JNT Supplemental Application and Info

Please fill out this application if you are applying for the Junior National Team (JNT) or if you have aspirations to move up to the JNT in 2018. There is also more specific information about the JNT for applicants to review. Be sure to read through the team schedule, rough financial costs, and fill out the volunteer sheet. Questions?Please contact:

Athlete Name ______

First MILast

USA passport? (Y/N): / Expiration Date:

Note: If you currently don’t have a passport, please start the application process to obtain one. If your passport expires before January 2019, please start the renewal process.

Personal Statement

Please provide a personal statement (100-200 words) to help the National Junior Program coaches get to know you.

If you are not a 2017 Junior National Team member, you might wish to address these questions:

●How has orienteering benefited you since you first tried it?

●What could you offer to your orienteering club and the O community?

●What do you dream of accomplishing in orienteering?

●What else would you like the JNC’s to know about you?

If you are a 2017 Junior National Team member re-applying for 2018, please address these questions:

●Describe how you have impacted the team and the Team has impacted you.

●What goals did you accomplish this year? What goals are still out there?

●In 2018, what would you like to improve for yourself and what would you like to see improved on the team?

Please type in the box below

Permission to Travel


Medical and Emergency Contact Information

~ In the case of siblings, please complete one form for each athlete ~

Section A: To be completed for all participants:

Orienteering is an outdoor athletic activity.
Athlete has the following special allergies and/or medical issues:
Athlete’s hospitalization carrier and policy number:
Please provide TWO parent/relative emergency contacts:
Names / Phone numbers

Section B: To be completed for all participants under age 18. At least one signature is required:

I/we, / ,
name(s) of parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of the athlete
the Parent(s)/Legal Guardian(s) of / ,
name of athlete

hereby authorize(s) the Junior National Coach and OUSA officially designated coaches and adults to accompany / chaperone my/our son/daughter during national orienteering training camps, trips and races, which may include interstate and international travel.

Signature of Parent / Legal Guardian / Date

Parent / Guardian Volunteering Opportunities

Please review the following list of areas where help is needed for the Team, and select at least one in which you would be interested/willing to contribute:

Enter “X” to select

Team fundraising
Organizing team activities such as travel and lodging for races.
Team publicity and media communications
ONA correspondent
Other (please specify):
(anything else you wish to convey):

2018 Team Calendar

Please read through the calendar carefully as there are recommendations based on regional location. If you have conflicts with mandatory races, please notify national coaches.


Jan 12-15, 2018 Georgia Navigator Cup (East Coast and Central regions recommended)

March 17-25, 2018 California O-week and JWOC Team Trials 23-25th (Mandatory team trials, Everyone recommended for the week)

April 6-8, 2018 Flying Pig (Central and East coast recommended)

April 28-29, 2018 Troll Cup, US Junior Nationals (Interscholastics, Intercollegiate and WUOC Team Trials)

July 1-16, 2018 Prep JWOC camp and JWOC (by selection)

Aug 17-21, 2018 North American Orienteering Champs, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada (Mandatory everyone)

National Training Camps

JWOC 2019 Training Camp, Denmark July 16-22, 2018 (Recommended for anyone aspiring to compete at JWOC in 2019)

October 19-21, 2018 National Training Camp (Location TBD)

Regional Training Camps

West Coast (Recommended for athletes living in the West)

January 5-8, 2018 San Diego

February 16-18, 2018 Vancouver Sprint Camp 2018

Feb 18-24,2018 Arizona Training Camp

May 26-27, 2018 TBD

Central (Recommended for juniors living in the Midwest)

May 26-27 2018 TBD

East Coast (Recommended for athletes living in the east coast)

March 17-18, 2018 QOC annual training camp

May 26-27, 2018 TBD

Early June 2018 CSU Boston Sprint Camp

September2018 DVOA Camp

Europe (Recommended for Juniors who live in Europe)

February 2018 Europe Camp in Spain (specific dates TBD)

Financial Considerations for JNT Members

JNT applicants should consider the financial commitment.

Participation on the Junior National Team requires a team uniform and a significant amount of travel by the athletes. The table below provides example cost estimates for events and the uniform. Please note that these are estimates and may change. Returning team members may be able to utilize their 2016 uniforms.

JTESC recognizes that these costs represent a significant financial burden for the athletes and their families. Through JTESC/JDT/JNT fundraising efforts and donations to the Junior Program, we are often able to reduce these costs. Athletes who would like to participate but cannot due to financial hardship should speak with the Junior National Coach (Erin).

Estimated costs per athlete

Training Camp/Race / Travel1 / Accom-
modation / Event Transportation / Equipment or entry / Food / Total
Oct Natl Camp / $400 / $40 / $50 / $30 / $100 / $620
Denmark Natl Camp / $1200 / $400 / $100 / $80 / $100 / $1880
JWOC Team Trials / $450 / $100 / $50 / $100 / $100 / $800
NAOC / $1100 / $100 / $50 / $100 / $50 / $1400
National Events (2) / $800 / $100 / $40 / $80 / $120 / $1140
Regional training camps (2) / $400 / $100 / $40 / $40 / $80 / $660
Team Uniform2 / $130
(2 weeks
in Europe for training and JWOC) / $1200 / $1,600 / $100 / $100 / $200 / $3200
Total / $5,550 / $2,440 / $430 / $530 / $750 / $9,700

(footnotes are on next page)


  1. Travel numbers are for airfare.
  2. Amount for Team Uniform includes: pants, socks, shirt, and jacket.
  3. JWOC is by selection. The estimate assumes a two-week trip to Europe, with subsidies allocated by JTESC.
  4. The total number is for everything. Most athletes will only be participating in some events. Our goal is to support juniors in their travel, the more fundraising we can do as a team the more we will be able to reduce these costs.