Bonita Vista Middle School
General Science 2/3 - Physical Science Syllabus
Mr. Brian Dougherty
Course Description
This course will be a fascinating journey through the world of science, specifically physical science. We will explore the following topics: scientific investigation, motion, forces, structure of matter, density and buoyancy, the periodic table, stars, and the planets.
Recommended Class Materials for Class Everyday
- Spiral-bound Notebook, minimum 100 sheets; must measure 8 - 1/2 x 11 inches.
- Pencils/Pens
(If you cannot get these materials please bring a letter signed by a parent/guardian and I will provide one for you)
Optional Class Materials
- Glue Stick.
- Colored Pencils.
- Pencil Sharpener.
- Ruler.
Classroom Procedures
- Come in quietly and get started with the warm up activity.
- Clean up your work area when instructed by the teacher.
- Wait to be dismissed by the teacher.
Class Rules
- Be prepared and seated with all needed classroom materials before the bell rings.
- Be an attentive listener.
- Raise your hand and wait to be called on.
- Be respectful to people, ideas, and the property of others, including the classroom.
- Stay in your seat unless you are instructed otherwise.
- Be a productive member of the class and stay on task.
NOTE: Food, drink, gum, or electronic devices are not allowed in class. Ever.
Consequences for Breaking Class Rules
- Warning 5. Parent Conference
- Move Seat 6. Referral
- Move seat and one-on-one conversation 7. Suspension by Teacher
- Sent to buddy teacher and call home
If student does not come prepared with a pencil/pen and his/her science notebook he/she will get an automatic ARC referral (after school detention). Students need to be responsible and come prepared.
Student Responsibilities
- You need to keep a complete, neat, and organized notebook. This will contain all of your work and you will use it in order to prepare for tests in this class.
- If you do not complete the homework assignments you will be assigned AEC (after school tutoring) where you will complete the assigned homework.
- If you do not achieve mastery (70%) on a quiz/test, you will be required to retake the quiz/test with the exception of the Quarterly and EOC exams. To retake the quiz/test you must attend all re-teaching sessions. Failure to attend the re-teaching sessions will result in Saturday school. If you do not show up to Saturday school then you will get an automatic ARC referral (after school detention).
Absences and Tardies
- You are responsible for making up any missing work for the day of your absence. Ask your classmates what you missed and find the work in the back of the class.
- On thethirdunexcused tardy you will get an automatic referral which will result in after school detention
Academic Grade
Your grade is calculated from the following:
- Tests=30% (Includes Quarterly and EOC exams)
- Quizzes=30%
- Labs=20%
- Projects =20% (Includes Interactive Science Notebook)
Citizenship Grade
Your grade is calculated from the following:
- Behavior=33%
- Participation (Homework)=33%
- Attendance =33%
Lab or Group Work
• Horseplay and/or misuse of lab equipment WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and will result in removal from the lab and a mandatory meeting with parent will be set in order to review safety guidelines and sign a safety contract.
- If you don’t understand something, please ask for help during class.
Note to Parents
I look forward to helping your son/daughter experience the scientific principles of investigation and the basic structure of matter that composes the objects around us. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Please contact me at
Mr. Dougherty
Directions: Please print and sign and date. Return the entire syllabus to the teacher.
I, ______, have read and understood the Science 2 physical science syllabus.
(print student name)
Student Signature
Date ______
Email ______
I, ______, have read and understood my child’s science syllabus.
(print parent/guardian’s name)
Parent/Guardian Signature
Email ______