declaration of Software Exports through data-communication links and receipt of Royalty on the Software Packages/Products exported)
FORM NO: / A / C
/ Triplicate
Name and address of the Exporter
STPI Center within whose jurisdiction
the unit is situated
Import-Export Code Number /
Category of Exporter (EOU/DTA Unit) / STP/EHTP/EPZ/SEZ/100% EOU
Buyer's name and address including country and their relationship with exporting unit (if any)
Name of the country:-
Date and Number of Invoice
c)Whether export contract/purchase order already registered with STPI. (If 'No' ,please attach copy of the contract/purchase order) / Yes / No
d)Does contract stipulate Payment of royalty / Yes / No
(For exports through data communication link)
Name of authorised datacom service provider
STPI/VSNL/DOT/Internet/Others service provider
Type of software exported (Please mark '  ' on the appropriate box on the left side)
(a) Computer Software / RBI Code
Data Entry jobs and Conversion Software Data Processing / 9 / 0 / 6
 Software Development / 9 / 0 / 7
Software Product, Packages / 9 / 0 / 8
Others (Please specify) / 9 / 0 / 9
(b)Other Software
Video/TV Software / 9 / 1 / 0
Others (Please specify) / 9 / 1 / 1
Analysis of Export Value Currency Amount
k) / Full export value Of which :-
  1. Net value of exports without transmission charges

  1. Transmission charges Included in invoice

l) / Transmission charges (if payable Separately by th overseas client)
m) / Deduct: Agency commission, At the rate of …….%
n) / Any other deduction as Permitted by RBI (please specify)
o) / Amount to be realised [(a+b) - (c+d)]
How export value will be realized (mode of realisation) (Please mark ' ' on the appropriate box)
a) Under L/C / e)Name and address of Authorised Dealer
f)Authorised Dealer Code No
b) Bank Guarantee / e)Name and address of Authorised Dealer
f)Authorised Dealer Code No
c) Any other arrangement e.g. advance payment, etc. including transfer/remittance to bank account maintained overseas (Please specify) / e)Name and address of Authorised Dealer
f)Authorised Dealer Code No
(For receipt of Royalty on Software Packages/Products exported)
Details of Software Package(s)/Product(s) exported
g) / Date of export
h) / GR/SDF/PP/SOFTEX Form No. on Which exports were declared
i) / Royalty agreement details
%age and amount of royalty
Period of royalty agreement (Enclose copy of Royalty agreement, if not already registered)
How royalty value will be realised (as defined in Royalty agreement)
Calculation of royalty amount (Enclose copy of communication from the foreign customer)
Name and address of designated Authorised Dealer in India through whom payment has Been received/to be received. / A.D.Code No
Declaration by exporter
I/We hereby declare that I/we am/are the seller of the software in respect of which this declaration is made and that the particulars given above are true and that the value to be received from the buyer represents the export value contracted and declared above. I/we also declare that the software has been developed and exported by using authorised and legitimate datacom links.
I/We undertake that I/we will deliver to the bank named above the foreign exchange representing the full value of the software exported as above on or before …………… (i.e. within six months from the date of invoice / date of last invoice raised during a month), in the manner specified in the Regulations made under the Foreign Exchange Management Act,1999.
Place: ______i
Designation:__________/ Stamp
/ (Signature of the Exporter)
(7)Copy of Export Contract [17(a)]
(8)Copy of Royalty Agreement [12(c)]
(9)Copy of communication from foreign customer [14]
Space for use of the competent authority (i.e. STPI/EPZ/SEZ) on behalf of Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Certified that the software described above was actually transmitted and the export/royalty value declared by the exporter has been found to be in order and accepted by us.
Place: ______
Date: ______
Designation:______ / Stamp
/ ( Signature of the Designated Official of STPI/EPZ/SEZ on behalf of Ministry of Communications Information Technology )