Application for the Colorado Association of Libraries’

Leadership Institute

Thank you for applying to be part of the CAL Leadership Institute. Our goal is to develop leaders within CAL and the Colorado library community by:

  1. Allowing an exploration and understanding of personal leadership styles.
  2. Developing key relationships among participants, presenters, and the larger library community through inquiry (listening and understanding others), advocacy (learning about issues and taking a stand), and networking (building collaborative networks and creating coalitions for change).
  3. Providing the necessary professional development opportunities to grow leaders at all levels of library organizations.

The program will start with a 2day introductory session on September 25-26at a location in the Denver Metro Area and will continue over the next 13 months with a mix of physical and virtual workshops, culminating in a final session prior to the 2015 CAL conference. In addition to the introductory and final session, physical meetings are also planned onOctober 16, 2014 (prior to the CAL Conference in Loveland), March 2015 for Library Lobby Day, Late Aprilin Pueblo, to coincide with the CLiC Spring Workshop (3 days)and a one day session in July. Virtual meetings are planned for January, February, May, June and September. The time commitment will be for 9 days of structured workshops during the year and an average of 10 hours each month of outside participation.

Anyone who is a CAL member and works in the library field is eligible to apply. Because we are looking to develop leaders throughout the library community, there are no requirements for minimum or maximum work experience. If selected, participants must attend all sessions; participate in all class discussions, activities, exercises, and online discussion/blogging; and complete all required reading and assignments. Participant expenses are estimated to bea minimum of $300 with $120 due upon acceptance to the program. Individual expenses will vary depending on travel, meals, etc.; some financial assistance may be available. After completing the program, participants will commit to 2 years of service within CAL (e.g., committees, task forces, elected positions with CAL or CAL units).

For your application, please address the following points in an essay (1-2 pages), or a 2-5 minute multimedia presentation of your choice (e.g. Prezi, Animoto or other innovative format):

  • Why are you interested in this program? What skills do you hope to gain or enhance through participation in this program?
  • Describe your experience with leadership, including your own roles or traits as well as and an example of a leader you admire and why.
  • At the end of the program, how do you see yourself participating as a leader or in a leadership role within CAL?

As part of your application, please include the following:

  • current resume or CV
  • confirmation from your employer that you will be able to attend meetings and participate in virtual working groups (final dates and locations TBA)
  • two letters of recommendation
  • signed application form [see below]

Name: ______Preferred Name (if applicable):______

Preferred mailing address: ______


E-mail: ______

Title: ______

Organization: ______

Years at current position: ______Total years of experience: ______

Education: ______

CAL activities: ______


Other professional activities: ______


If accepted, I agree to attend all sessions of the CAL Leadership Program (including initial and final sessions in 2014 and 2015) at my own expense (less any institutional support or other grants) and to accept an appointment to a CAL committee, task force, or other CAL-related position for two years.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good:




Confirmation of supervisor approval:

As the applicant’s supervisor, I hereby approve ______’s application for the CAL Leadership Program and will work with the applicant as necessary to ensure full participation at physical and virtual workshops.



Send applications to or fax to 303.458.0002

Questions about the program contact Elizabeth Kelsen-Huber or

Joanna Nelson
