Cedar Hill Collegiate High School
Career Prep 1 (2 HS CTE Credits)
Problem and Solutions (1 HS CTE Credit)
2017 - 2018
InstructorStephanie Burnam
Phone(469) 272-2021 Collegiate HS Main #
Email --Best Method for Communication
TutoringTutorials 7:45 – 9:15 a.m. or by appointment
Course Websitesburnam.coursesites.com
ClassroomCVC Campus, B120
Career Prep 1 & Problems and Solutions are intermediate courses with lecture and work-based components that help students gain practical experience prior to entering the work force. This course connects the educational process of College Readiness to the requirements for Career Readiness. The student will plan their transition from Cedar Hill Collegiate High School to their next educational setting or career pathway.
Department Mission
The goal is to prepare students with a variety of skills for a fast-changing workplace. Students are taught employability skills, job interview techniques, resume, communication skills, personal finance, human relations, and portfolio development. The student will complete collaborative and individual projects that will prepare them for college and work place success.
- Pen or Pencil
- 2- 3 Ring Binder with at least 2” rings (for Portfolio and Capstone Project)
- Dividers for 2 Notebooks
- Optional - BYOD
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this course, you will have an understanding and will have completed the following:
- College Opportunities and Requirements
- Research and Apply to 4 or More Colleges, Trade Schools or the Military
- Research and Apply to 30+ Scholarships
- Career Opportunities and Requirements
- Finding and Applying for a Job
- Soft Skills
- Computer Processing
- Business Communications
- Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Skills
- Naviance Portfolio
- Earned 3 Credits for CHISD CTE HS Graduation Requirement (PS 1crdt + CP 2 credits)
Grading Scale
- Classwork/Homework30%
- Participation/Quizzes30%
- Major Projects 40%
Course Outline – Due Dates and Assignment Details in Coursesites
Fall2017 / Major Concepts
MP1 / Academic Resume, Common Application/Apply TX, Letters of Reference, College Essays, Portfolio Updates, Job Interview Speech and Video, Tell Me About Yourself Speech, College Readiness, Planning for Graduation, College Comparison Charts, SAT/ACT Registration, College Fair Participation, Infinite Scholars Preparation,Career Aptitude Surveys, Understanding Federal Financial Aid, FAFSA, Career Readiness, Career Research, College Selection as related to Career Research and Aptitude Surveys (Myers-Briggs, MyPlan, My Majors) MBTI Activities, Scholarship Research, Collegiate HS Volunteer Hours
MP 2 / Career Skills: Communications and Business Documents, Senior Capstone Project, SUBMITT COLLEGE APPLICATIONS BY EARLY ENROLLMENT DEADLINE, OCT. 15 or 31, Scholarship Search and Scholarship Organization, Career Research, Career Skills: Collaboration Skills, HR Block Personal Finance Budget Scenario, Senior Capstone Project, Collegiate HS Volunteer Hours
Spring 2018 / Major Concepts
MP3 / Tax Unit, Tax Return Preparation, Scholarship Status, Infinite Scholars - Desoto, Senior Capstone Project, Money Skill Software: Personal Finance for the High School Student, Collegiate HS Volunteer Hours, Understanding Different Business Cultures: Dress and Dining Etiquette, Global Business Cultural Etiquette Research Project, Scholarship Status
MP4 / Planning a Personal Budget, Business Ethics, Soft Skills, Identify Required Classes for Fall 2017 Degree Plan, Contact Advisor for Fall 2017, Senior Capstone Project, Scholarship Status, Money Skill Software: Personal Finance for the High School Student, Prepare for College Signing Day, Collegiate HS Volunteer Hours
Classroom Expectations
Course Website
Assignments and due dates will be posted on Coursesite portal. Most assignments will be submitted thru this website. All Students (including online students) must meet the assignment deadline for full credit. Student will join and participate in class activities using the Coursesite education website.
Senior Capstone Requirement (Problems and Solution grade)
Completion of a Capstone project is a requirement for graduation from Cedar Hill Collegiate High School. A senior capstone project has the potential to catapult students into their specific discipline of interest or serve as a reflection of accumulated knowledge over the past four years. The Work Release time given to each Senior must be utilized to meet this requirement.
Work Release Requirements:
- Completion of Collegiate HS and CVC course credits (Be on track w/ Graduation Credits)
- Submit the signed Work Release Form (or Non-Paid Intern Form)
- Submit 4 pay stubs or direct deposit slips for August, November, January, March
- Maintain exemplary / Passing grades
- Approved by Ms. Burnam
The capstone can be expressed in multiple facets: it can be used to draw on what you have learned or what you would potentially like to study. A senior capstone might include a performance or art opening, a focused internship or other kinds of educational work experiences.
The Capstone topic must be one of the following:
- Internship/Shadowing
- Student Directed Service Project
- Reflection of Collegiate Experience
*Requirements for each will be discussed in MP2
Each capstone will conclude with a presentation. Seniors will share their capstone projects with the larger campus community at a time and place TBD. Finally, you may work independently or pick one partner.
Principal Nikisha Edwards, Ms. Stephanie Burnam and Mrs. Robin Ford will be available to discuss and approveyour capstone endeavors.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic honesty is expected, and integrity is valued at Cedar Hill Collegiate High School. Scholastic dishonesty is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion.
Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Claiming credit for work which is not one's own (copying homework, copying test answers, submitting information downloaded/purchased from the internet, etc.).
- Allowing others to claim credit for the work that is not their own (allowing others to view your homework or assignments, etc.).
- Collusion is a form of plagiarism that can occur because of unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing group’s academic assignments offered for credit. The best way to avoid collusion is to ensure that each member of the group writes their own material using their own words.
- Using notes or other unauthorized material, or being involved in unauthorized communication during a test.
- Copying published works without proper source attribution (including the downloading of computer files), either directly or with only minor editing.
- Deceptive submission of the same assignment in multiple classes.
Consequences for Academic Dishonesty
- First offense - The student will receive a zero on the assignment and no opportunity to redo the assignment or any alternative assignment.
- Second offense - The student will receive a zero on the assignment and no opportunity to redo the assignment or any alternative assignment, a parent conference is required and the student will be placed on academic probation.
- Third offense – The student will be dismissed from Cedar Hill Collegiate Academy and High School.
Makeup Work
Consistent attendance is absolutely essential to success and achievement in this course. Students are responsible for all makeup work. It is his/her responsibility to obtain notes missed from a classmate. Makeup work should be discussed with the instructor before or after class/school. The student or parent/guardian may also email the instructor to inquire about missed assignments. Work will be graded and due in co-ordinance with your student handbook.
- If a student has an excused absence on the day a major project is due, he or she is still responsible for adhering to the due date. These due dates are announced weeks in advance.
- If a student is in attendance at CVC any part of the day an assignment is due, he student will be expected to turn in the assignment on that day.
- If a student is absent because of an approved district field trip or activity, he or she must turn in the assignment before the trip or meet the deadline on the Coursesite portal.
- It is the student’s responsibility to discuss missed work with the instructor before or after class or at a time that does not interrupt the educational process.
- Per CHISD District policy, the timeframe for daily grade make-up work is based on the number of days absent. (1 day of excused absence = 1 day to turn in an assignment that was missed due to the absence.)
Late Work
Work is due on the Predetermined Due Date and Class Period to receivefull credit. Late assignments will be accepted up to two days after the original due date. The highest grade a student may receive for work submitted after the due date is a 50. Students will be allowed to complete two (2) additional assignments per grading period due within three (3) days to increase their course average due to missed assignments. These additional assignments must be turned in no later than the 7thweek of the marking period.
With an excused absence, late work will be accepted according to CHISD policy.
Project Grades / Testing Policy
All test grades are final. No grades may be changed unless the teacher made an error in computing or recording a graded. No retakes on tests or quizzes will be given.
Congratulations for making it to this point in your education journey. Use the resources and opportunities offered in the course to continue your academic & career preparation.
Disclaimer Reserving the Right to Change Syllabus:
The instructor reserves the right to amend this syllabus as necessary.