Members' Research Interests

First Name / Second Name / Location / Contact / Research interest
Harith / Alhinai / University of Birmingham / / Primary School Leadership
(Developing Primary School Leadership in Oman)
Lesley / Anderson / Open University / / School organisation - policy and practice.
Autonomous schools. Finance and resource management.
Nigel / Bennett / The Open University / / Impact of Professional Development on Practice.
Leadership theory and practice.
Middle Management development.
Jennie / Billot / UNITEC Institute of Technology, Auckland / / Principal training.
Collaborative project with Queensland University of Technology
on the role and workload of secondary school principals
(comparison between New Zealand and Queensland).
Frank / Bonner / Lincoln University / / Why are females the majority group support staff in schools?
Dean / Bowles / Madison, Wisconsin / / Supply, demand & preparation of school administrators:
a study of the career paths, perceived barriers, and
promising public policies (database of 3.500 respondents).
Ann / Briggs / University of Newcastle / / Middle managers in Further Education:
aspects of college management structure & culture
which facilitate them in role.
Tony / Bush / University of Warwick / / Comparative school management.
Theories of educational management.
Leadership and management development for principals. Self managing schools.
Hugh / Busher / University of Leicester / / Teachers' professional development and identity.
Leadership and change processes, especially in schools.
The interaction of policy and community contexts with
the micro-political processes of decision-making in education.
Equity and social justice in education. Ethical issues in research.
Michael / Carslaw / City of London Freemen's School / / Teacher appraisal / performance management
in secondary, state and independent schools.
Ray / Chatwin / Birmingham University / / Subject Leaders and their new headteachers.
SMTs / Leadership Group.
I-Ru / Chen / Institute of Education / / Gender and School Leadership in Far East Asia
Marianne / Coleman / Institute of Education / / Women in educational management and leadership.
Philippa / Cordingley / CUREE / / Using research evidence to improve teaching and learning.
NUT Research review - impact of CPD on teaching and learning.
National Teacher Research Panel Research Review Group -
teacher use of research. TTA -
designing and managing consortia and partnership approaches to practitioner research. (SEE FULLER DETAILS ON FORM)
Megan / Crawford / Institute of Education / / Schools in difficulty. Leadership and emotions.
School development planning. Leadership and accountability.
Non-teaching staff.
David / Daniels / Enfield / / Assessment for learning. Role of the leadership group in schools.
Brent / Davies / University of Hull / / Strategy and strategic leadership in schools.
Private sector involvement in education - privatising schools.
Geoffrey / Elliott / University College Worcester / / Policy issues in Higher Education.
Lifelong Learning and Post-compulsory Education.
Linda / Ellison / University of Nottingham / / Patterns of the school year. Strategic direction & school planning. Privatisation of schooling. Factors affecting teacher effectiveness. 2nd/3rd leadership.
Dean / Fink / Ontario / / Change Frames Project - leadership during turbulent times.
high turnover. Change Over Time Project -
the effect of changing leaders on school reform.
Ian / Finlay / University of Strathclyde / / Administrative duties of staff in universities.
Freedom and Control in Educational leadership.
Managing the boundaries in schools/FE/Universities.
Mervyn / Flecknoe / Leeds M.U.
(now retired) / / Subject leadership in primary and secondary schools.
What differences CPD can make to teachers and to their pupils.
The use of virtual discussion rooms as mechanisms for
raising achievement in real classrooms.
Nick / Foskett / University of Southampton / / External relations and marketing management in education.
Strategic planning. Management in Further Education.
Middle management in schools and colleges. Financial management.
Ron / Glatter / Open University / / Educational governance, leadership and management,
in particular the impart of reform initiatives such as
increasing school choice and local authority restructuring,
the growing use of the private sector and the effects on
educational provision. Also leadership development in education.
Helen / Gunter / University of Manchester / / The historical and contemporary development of the field.
Teachers as pedagogic leaders.
Janet / Harvey / Gloucester / / Distributed leadership, Leadership and management of subject
departments and other middle leadership roles
Jill / Healey / The Open College, Sheffield / / FE - cultures and values.
Chris / James / University of Bath / / Educational leadership and management and their development.
David C / James / Cardiff / 029 20 701 868 / Exogenous change and organisational response.
School inspection.
Heather / Johnson / Cumbria / / Supporting a group of students in Eritrea who will be
conducting research for an award bearing programme -
particularly interested in others who have worked
cross-culturally and in developing countries.
Helen / Johnson / Kingston U. / / Leadership in church / faith schools and colleges
Stuart / Jones / Salisbury, Wiltshire / / Strategy and the school improvement plan.
Glynn / Kirkham / Wolverhampton University / / Recruitment and selection of school leaders.
Creation theory and leadership. Mosaic leadership.
Tim / Luckcock / Macclesfield / / Philosophy of Leadership. Church School Leadership. The Enneagram.
Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence. Headteacher Well-being & Support
Jacky / Lumby / University of Southampton / / Educational leadership and management in further
and technical education.
Penny / McKeown / Queens University Belfast / / Aspects of school management & leadership,
at present focusing on issues of the lay-professional
relationship in school governance.
John / Milliken / University of Ulster / / Strategic management in education.
Leadership, culture and power.
Rosalind / Morton / British Council / / Local government 'effectiveness'.
Wendy / Newton / Open University / / Implementation of performance management in schools
and its impact in schools in England and New Zealand.
Elizabeth (Liz) / Nicholson / Shropshire County Council / / The role of Chief Education Officers.
Ishar / Oplatka / Israel / / Educational marketing & marketisation.
Career development of school heads, personal growth
and burn-out. Theories in educational management.
Teacher education.
Anne / Punter / University of Hertfordshire / / School governors from business: an evaluation
of the School Governors' One Stop Shop (SGOSS) Sept 2001.
Steve / Rayner / University of Birmingham / / Leadership & management in inclusive and special education.
Gill / Scott / Nottingham Trent University / / Education management, specifically non teaching staff I
n the classroom. Middle managers' roles and pressures.
Tim / Simkins / Sheffield Hallam University / / Resource management. Educational leadership
in disadvantaged areas. Management in FE.
Pauline / Smith / Staffordshire / / Performance management and work-based learning / CPD.
Managing the development of middle managers / team leaders.
Michael / Strain / University of Ulster / / Education policy, school management, lifelong learning
and the social organisation of learning
Christine / Tinkler / Education Dept, Luton /
/ Assessment for learning. Role of the leadership group in schools.
Peter / Trim / University of London / / Educational partnerships.
Dick / Weindling / Create Consultants, London / / Leadership in large primary schools
(2 year project with Geoff Southworth)
John / West-Burnham / University of Hull / / Educational leadership and community renewal.
Spirituality and leadership.
Anthony Scott / Whiteley / U.Coll. of St Mark & St John, Plymouth / / Small primary school headship.
Anita / Whittaker / Lancashire / / Legislation relating to the local management of schools
1988-2001) and its effects upon roles, relationships and
attitudes of the key players in the education sector:
A case study of a new Unitary Authority
Raphael / Wilkins / Institute of Education / / Learning centred leadership. Leaders' use of practitioner
research. International perspectives. Educational Values.
(publications list available)
Dom / Wilson / University of Salford / / Strategic management of secondary schools and of HEIs.