SEIU 888 Executive Board Meeting
Decembr 16, 2010
529 Main Street, Charlestown, MA
Present: Capone, DelloRusso, Durkin, Gillis, Krasinkiewski, Murray, Reno, Rodrigues, Scolamiero, Simmons, Swift, Christon, Kelly, Phillips, Boccardy, Koumantzelis.
Also Present: Jones, Legal Dir.; Villafane, Political Dir.; McCabe, Executive Dir.; David DiMaria, External Organizing Dir.; Shanna Weston, Internal Organizing Dir.
Absent: Bassett, Durand, Ramirez, Tenaglia. Excused: Angel Alvarez
The meeting was called to order at: 10:56 a.m.(The Trustees were still meeting to discuss the budget.) Tina Swift took the roll. Results above.
Motion: To approve the minutes from 10-28-10. Vote: All ayes.
President’s Report. The move to the new offices should be completed by next week. The Holyoke office opened last Saturday. We have two rooms and there is a common area. President Boccardy has been making chapter visits to Winchester, Ludlow. COPE and member participation will never get off the ground unless our chapters trust us. The staff knows that they must be accountable, so that we can have all chapters trust us and be willing to work with us. Pres. Boccardy wants to know the status of every chapter. The Trustees are approving the budget right now.
Old Business:
Steven Lewis, SEIU 509 Treasurer (Human Service Workers), Chair of COPE, Member of the Exececutive Board of Greater Boston Labor Council, brought a slide show from US Labor Against the War. First slide: The real price of the Iraq Occupation. In 2007, $137 Billion went to the war. In 2008, $162 Billion more (in addition to $44 Billion already appropriated) went to the war. This war costs $500,000/minute. We have had over 87,000 casualties. Pres. GW Bush transferred 170,000 workers to Homeland Security, abrogating their union contracts (denying them representation). 25% of returning vets have applied for disability; 20,000 have TBI (even though not previously reported). Veterans’ benefits have been cut. Gulf War vets’ children, many have severe birth defects – due to warriors’ exposure to depleted uranium (DU). We are still using DU in Iraq. Acts of terrorism have increased 270% since this war was mounted. Over the next ten years, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost $2.4 Trillion . In 2007, the US military budget was raised to $532.8 Billion. This did not include vets’ benefits, nuclear warheads, etc. which is buried in the secret “black budget.” Our gross national debt has increased by $2.4 Trillion (11 zeros). Join US Labor against the war by donating $25 or more per year.
Motion: To un-table motion from the previous meeting. Vote: All Ayes.
Motion: Local 888 will affiliate with US Labor Against the War with $125 donation.
Discussion: What does affiliation mean? 888 can do what they wish, but US Labor Against the War will continue to lobby against the war. We want to support the troops but end the war.
Vote: 2 opposed, 9 ayes.
Harold Jones spoke about Evergreen. The SJC ruled in October that the Evergreen Clause which extended (expired) contracts past three years is illegal. Harold distributed a document titled Mass. Public Employee Coalition. If a step 1 grievance was filed before the contract expired, or the grievable event occurred before the contract expired, then arbitrations can go forward.
Dues Equity. Mark DelloRusso told of the last vote for dues. Local 509 is capped at $16, but it is going up $1/week for the next four years. A percentage rate for dues seems to be the most equitable. 1.6% is the standard. Mark, Lynn, Tony, and Regina (dues committee) will make recommendations for a new dues structure that will be equitable. That report will be given in February.
Pres. Boccardy read excerpts from the Boston Globe, “Patrick Asks for More Cuts.” Many cuts were enumerated, including local aid. Municipal workers are being hit hard with cuts.
Budget consideration. The Trustees endorsed the presented budget summary.
Motion: To pass the 2011 budget. Vote: All ayes.
Staff Updates. Antonio distributed the financial statements (the audit). The Trustees have approved the audit.
Motion: To approve $70,362.99 for moving expenses, taken from surplus money.
Vote: All ayes
Dave DiMaria is working with Hopkinton and other groups. Oxford teaching assistantts and therapists have been certified. There are 180 new members in Springfield but some are not happy with the contract. New units come in with 1.6% dues payment.
Internal organization update. Three different contracts in Tyngsboro were being negotiated at once at one table. The DPW workers left, got $15/month. The clericals stuck together and got a minimum of 12% and restoration of hours.
Stewards Training was successful and fairly well attended.
Finance and Admin update. The move is not on target due to slow renovations. SEIU 888 might need to stay here (Schrafft Bldg) for 13 more days.
Motion: To endorse Mike Kelly for state retirement board. Vote: All ayes.
The next meeting will be on February 17, 2011 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The motion to adjourn passed unanimously at 2:29 p.m.
Respectfullly submitted,
Tina Swift, Amherst, Mass.