locum consultant paediatric endocrinology

royalhospital for sick children, yorkhillhospital

Information pack

reF: 25392d

Closing Date: 25thmay 2012


Post: locum consultant paediatric endocrinology

Base: royalhospital for sick children, yorkhillhospital

Applications are invited for a Locum Consultant in the Tertiary Paediatric Endocrine Unit at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, GlasgowThis unit provides specialist services for children and young people with Endocrine, Growth and Metabolic Bone Disorders in the West of Scotland.

The postholder will join a team of two existing Consultants, 2 specialist Endocrine nurses, Occupational therapist, Dietician, secretarial staff and junior medical staff. Thejob plan includes 10 Programmed Activities, weekly general Paediatric Endocrinology and growth clinics, some peripheral clinics and participation in a 1:3weekly on-call rota at RHSC.

There will also be an Acute General Paediatric commitment with on-call 1:12.

Applicants should have Full GMC registration and a, a licence to practice and have completed Specialist Training or equivalent .

For further information please contact Dr MG Shaikh, Clinical Lead (secretary, telephone 0141 201 0243) or Professor S F Ahmed (secretary telephone 41 201 0767)

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Acute Division

Women and Children’s Directorate

Information Pack

for the post of

Locum Consultant in Paediatric Endocrinology

RoyalHospital for Sick Children

Yorkhill, Glasgow

Acute Division Women & Children’s Directorate

Further Particulars of the Post of Locum Consultant in Paediatric Endocrinology, RHSC, Yorkhill


Applications are invited for a Consultant in Paediatric Endocrinology. The successful candidate would join a team of 2 existing consultants. The initial appointment would be for 12 months.

Opportunity for the development of an individual candidate’s special interest will be encouraged within the service.

This document is split into the following sections:

Information on paediatric services in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

General description of children’s services (section 1)

Paediatric Services (section 2)

Information on the job and the selection process

The Job Itself/Description of Service and Contacts (section 3)

Personal Specification (section 4)

Terms and Conditions of Service (section 5)

Further Information (section 6)

The overall job pack also contains documentation around equal opportunities monitoring.

Section 1Children’s Services across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

The Yorkhill Campus hosts the RoyalHospital for Sick Children. Located outwith the main hospital, but on campus grounds, is a full facility of on-site laboratories.

A description of the two main hospitals is provided below.

a)The RoyalHospital for Sick Children, Glasgow

The RoyalHospital for Sick Children, Glasgow, is one of the largest paediatric teaching hospitals in the UK and the largest in Scotland. It provides secondary care for more than 900,000 people resident within the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area, but also tertiary care for the 3m people living across the West of Scotland. There are also 17 nationally designated services delivered from the hospital including cardiac surgery, bone marrow and renal transplantation, ECLS and complex airways.

There is a complement of up to 279 beds, which include 23 integrated neonatal medical and surgery cots. There are 16 nationally funded intensive care beds and 6 high dependency beds within an integrated critical care facility. This facility has the physical capacity to extend to 26 integrated critical care beds. A new theatre complex was opened in 1998 comprising of 7 full theatres, scope room and dental suite. The ED currently sees over 43,000 patients per year.

All paediatric medical and surgical subspecialties are represented, including general medical paediatrics, cardiology, neonatology, neurology, neurosurgery, nephrology, respiratory, endocrinology, gastroenterology, immunology and infectious diseases, dermatology, haematology/oncology, rheumatology, metabolic medicine, audiology, ophthalmology, ENT surgery, orthopaedics and general paediatric and neonatal surgery. A selection of child and adolescent psychiatry facilities are located within the campus along with a recently opened Child Protection Unit.

The hospital provides the major Undergraduate Paediatric Teaching facility for the University of Glasgow and accommodates the University Departments of Child Health, Child and Family Psychiatry, Medical Genetics, Human Nutrition, Paediatric Pathology, Paediatric Biochemistry and Paediatric Surgery. There is on site clinical audit and research and development support to assist with departmental research projects.

The Radiology Department located within RHSC provides ultrasound, CT, MRI and isotopic studies on site. All imaging is now film-less and is accessed through the PACS system. Diagnostic laboratory facilities on site include Haematology, Blood Banking, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Virology, Histopathology and Genetics.

c)Other Paediatric services in NHSGG&C

There are three maternity hospitals in Glasgow; Princess Royal Maternity Hospital, Southern General Hospital and the Royal Alexandra Hospital, all with neonatal intensive care facilities.

There is one children’s ward at the RoyalAlexandraHospital providing local care for the children of Paisley.

There is an extensive range of specialist community based children’s services across NHS Greater Glasgow. Managed within community health and social care partnerships, these services are integrated with primary care and social care services.

d)New Children’s Hospital

In order to provide child, maternal and adult services on a single site a new children’s hospital is currently being commissioned on the existing Southern General Hospitals campus with an anticipated opening date of calendar year 2015

Section 2Paediatric Services

Clinical Leadership

Medical services are a key component of integrated hospital paediatric services within the Women and Children’s Directorate (of the Acute Operating Division, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde).

Dr Graham Stewart (Consultant Paediatrician) is the Clinical Director for Medical Paediatrics .

National Service Contracts

The RoyalHospital for Sick Children hosts a number of paediatric national services including paediatric intensive care. These national services are listed in box 1 below:

Box 1 / Paediatric National Services

Future Service Developments

  1. Paediatric intensive care was nationally designated in April 2007 and given uplift of £2.8m recurring investment.
  1. The Scottish Government launched the National Delivery Plan for Specialist Children’s services with attached resources of £32m over three year period (2008 to 2011). These resources have been invested in specialist childrens services including critical care interventional cardiology, cancer, metabolic, complex respiratory, neurology, immunology – ID, renal medicine, cleft surgery and complex airways services.
  1. A surgical service for Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome has been developed

4.New and joint working arrangements between the RHSC and the Institute of Neurosurgical Sciences at the Southern General Hospital are currently being developed to improve the care of those children in the West of Scotland requiring neurosurgery.

5. RHSC now provides a formalised network of general surgery services to the West of Scotland including outreach to NHS Boards in ForthValley and Lanarkshire.



Locum Consultant in Paediatric Endocrinology


(i)Name of Health Board:

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Acute Services Division

(ii)Names of Consultant members of the Department:

. Dr M Guftar Shaikh

Consultant in Paediatric Endocrinology & Diabetes & Honorary Senior Lecturer

Clinical Lead for Paediatric Endocrine MCN and WoS Paediatric Endocrine Network

Prof S Faisal Ahmed

Consultant in Paediatric Endocrinology

Honorary Chair - Professor of Developmental Endocrinology

Lead for Children’s Services R&D and Director of Children’s CRF

(iii)Number and Grades of other members of department:

Sr Ethel McNeillPaediatric Endocrine Specialist Nurse

S/N Vicky CampbellPaediatric Endocrine Specialist Nurse

Ms Liz DouganOccupational Therapist

Ms Jill MorrisonDietitian

Amy ThomsonClinical Psychologist

Wendy PatersonAuxologist

Sheila KhannaBone Densitometrist

VacantPaediatric Endocrine Specialist Nurse

Clinical Trainees

2 ST3+ posts (incl 1 Grid Trainee)

1 Academic FY post

(c)Duties of the Post:

Clinical Service

A paediatric endocrine service at Yorkhill has been available for 4 decades. It is now one of the busiest and most comprehensive services in Europe serving the 3.0 million population of the West of Scotland with specialist clinics in many fields of paediatric endocrinology. The service has strong links with other district and regional centres in Scotland and for many rare endocrine conditions such as DSD and metabolic bone, the service covers the whole of Scotland through joint clinics and clinical networks. There are a number of additional MDT specialist clinics which deliver both regional and national endocrine services. These include hyperinsulinism, endocrine genetic tumours and Prader-willi.

A weight management clinic has also been recently established and this is in the process of being developed further.

The diabetes clinics are primarily covered by the diabetes team at Yorkhill, which is one of the largest paediatric diabetes services in the UK, with over 600 patients. This service is run independently of the endocrine service.

Paediatric endocrinology is a very popular post amongst clinical trainees at Yorkhill and the service has a long tradition of clinical and academic training.

Yorkhill is an accredited training centre for paediatric diabetes and endocrinology and we currently have a national grid trainee in post.

There are:

  • 800 new patients seen per year
  • 3000 follow up patients seen per year
  • 350 children treated with human growth hormone
  • 50 new growth hormone patients per annum
  • over ~700 day case endocrine admissions per annum

Clinics performed by the Endocrinology & Diabetes Service at Yorkhill (*incl GGC)

The following clinics are currently in operation.

Clinics / Freq
(per yr) / MDT Clinics / Freq
(per yr)
General Endocrinology / 200 / Complex Bone Clinic
Hyperinsulinism / 24
Diabetes* / 175 / Endocrine Genetic Tumour / 2
Late Effects (Leuk,Onc,BMT) / 42 / Craniopharyngioma
Weight Management / 2
Endocrine Transition / 12
8 / Scottish Network, Glasgow / 4
Renal Growth
Prader Willi / 4
4 / Bone Disorder Clinic (Edinburgh) Bone Disorder Clinic (Aberdeen) / 3
Endocrine Outreach / 8 / Scottish DSD Network (Edinburgh) / 2
Scottish DSD(Aberdeen) / 2

Consultant Post

Title: Locum Consultant in Paediatric Endocrinology

The successful candidate will be committed to delivering endocrine services in Greater Glasgow and Clyde. A specialist interest that dovetails with the interests of the current consultant team would be welcome.


This post has arisen as a result of a retirement within the service.

Work Plan

The appointee will be contracted for 10 programmed endocrine activities per week. A suggested work plan is attached. The appointee will be expected to cover for colleagues annual, study and sick leave. The appointee will be based at RHSC and will undertake 2 general endocrinology clinics and one speciality endocrine clinic every week. The ‘speciality’ endocrine clinics may also include one diabetes clinic per month. All these clinics shall not exceed 3 clinics a week, on average. The post holder shall take over the running of some of the speciality clinics and the out-reach clinics run by the last post-holder. The post-holder shall also take over the lead for education and supervision of trainees.

On-Call For Endocrinology

The post holder will be expected to participate in a revised on-call system for endocrinology, whereby, one consultant is expected to be contactable for 1 week in 3 and will be available to go round with the Endocrine FY2 and/or Registrar on the morning business round. There is a weekly joint endocrine grand-round which will act as the point of handover. Although, the endocrine consultant is not expected to be available to see patients in person at night or on weekends, the consultant is expected to maintain telephone and email contact with the hospital.

General Paediatric Duties

General paediatric duties are being re-designed in preparation for the move to the new children’s hospital in 2014, until then the post holder is expected to make a contribution to the general on-call receiving on approximately a 1 in 12 basis. During this week, the post-holder will not hold any endocrine clinics. The post-holder will not have any general paediatric outpatient clinics.

Proposed Job plan

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Am / Business round
admin / Unit meeting
Clinic / Business Round
MDT meeting / Business round Admin/results meeting / Business round/Admin
Pm / Clinic / Ward round / SPA / Clinic

Other activities which have not been included above include

  1. network education & activities
  2. travel to outreach clinics

Programmed Activity Commitment

  • The post has 10 programmed activities consisting of 9 direct clinical PAs and 1 supporting professional activity. More SPA time maybe negotiated depending on the requirements of the individual consultant or if the post holder is required to undertake additional non-clinical duties.
  • The post-holder will undertake the administrative duties associated with the care of his/her patients and the running of his/her clinical department.

Accreditation requirements from prospective applicants

Applicant should have completed Specialist Training or equivalent and be entered on the GMC Specialist register or be eligible to be listed within six months of interview.

Office Accommodation/ Secretarial support

Office accommodation including computer facilities is available for the consultant. There is secretarial provision, which the appointee will share with colleagues. A total of 1.5 wte support is available for the three consultant and nurse posts.

Maintaining Medical Excellence

The organization is committed to providing safe and effective care for patients. To ensure this there is an agreed procedure for medical staff that enables them to report quickly and confidentially, concerns about the conduct, performance or health of medical colleagues (Chief Medical Officer, December 1996). All medical staff practicing within the organization should ensure that they are familiar with the procedure and apply it.

Risk Management

The Health Board has a Risk Management Strategy. All Consultant Medical Staff are required to adhere to the principles and practices contained therein.

Other Activities


The Health Board has a commitment to the teaching of undergraduate students from the University of Glasgow. The successful applicant would be expected to participate in both informal and formal teaching programmes for undergraduates and all levels of junior medical, nursing, and paramedical staff where appropriate.


The department is actively involved in research and is affiliated to the University of Glasgow. The lead clinician for Research and Development for Children’s Services is Professor Faisal Ahmed.

Clinical Audit and Clinical Governance

The postholder must be aware of clinical governance and clinical risk management and take an active part in their implementation, including audit. Clinical audit in the hospital is supported by an Audit Department with appropriate staff.


For 1 WTE: 6 weeks annual leave and 10 days per year of statutory public holidays

Consultants in the department participate in cover for annual and study leave. Absence must be planned in advance by discussion with consultant colleagues.

Continuous Professional Development

Continuous professional development is supported according to the guidance of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.

Medical Advisory Machinery

The postholder will be a member of the Yorkhill Medical Staff Association and the Division of Child Health.

Educational Supervision of Junior Doctors

The postholder may be responsible for supervision and training of junior doctors

Work Programme

The work programme attached to this job plan is detailed earlier in this section.

Dedicated time has been appropriately set aside for supporting professional activities within the defined work plan.

General Provisions

You will be expected to work with local managers and professional colleagues in the efficient running of services and will share with Consultant colleagues in the medical contribution to management. Subject to the provision of the Terms and Conditions, you are expected to observe the Division’s agreed policies and procedures, drawn up in consultation with the profession on clinical matters, and to follow the standing orders and financial instruction of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. In particular, where you manage employees of the Division, you will be expected to follow the local and national employment and personnel policies and procedures. You will be expected to make sure that there are adequate arrangements for hospital staff involved in the care of your patients to be able to contact you when necessary.

All medical and dental staff employed by the Division are expected to comply with all Hospital Health and Safety Policies within the Division.

Details of Arrangements For Applicants To VisitHospital


Further information can be obtained from

Dr M Guftar Shaikh

el 0141 232 1889

Sec 0141 201 0243

Professor Faisal Ahmed

l 0141 201 0571

Dr Graham Stewart, Clinical Director

Within the Women and Children’s Directorate the following list of useful contact names and addresses are available:

  • Kevin Hill , Women and Children’s Services, RHSC, Tel Number 0141 201 0473
  • Dr Jim Beattie, Associate Medical Director, RHSC, Tel number 0141 201 0515
  • Dr Graham Stewart, Clinical Director Medical Paediatrics, Tel Number 0141 201 0128
  • Dr Kenneth Robertson, Clinical Lead GGC Children's Diabetes Service
  • Tel 0141 201 6923
  • Mrs Elaine Love, Head of Nursing, RHSC, Tel Number 0141 201 0006
  • Mr Jamie Redfern, General Manager, Women and Children’s Directorate, RHSC, Tel Number 0141 201 9273
  • Mrs Lynne Robertson, Clinical Services Manager, RHSC, Tel Number 0141 201 0033

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde

Women and Children’s Directorate

Person Specification

Job Title:- Locum Consultant Endocrinologist

Qualifications / Essential / Desirable
Medically qualified with MRCPCH or equivalent / √
Experience of paediatric endocrinology leading to CCT. Applicants must have full GMC registration, a licence to practice / √
Higher Degree / √
Experience / Essential / Desirable
Comprehensive general endocrinology / √
Endocrine Speciality experience / √
Behavioural Competencies / Essential / Desirable
Ability to work in multi-disciplinary team / √
Flexible / √
Excellent written and oral communication skills / √
Ability to organise effectively. / √
Other / Essential / Desirable
Experience in medical research and audit / √
Experience in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education / √
Experience in protocol and guideline development / √


The conditions of service are those laid down and amended from time to time by the Hospital and Medical & Dental Whitley Council.