Jordan University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Agriculture
Department of Nutrition and Food Technology
Graduation Requirements for the Master Degree in Food
Science and Technology
A master degree is awarded in Food Science and Technology from the Graduate college at Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) after fulfilling the following conditions:
1. Satisfying all regulations for the master degree program at JUST according to the Deans council Meeting number (56/97) on 28/12/1997.
2. The following areas (B.Sc. degree programs ) are accepted in the Master program, the priority will be given to A:
A. Nutrition and / or Food Science and Technology .
B. Agricultural Sciences, Medical Science, Allied Medical sciences, Pharmacy, Nursing, Public Health, Biological sciences, , Biochemistry, Veterinary Medicine, Home Economics and Family sciences.
3. Curriculum: Successful completion of thirty four (34) credit hours in one of the two tracks; the thesis track or the comprehensive track as follows:
1. Thesis track
A. Compulsory courses
Thirteen (13) credit hours as follows:
Course / Topic / Credit HoursTotal / Theoretical / Practical
AP 701 / Experimental Design statistical Analysis / 3 / 3 / -
NF 703 / Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Food and Nutrition / 3 / 1 / 6
NF 758 / Advanced Food Chemistry / 3 / 3 / -
NF 762 / Advanced Food Technology / 3 / 2 / -
NF 791 / Seminar / 1 / 1 / -
B. Elective Courses:
1. Twelve (12) credit hours as follows :
Course / Topic / Credit HoursTotal / Theoretical / Practical
PP 726 / Post harvest Physiology / 3 / 3 / -
NF 754 / Advanced Food Microbiology / 3 / 3 / -
NF 756 / Food Analysis / 3 / 2 / 3
NF 764 / Enzyms in Food / 3 / 3 / -
NF 766 / Fats in Food / 3 / 3 / -
NF 768 / Proteins in Food / 3 / 3 / -
NF 772 / Dairy Technology / 3 / 3 / -
NF 773 / Vitamins and Minerals in Nutrition / 3 / 3 / -
NF 774 / Cereal Technology and their Products / 3 / 3 / -
NF 776 / Biotechnology in Food / 3 / 3 / -
NF 791 / Seminar / 3 / 3 / -
2. Student may study no more than 3 credit hours of 700 level and above , from different departments related to the curriculum with the department's recommendation and the dean's authorization.
C. Preparation and successful defense thesis: a total of nine (9 ) credit hours as follows:
Course / Topic / Credit HoursNF 799 (A) / Research project in Food science / 9
NF 799 (B) / Research project in Food science / 6
NF 799 (C) / Research project in Food science / 3
NF 799 (D) / Research project in Food science / 0
2. Comprehensive Track
A. Compulsory Courses.
Nineteen (19) credit hours as follows:
Course / Topic / Credit HoursTotal / Theoretical / Practical
AP 701 / Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis / 3 / 3 / -
NF 703 / Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Food and Nutrition / 3 / 1 / 6
NF 754 / Advanced Food Microbiology / 3 / 3 / -
NF 758 / Advanced Food Chemistry / 3 / 3 / -
NF 762 / Advanced Food Technology / 3 / 2 / 3
NF 772 / Dairy Technology / 3 / 3 / -
NF 791 / Seminar / 1 / 1 / -
NF 794 / Comprehensive Exam / 0 / 0 / -
B. Elective Courses:
1. Fifteen (15) credits hours as follows:
Course / Topic / Credit HoursTotal / Theoretical / Practical
PP 726 / Post harvest Physiology / 3 / 3 / -
NF 756 / Advanced Food Analysis / 3 / 2 / -
NF 764 / Enzymes in Food / 3 / 3 / -
NF 766 / Fats in Food / 3 / 3 / -
NF 768 / Proteins in Food / 3 / 3 / -
NF 773 / Vitamins and Minerals in Nutrition / 3 / 3 / -
NF 774 / Cereal Technology and their Products / 3 / 3 / -
NF 776 / Biotechnology in Food / 3 / 3 / -
NF 792 / Selected Topics in Food Science / 3 / 3 / -
2. Student may study no more than 3 credit hurs of 700 level and above, from different departments related to the curriculum with the department's recommendation and the dean's authorization
C. Successful completion of the Comprehensive Exam.
Course description
NF 703: Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Food and Nutrition (3 Credits).
Study of advanced Chemical and Biochemical Laboratory Techniques used in research as applied in nutrition and food science. The emphasis will be on different chromatographic techniques, use of isotopes, spectrophotometer and electrophoresis.
NF 754: Advanced Food Microbiology (3 Credits).
The course deals with the microbial ecology of food and its effect on the quality and safety. It also deals with foodborne pathogens, microbiology of some traditional foods and sampling plans for the microbiological analysis of food. Discussion of principles and applications of the hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system to ensure food safety.
NF 756: Advanced Food Analysis (3 Credits).
The course deals with the principle methods, and techniques necessary for quantitative physical and chemical analysis of food products. The study will include the behavior of most food components, on storage, processing and cooking in relation to the standards and regulations for food processing.
NF758: Advanced Food Chemistry (3 Credits).
The course deals with the physical and chemical properties of water and its influence on the microbial and chemical deteriorations. The functional properties of proteins and their interactions with carbohydrate and fats, the changes that occur in fats and oils during processing and storage and their effect on food quality and structure, physiochemical properties, methods of extraction and purification and the factors that affect the stability of natural colors and flavors.
NF 762: Advanced Food Technology (3 Credits).
Studying the different food processing technology including food preservation and ways of food engineering using different standardized additives to the traditional foods. Also covering a new and novel foods including creating foods and genetically modified food.
NF 763: Energy of Metabolism (3 Credits).
Review of the historical development of nutritional energetic. Principles and mechanisms of energetic at the molecular level, energy transformations for the whole body. Direct and indirect calorimeter for humans and cooperative slaughter studies for animals. The relationship between fasting heat production (basal metabolic rate) and tissue metabolism. Emphasis on components of organ and tissue energy expenditure (Na+, K+ ATPase), protein turnover and substrate cycling. An introduction to the application of mechanistic molding techniques to human and animal energetic.
NF 764: Enzymes in Food (3 Credits).
The course deals with the general kinetics principles covering enzymes behavior. It also covers the sources of food enzymes, their immobilization, assay and various forms. General characteristics and occurrence of carbohydrates enzymes, lipase and proteases as well as oxidoreductases are covered. Application of enzymes in the baking and milling industries, as well as starch and syrup industries, dairy industry and fruit and vegetables processing is discussed. Also the legal and health aspects of enzyme utilization; the use of enzymes in food analysis and some aspect of enzymes and bioengineering.
NF 765: Advanced Nutritional Biochemistry (3 Credits).
Advanced study of the structure including biochemical of carbohydrate, lipid, protein and nucleic acids utilization by human, with emphasis on their interrelations and uniqueness of individual organs and tissues in metabolism as well as their homeostatic regulation and linkage of these nutrients to long term health and disease prevention.
NF 766: Fats in Food (3 Credits).
Sources of fats and oils, methods and machinery of extraction, refining and fractionation. Physical and chemical modifications of fats and oils. Production and application of some fat derivatives such as fatty acids, emulsifiers and soap. Fat products and functional uses in foods, fat replaces of some aspects with respect to their structures, production and application, fats and oils analysis.
NF 767: Human Physiology (3 Credits).
Structure functional relationship at the cellular level. Nerves and Hormonal control. Gastrointestinal tract, circulatory system, respiratory system, extractory and reproductive systems, muscular and skeletal systems are emphasized.
NF 768: Proteins in Food (3 Credits).
Food protein types, their sources, basic properties, functional properties and their application in food processing. Protein interactions with fats, carbohydrates and salts. Specific protein applications in food system.
NF 769: Advanced Diet Therapy (3 Credits).
Application of dietetics in the treatment of some diseases especially those who require nutritional rehabilitation such as situations of main surgeries and sever illness including burns, accidents, cancer and the use of total parenteral nutrition.
NF 771: Assessment of Nutritional Status (3 Credits).
Study of indicators and criteria used in the evaluation of the nutritional status of the individual and the community, including measurements of anthropometry, biochemical data, dietary intakes and health statistics. The interpretation of results and proposing solutions for improving the nutritional status.
NF 772: Dairy Technology (3 Credits)
Technology of milk and milk products, which are discussed from the perspectives of the chemical and physical changes that occur during processing and storage; and the technology used to manufacture those products.
NF 773: Vitamin and Minerals in Nutrition (3 Credits)
Studies of the physiological biochemical and metabolism for minerals and vitamins. Malfunction of minerals and vitamins in relation to the nutritional and pharmaceutical aspects.
NF 774: Cereal Technology and Their Products (3 Credits)
Studying cereal grains, their classification, structure, chemical composition, nutritive value and utilization. The new uses for cereal products in different industries, especially the confectionery industry in which modified starches and starch syrup are used. Possible future uses of flour and wheat derived products will be introduced also.
NF 775: Mother and Child Nutrition (3 Credits)
Advanced study for physiological and biochemical aspects related to pregnant, embryo and child nutrition with concentration on the special mother and child need and nutritional program related to maternity and childhood.
NF 776: Biotechnology in Food (3 Credits)
A study of applications of biotechnology in food examination, production of food substitutes and modification of food functional properties. Unit operations that are used in biotechnology, Bioreactors and in bioconversion of raw materials. Biotechnology of vitamins, growth factors, hormones and amino acids regarding their production, modification, and know how of their use in food enrichment. Regulatory and social aspects of food and nutrition biotechnology.
NF 777: Nutrition in Special Cases (3 Credits)
Covers both the preventive and supportive approaches of nutrition for individuals in special situation, such as premature infants, inborn error of metabolism, malnutrition due to starvation and abnormal dietary behavior. It concentrates on special modes of feeding of internal and parental nutrition in special cases such as burns, surgery, cancer and aids.
NF 779: Nutritional Epidemiology (3 Credits)
This course will focus on the principles of epidemiology and their applications to human nutrition. It will address the relation between diet and its components with that of long term health and disease. Students are expected to gain experience and depth in the assessment, analysis of the data and interpretation of dietary intake as related to chronic diseases. The course will also help students in better understanding of nutritional surveillance methods selecting the appropriate design, data collection and validation, running appropriate analyses and drawing valid conclusions besides empowering the students with the means that help them read the literature critically.
NF791: Seminar (1 credit)
Development of critical reading and communications skills for oral presentation of current food and nutritional science literature.
NF 792: Selected Topics in Food Science (3 Credits).
A detailed study of selected topics in food science and technology.
NF 793: Selected Topics in Nutrition (3 Cr.).
Analysis of scientific, popular and legislative articles pertaining to topics of current interest in nutrition.
NF 794: Comprehensive Exam (0 Credits).
The exam is held according to the departmental council internal regulation
NF (799) A, B and C: (Thesis) ( 9 credits).
The student will prepare a thesis based on conducting a research that aims at the advancement of basic and/or applied science by following the scientific approach.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية
كلية الزراعة
قسم التغذية وتكنولوجيا الغذاء
الخطة الدراسية لدرجة الماجستير في تخصص علم وتكنولوجيا الغذاء
أولا: أحكام وشروط عامة :
01 تلتزم هذه الخطة بتعليمات برنامج الماجستير في جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية.
02 استيفاء الشروط المنصوص عليها في تعليمات منح درجة الماجستير في جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا الأردنية.
ثانيا: التخصصات التي يمكن قبولها في هذا البرنامج مع إعطاء الأولوية للتخصصات المذكورة في (أ):
1- علم وتكنولوجيا الغذاء و / أو علم التغذية أو ما يعادلهما .
2- علوم زراعية، علوم طبية، علوم طبيه مسانده، صيدلة، تمريض، علوم صحية، علوم حياتية ، كيمياء حيوية، طب بيطري، اقتصاد منزلي وعلوم الأسرة.
ثالثا: الخطة الدراسية
إتمام اربعه وثلاثون (34) ساعة معتمدة بنجاح في إحدى المسارين التاليين
1. مسار الرسالة:
أ. مساقات إجبارية
يخصص لها ثلاثة عشر (13) ساعة معتمدة موزعه كما يلي:
الساعات المعتمدة / إسم المساق / رمز المساق ورقمهعملي / نظري / إجمالي
- / 3 / 3 / تصميم وتحليل التجارب / حي701
6 / 1 / 3 / طرق مخبرية متقدمة في الغذاء والتغذية / تغ703
- / 3 / 3 / كيمياء الأغذية متقدم / تغ758
3 / 2 / 3 / صناعات غذائية متقدم / تغ762
- / 1 / 1 / نــدوة / تغ791
ب . مساقات اختيارية
.1 يخصص لها اثني عشر (12) ساعة معتمدة موزعة كما يلي:
الساعات المعتمدة / إسم المساق / رمز المساق ورقمهعملي / نظري / إجمالي
- / 3 / 3 / فسيولوجيا ما بعد الحصاد / نب726
- / 3 / 3 / علم الأحياء الدقيقة للأغذية متقدم / تغ754
3 / 2 / 3 / تحليل الأغذية / تغ756
- / 3 / 3 / الأنزيمات في الغذاء / تغ764
- / 3 / 3 / الدهون في الغذاء / تغ766
- / 3 / 3 / البروتينات في الغذاء / تغ768
- / 3 / 3 / تكنولوجيا الألبـان متقدم / تغ772
- / 3 / 3 / الفيتامينات والمعادن / تغ773
- / 3 / 3 / تكنولوجيا الحبوب ومنتجاتها / تغ774
- / 3 / 3 / بيوتكنولوجيا الغذاء / تغ776
- / 3 / 3 / مواضيع مختارة في الغذاء / تغ792
2. يجوز للطالب دراسة ما لا يزيد عن ثلاث (3 ) ساعات معتمدة من مساقات ذات مستوى 700 فاعلى تطرحها أقسام أخرى لها ارتباط بالخطة الدراسية وذلك بقرار من العميد وبناء على توصية لجنة الدراسات العليا في القسم والكلية.