What is Arlington West Rotary, and how we give “Service Above Self”

Arlington West Rotary, chartered in 1980, is a grass-roots organization consisting of business professionals and community leaders that volunteer time, talent and resources in order to remedy vital community needs. There are over 1.2 million members in all clubs worldwide.

General Description

Individual Rotary clubs belong to Rotary International. Individual members, or Rotarians, belong to a club, The Arlington West Rotary Club. The Club is where most of Rotarians' meaningful service work is carried out. Clubs can be engaged not only in their communities, but also internationally.

Arlington West Rotary Club's Service

We identify community needs, and spend a significant amount of our resources here, in Arlington. However, by leveraging our resources, our club is ableto support solutions locally, nationally, and overseas. Naturally, this is why the Club relies heavily on its members and community support to achieve its goals. New members bring new energy, resources, and generally help the Club to achieve much more. Whether a member is participating in a Club project, creates a project that the Club/Board agrees to support, or the Club (as a whole) supports The Rotary Foundation efforts, there are many ways that we can Serve the Community.

Arlington West Rotary’s principal effort is enhancing Education and Literacy

•We raise funds for “adopted Arlington schools” through our annual golf tournament.

•Award four scholarships annually to Martin High School seniors.

•Give two scholarships annually to Arlington Venture H.S. seniors

•Recognize two Martin Students-of-the-Month and one Teacher of the Month, each month.

•Grant annually, two Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) to Martin High School juniors, and send them to the RYLA Leadership Conference.

•Donate a book to an elementary school each week in the name of our program speaker.

•Donate dictionaries annually to elementary school students.

•Sponsor the Rotary Interact Club at Martin High School

•Actively support an Arlington Adoption Awareness program

•Tutor students, and provide financial grant support for H.O.P.E.

Other Activities

•Participate in blood drives.

•Ring bells for the Salvation Army.

•Give to local charities like Mission Arlington.

•Through local fundraising, we support Rotary International’s “Polio Plus” program to eradicate polio worldwide.

What about our international efforts?

•Rotary and itshealth partners, has contributed over $800 million to eradicate polio.

•Constructed elementary schools in Afghanistan.

•Drilled water wells in third-world countries like Honduras.

•Provided disaster relief throughout the world.

•Supplied thousands of needed wheelchairs to the disabled in Mexico working through and with local Mexican Rotary Clubs.