NAME ______DATE______PERIOD ______

Write and Graph Inequalities

1. ROLLER COASTER In order to ride a roller coaster at the theme park, riders must be at least 52 inches tall. Write and graph an inequality to show the safe heights for riders.
/ 2. FARMING One forklift can raise a maximum of 2,000 kilograms. Write and graph an inequality to describe the number of kilograms the forklift can raise.
3. INTERSTATES On interstate highways, the minimum allowable lane width is 12 feet. Write and graph an inequality to show the possible width of a lane. / 4. TRAVEL Traveling salespeople for a book company are paid at least $250 for each trip they take to sell books. Write and graph an inequality to describe the amount salespeople are paid per trip.

5. SPEED LIMIT The speed limit on most state roads is 55 miles per hour. Write and graph an inequality to describe the legal speed on state roads. / 6. TRIP Seniors who want to go on the group trip to the mountains have to pay at least $400 of their total bill before the payment deadline. Write and graph an inequality to describe the acceptable payment.

Solve One-Step Inequalities

1. ENTERTAINMENT Gabe went to theamusement park with $40 to spend. Histicket cost $26.50. Write and solve aninequality to show how much he mightspend on souvenirs and snacks. / 2. AQUARIUM Leeza’s aquarium holds 55gallons of water. She is filling the tankand has already put in 22 gallons.Write and solve an inequality to findout how many more gallons she mightput in the tank.
3. CARS Many mechanics advise peoplenot to drive their cars more than 5,000miles between oil changes. Kaci hasdriven her car 3,450 miles since the lastoil change. Write and solve aninequality to find out how many moremiles she might drive before having heroil changed again. / 4. FURNITURE Dan builds furniture. Thetable shows his minimum productiontimes.

Dan builds children’s tables on Tuesday.He works 10 hours. Write and solve aninequality to determine how manychildren’s tables Dan can build that day.
5. PIANO Drew practices piano at least45 minutes per day. He has alreadypracticed 18 minutes. Write and solvean inequality to determine how muchlonger he will be practicing. / 6. SPORTS At baseball spring training, thecoach throws at least 30 ground balls toeach outfielder. He has thrown16 ground balls to the right fielder.Write and solve an inequality todetermine how many more balls hecan be expected to throw to the rightfielder.