The purpose of Steere House Legacy Award is to encourage and honor individuals for their achievements and contributions through public and community service, as well as to inspire volunteering in local Rhode Island communities and organizations. The Award will be given to individuals who through their personal and professional lives have demonstrated commitment and service to the community, especially in the areas of health, social services and the elderly.

The award recognizes and honors an exceptional individual who makes volunteerism and community service a way of life.

  • Gives freely and unselfishly of their time to community activities;
  • Inspires others to serve and acts as a role model;
  • Has a positive impact upon the direction and success of community or organizational projects, programs or individuals;
  • Improves the lives of others

The Award winner will be selected from any one of these categories:

  • Greatest Public Service by an Elected or Appointed Official
  • Greatest Public Service by a Private Citizen
  • Greatest Public Service by a Corporation

Eligibility includes volunteers as well as paid professionals who go well above and beyond their expected service.

Nomination Papers must be submitted via mail to Steere House by May 15, 2017. Please mail to Steere House Legacy Award, Attn: Jill Fallon, SteereHouseNursing & RehabilitationCenter, 100 Borden Street, Providence, RI 02903.


Do youknow someone who is having an impact throughtheir achievements and contributions to public and community service in the areas of health, social services and the elderly?

The nomination process is simple. Fill in the name, address, and telephone number of both your nominee and yourself as the nominator. Write a brief, passionate, compelling story about your friend. Tell something that distinguishes them as an individual. Then highlight how the nominee's actions benefit the lives of others and the local community.

Step 1: Nominee information
In this section, we require information on the individual being nominated for the Steere House Legacy Award.
Are you nominating an individual or company? Individual Company
Company Name
Company Representative First NameFirst Name /
Company Representative Last NameLast Name /
Company Representative Email AddressEmail Address /
Address 1 /
Address 2 /
City /
State /
Zip Code /
Home phone number /
Work phone number /
Total number of employees
Estimated philanthropy budget
Percentage of total company budget
Step 2: Nominator information
In this section, we require information on the individual who is nominating.
First Name /
Last Name /
Email Address /
Address 1 /
Address 2 /
City /
State /
Zip Code /
Home phone number /
Work phone number /

On a separate piece of paper, please complete the following steps, limiting each answer to 100 words or less.

Step 3: Outstanding Personal Acts
Here is an ordinary individual performing outstanding personal acts. This individual gives freely and unselfishly of his/her time to community activities, making selfless and extraordinary contributions. This individual inspires others to serve and acts as a role model.

Step 4: Community or Organization Impact
This individual has positive impactupon the direction and success of the community or organization he/she serves. The acts of this individual improved the lives of others. Look at the change or improvement that this individual was responsible for while addressing important issues facing the community or non-profit organization.