Stackhouse, Oliver, Abbot of Furness, £0.25, , Giggleswick
Stackhouse, Thomas, Abbot of Furness, £1.33, , Giggleswick
Stackhouse, Robert, Northumberland, £1.50, , Giggleswick
Thomas Robert Stackhouse holds one tenement
with garden and croft in the same place [blank]
and renders per annum7s 4d
It is reported that he is in London.
Richard Stackhouse Armysted renders per annum3d
Gersum 29s 4dHugh Stackhouse the son of Robert holds by the6 Eliz
Fully paidlord’s indenture dated 14 April 6 Eliz granted toLease for
As notedthe said Robert for the term of 21 years one inn21 years
Respitedwith garden and appurtenances in the same place
Dismisssedcalled Heithead. And it yields per annum at the
feast aforesaid;7s 4dex’
At willThe same Hugh holds at the lord’s will one half
Respitedacre and half a rood of land at Crowkedraynes,
yielding per annum 15d, and the sixth part of one
rode of land at Hollereddynge Hoole at a rent of
1½d. And they yield per annum in all at the feast
At willThe same Hugh holds at the lord’s will one parcel
Respitedof waste land in the tenure of George Foster at
Litle Woodside. And it yields per annum at the
feast aforesaid;2dex’
8s 10 ½ d
We have to assume he was married previously and granted some lands before to a son called Hugh so all he has now is here
Hugh Stackhouse deceased 1579 (son of Robert) did hold by Indenture mayd the 8the day of Aprill 6th yeare of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Ladye the Quene matie tha now is unto Robart Stackhouse his father one mess 1 laythe one Stable 2 gardens garden 2 little close of medow lying at Crossraynes & Suttergarthe half one Rode of land neire little wood with the apptnnces unto the said mess lying from the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed virgin mary next before the dait of the said Indenture for and during the tearme of 21 yeares then next folowing paying the yearlie Rent of 7s (free rent 3d and 6s 8d ancient)Which pmisses the said Hughe by his last will did bequeathe unto Issabel his wife during her widowhood And duringe the nonaige of suche Child as there then was & that is with all if it please god the same leive & so dyed (but the child died and the wife has not got over it). And for that the said wiefe is yet undelynered the Demising of the pmisses at this tyme was respected Also the said Hughe did hold at will of the L(ord) Certen pcells of land laitlie improved at Croked raynes & hoo Ridding cont by estimacon half one acr
Hugh left premises to his wife, child if he lived and his brothers James and Roger
But Isabel had married Thomas Stackhouse 3rd Jul 1580 so
Thomas Stackhouse for one tenement 6s 8d,for a croft 12d and for another tenement at Hunthwaite 4s / 11s 8d
Hugh Stackhouse for a tenement [7s 4d] and for lands improved 16 ½ d and for another small parcel called Scolehow 2d / 8s 10 ½ d
This does not make any sense
Hugh Stackhouse son of Georg (mistaken for George Foster previous owner) Stackhouse deceased haithe take of the sayd Comysses one mess one Laythe one Stable two gardens Two lytle closes of medow lying at Cross Raynes and Suttergarthe half one Roode of land neer lytle woodd with thapptance unot the sayd mess lying To have and hold yielding paying the rent of 7s 4d And also certen pcell of land laytly improved at Crooked Raynes & hoe Ridding cont by estymacon half one acre half a rode and 6th pte of a Rode of the rent of 16d
and one pcell of wast called Schoole howsebrow lat in the holding of georg foster of the rent of 2d
Provydet that the said Hugh shall Pmyt and suffer Issabell his mother & her assignes in consyderacon what she must pay the old figure to occupy the pmysses till the abovesayd hugh her son accomplish the aige of 21 yeares And afterwards the thirde of the pmysses During her wydowhod and paying for the fyne £6 5s
8s 10d
Hugh Stackhouse / 3d1621
Out of the lands late Wm. Armysteedes, and nowe Robert Bankes, Hugh Stackhowse and
Wm. Boatman, 16d
Out of the lands sometime Richard Stackhowse, and since Hugh Stackehowse, 3d
Fine £35 10s
Hugh Stackhouse holds by indenture dated 1 October 2 James I 1604
All that one messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, in G aforesaid, one lathe, one stable, two little gardens, one cottage and one garden or little enclosure in the backside thereof,
Two little closes of meadow lying at the Crooked Reynes and Sowtergarth half,
One rood of land lying near Little Wood, with the appurtenances, of the ancient yearly rent of 7s 4d,
And certain parcels of land lately improved at Crooked Reynes and How Ridding, of the yearly rent of 16d,
And one parcel of waste ground, lately improved, called Schoolehowse Trowe, of the yerely rent of 2d, then in the tenure
[Note in LH margin:
now paid by Henry Walker]
or occupation of the said Hugh Stackhouse,
And all houses etc as in the former fee farm grants,
Except as before etc,
To hold for 6000 years <without impeachment of waste>
Yielding 8s 10½d,
And yielding for such part of the moors of G aforesaid 3s 4¼d for his Moore rent at Michaelmas only,
With such covenants and conditions as in Mr Shute’s.
And thus he renders for the aforesaid tenement at the terms aforesaid equally
[Note in RH margin:
8s 10½d
and for moore rent 3s 4¼d]
[Note in RH margin:
Wm. Banckes 15d
Henry Walker 16d
Hen. Walker for R... Stackhouse ...
[Fine] £68 6s 8d
Thomas Stackhouse holds by indenture dated 8 October in the last aforesaid year 1604
One close, one lathe, one garden, one croft to the said close belonging, of the ancient rent of 3s 4d,
And the moiety of one fulling mill standing in the Tarne field, of the ancient rent of 3s 4d,
And one croft under Craven bank of the ancient rent of 12d,
And one cottage and two closes in Lynethwhyte, lately improved, of the rent of 4s,
And all houses etc, Except as before in the former leases of G etc,
To hold for 6000 years without impeachment of waste,
Yielding 11s 8½d at Martinmas and Pentecost equally,
And for Moore Rent 19½d at Michaelmas only,
With like reservations of suit of court and mill and other like covenants and conditions as in the other long leases of Giggleswick.
[Note in RH margin:
11s 8d
And for Moore Rent 19½d
£4 . 2 . 8¾
Wm. Batman 3d
Rog[er] Taylor 2d
Himself 9d
Adam Preston ...]
[Note in LH margin:
Wm. Bateman 12d
Himself 7s 4d
... Carre 3s 4d]
Fine 103s 4d
Richard Hall for a Cottage and 2 little closes at Linthwayte in Giggleswick there for 21 years from the year etc 1610 that is to say 8 King James 2s 3d
[Note in LH margin:
Now Tho. Stackhouse Compounded by him]
William Newhouse occupies one rood of waste together with Thomas Stackhouse at Langcliffe Wath, which they now claim to be parcel of their tenements [In RH margin: never rented]
Hugh Stackhouse 1579
Suggest an earlier marriage
Borthwick vol 21 fol 361
In the name of God Amen the xxiijth day of July 1579 I Heughe Stackhouse of Gigleswicke sicke in bodie but whole & pfecte in mynde praised be almightie god, do maik this my last will & testamente in manner and forme folowinge First I commende my soule to almightie god my maker, and to Jesus christe my onely redemer, by faythe in whose blod alone, I beleve to be sayved & my bodie to be buried in the pishe churche yerde of Gigleswicke Also I bequithe for my mortuary, whatsoever righte dothe require Item I geve to the poore manes boxe viijd Item I geve & bequeathe
to Isabell my wyfe the occupacon of my tente tackes & leases whatsoever I have duringe her widowheade, & also duringe the noneaige of that childe wherewithe she is great at this presente. Yf it please god the sayme childe to lyve. And if it dye Then my will is that my Tente shall returne after my wyfes widowhead to my brother James Stackhouse and to thissue of his bodie lawfully begotten. And for
lacke of such issue to Roger Stackhouse my brother and the issue of his bodie lawfully begotten and my will (is)
that my two brethren, James Stackhouse and Roger Stackhouse; shall have paid to either of them xvij li of my whole goodes wch summes I owe unto them at the presente As for the reste of my goods my dettes discharged I geve to my wyfe and to that childe wherwith she is nowe whom I maike ioyntely executors of this my laste will & testamente theis beinge witnesses Thomas Payley willm Craven willm Jakeson wth others…
Latin text