St. Boniface School
CSAC Meeting
November 18, 2014
In attendance: G. Iafrate
L. Stamcoff
B. Turner
L. Farrah
S. Turner
R. Hawkins
L. Scala
6:35 p.m. Meeting called to order by S. Turner (Vice chair) as Chair was absent.
Opening prayer
Minutes from the October 2014 meeting were approved by B. Turner
Principal’s Report:
Dance-a-thon update: $3000 collected to date; funds are still coming in and will be counted - hoping to reach out $5000 goal
Glow sticks and Halloween cookies were sold at the Dance-a-thon in an effort to raise additional funds.
Prizes awarded for the top fundraisers in each division
Prizes awarded to student whose names were entered in to the draw ( 1 ballot for every $10 brought in)
Milk program – to start next week (November 24th)
Letter with order form going home with students
Volunteers are needed to collate orders, count money and distribute on milk program days.
Bussing for 4 trips covered to date
Private donation of $3000 given to the school to assist with the purchase of an outdoor sign; $2000 covered by the school.
November 26th: Anti-bullying presentation
$1200 ($1000 pro-grant money; $200 paid by the school)
Saidat and JZ along with Rebel Coast
Day presentations for the students
Evening program for parents and families
The food bank is operating out of the portables while the church is undergoing renovations.
Winter clothing needs
Charity donations for Christmas – gift cards to local stores to be given to needy families in our community
Bake sale to be held in December; funds raised to be used to purchase gift cards
New Policy (in consultation phase)
CSAC to become CSC (Catholic School Committee)
6 meetings per year from 4
SLIP (School Learning Improvement Plan) finalized today
Mr. Grant, our Superintendent, visited today.
Literacy/Numeracy/Catholic Caring Community
CPIC (Catholic Parent Involvement Committee) – how to involve parents more/communication & information passed along through the monthly school newsletter
Homework tips (websites)
Accounts to be merged by the end of the school year
Treasurer’s Report: R. Hawkins
$900 generated through a pizza lunch
$900 spent to pay for 2 bussed and a pizza lunch
End of October 2014 balance: $ 604.74
Balance reported at this meeting: $ 932.14
Other Business:
Boundary review planned for January 2015???
In catchment students are redirected to St. Nicholas; no transportation provided by school board or are going to a public school
Date stamps /first come first served; concerns about not having siblings here
Lengthy discussion about the condition of the school building
January 2105 meeting: date to be determined
Trustee, Superintendent and Board Members will be in attendance to answer parent questions about why St. Boniface has not been considered for an extension /new building.
Survey to be developed and sent out to the parent community re: building & structure
Family Bingo Night: to be scheduled in January or February 2015
Family Math Night: a date to be scheduled
Snuggle Up and Read: a date to be scheduled
Next CSAC meeting: January 21, 2105 (Wednesday)
8:45 p.m. Meeting adjourned by S. Turner & B. Turner
Closing prayer