Prayers of the Faithful – Christmas Dawn and during the day

24th & 25th December 2017 (White)

Introduction: (Commentator before Mass)

For the Church gathering around the world this day and in this blessed land – that as we come again to place ourselves before the child lying in the manger, we will be messengers of glad tidings of great joy to all we meet, as Samuel Marsden first proclaimed in this land 200 years ago...

Response: Christ be our light, shine in our hearts, shine through the darkness. Christ be our light shine in your Church gathered today. (AOV 2/3)

For the gift of Peace: we pray for peace this day throughout the world. Peace from war, violence, and brutality. May ancient hatreds be healed especially in the Middle East and in the lands where Jesus was born, lived and died...

For children born in situations of poverty: that like the Christ-child that children born in poverty, both economic and emotional, may be blessed by the prayers and care of each one of us ...

For a manifestation of the glory of God: that this day we may treasure deeply in our hearts the mystery of the Incarnation, and sing to your glory and praise ...

(Prayers specific to the local community)


For those who have died: we pray for those who have suffered and died because of conflict, natural disasters, and tragedies in this last year. We also hold before you those in families who are not with us this year. May the memory of all the departed be kept in our hearts at this time.

Concluding Prayer

Good and gracious God, draw us into the mystery of your love. May we herald, as did the angels long ago, glad tidings to all and give us a place among the shepherds, that we may find the one for whom we waited. We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, your Word made flesh, one among us, who lives and reigns in unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever ... Amen

Liturgy Centre Resources | Prayers of the Faithful | Advent Year B | Catholic Diocese of Auckland