Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Council

Meeting Minutes

October 19, 2016

10:00AM– 3:00PM

La Quinta Inn & Suites

5217 E Terrace Dr.

Madison, WI53718

CouncilMembersPresent: Liz Hecht (chair), Naomi Beahm, Patti Becker, Cheryl Berg, Michael Hoffmeister (for JonelleBrom), Angela Radloff (for Lynn Green), Wendy Heyn, Joanne Juhnke, Jodi Pelishek, John Shaw, Connie Sherd, Sandra Tierney, Charity Eleson, Melanie Fralick (phone), Dan Idzikowski, Barbara Katz

CouncilMembers Absent: Nissan Bar-Lev, Sharon Fleischfresser, Pilar Guzman, Darsell Johns, Kirsten Menningen, Jeff Muse, Melissa Stoltz

DHS CouncilStaff: Autumn Knudtson, Andrea Jacobson, Nancy Bills, Samantha Ninnemann, Alyssa Zirk, Deb Rathermel

Public Attendees: None

Themeetingcommenced at9:36AM.

  1. Welcome and Introductions– LizHecht, Chairperson
  • Councilmembers and DepartmentofHealthServices(DHS) staff introducedthemselves and went over the agenda.
  1. Public Testimony
  • There was no public comment
  1. Children’sData Report

– Sue Larsen and Andrea Jacobson, Bureau of Children’s Services

  • The council has received data reports in the past. Andrea shared information about the Behavioral Health and Program Services Section. One of the goals of this section is to develop reports that can be shared with stakeholders and the public. These reports can help track performance, look at key initiatives, and help the development of policy.
  • DHS presented all of the different data sources where they can currently gather data on children and families.
  • The council was interested in data on Restrictive Measures. The current process for tracking Restrictive Measures was discussed and suggested that Restrictive Measures be included in future data reports.
  • DHS passed out the Division of Long –Term Care Scorecard. The council went through the data section by section. Areas of interest included, quality of life, looking at the whole picture, and money spent on institutions vs money spent in the community.
  • Takeaways from the discussion:
  • The council would like to form a subcommittee for more discussion. This committee would consist of council members and one person from DHS. There is no current timeframe for this committee as BCS is still hiring staff that would work on the data report.
  • Volunteers for the workgroup included Joanne, Sandy, Wendy, Connie, Naomi, Jo, Liz, Charity
  1. CLTS Council Goals for Children’s Services in 2017
  • The council discussed the following
  • Waiver implementation and the transition of services around Early Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT).
  • Management and elimination of the wait list.
  • Quality improvement and statewide consistency.
  • Using data to strategize issues.
  • Children’s Redesign.
  • DHS communication strategies.
  • Single point of entry.
  • A draft goal was made: The council will work with the department to review waiver policy and procedures as well as using data from scorecard to improve statewide access.
  • Supporting families through access and communication, social emotional and community connections, and access to services.
  • Quality of workforce and training opportunities.
  • Development of an assessment tool.
  • Relationship between the council and county Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP) committees.
  • Collaboration with DHS
  • Diversity of populations served by waiver programs.
  • Families struggles to find caregivers
  • CCOP implementation
  • Program consistency across the state.
  1. Division of Long-Term Care Updates (DLTC)- Curtis Cunningham, Interim DLTC Administrator
  • Council members introduced themselves and the composition of the council was discussed.
  • Curtis introduced himself
  • Priorities for DLTC include:
  • Stabilizing the Bureau of Children’s Services
  • DHS corrective action plans
  • Provider network
  • Rate settings
  • Waiver renewal
  1. Biennial Budget Recommendations- Liz Hecht
  • Elimination of the Children’s wait list.
  • Single point of entry
  • Understanding the current process and how they can be improved during the transistion.
  • Participation of council on internal workgroups.
  • Communication strategies.
  • MA helpline number.
  • Quality improvement, including family experience data and workforce training.
  • Bridging gaps to parents to help them navigate the system
  1. DHS Updates- Autumn Knudtson, Bureau of Children’s Services
  • Children’s Community Options Program
  • DHS released a series of four information memos in 2016 to give information to county agencies.
  • Memo 1 outlined the guiding principles of merging the Family Support Program and the Community Options Program that was allocated to children.
  • Memo 2 detailed the benefit package and outlined the waiver mandate.
  • Memo 3 gave updates on the Children’s Functional Screen and provided county agencies with the CCOP Plan.
  • Memo 4 outlined the Human Services Reporting System (HSRS) and told county agencies how they could be reimbursed for assessment and plans.
  1. Council Business
  • The next council meeting will take place on January 11, 2017.
  • Meeting minutes from July were approved.

The meeting was adjournedat3:01 p.m.

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