Provide the following information for these conditions: Osteoporosis, Osteomalacia

  1. Provide definition and pathophysiology of each condition.
  2. Discuss the risk factors for each condition.
  3. Discuss the typical signs/symptoms of each condition.
  4. Describe labwork & diagnostic testing done to diagnose each condition.
  5. Describe the medical management (pharmacological and non-pharmacological) of each condition.

6. Describe the medical & surgical management for

Hip Fracture: Intracapsular vs extracapsular

Include the following information:

  1. Definition & pathophysiology of the fracture
  2. Typical signs & symptoms of the fracture
  3. Potential complications of each fracture
  4. Medical management (pharmacologic & nonpharmacologic)
  5. Surgical procedures (open/closed reduction and internal fixation; hemiarthroplasty.
  6. Post-op care including nursing care, labwork & diagnostic testing, post-op activity restrictions and patient education.

7. What are potential post-op complications for hip

surgeries? Describe the nursing care provided to address each of

these potential complications.

(sources for 1-7 should be from a medical surgical textbook, reliable internet sources that provide medical information written for health care personnel (not written for general public; sources for 4 may also include a lab and diagnostic reference book; sources for 6f should also include the NWH clinical packet PDF on the fac web site including the helpful hints for ortho, the bone and joint handout, the physical therapy handout).

8. Write out a medication page (in syllabus) for each of the following


(include classification of med, how medication works, purpose for this patient population, nursing considerations including side effects & contraindications, labs to monitor)

  1. Heparin Sodium 5000 units SQ Q8H
  2. Cholecalciferol 400 units PO QD
  3. Calcium Citrate 500mg POBID
  4. Alendronate 70mg PO QMonday 0700
  5. Calcitonin 200 IU (1 spray) Intranasal QD, alternate nostrils.
  6. Miralax 17gm POBID
  7. Vancomycin 1gm IVPB Q12H x 2 doses
  8. Biscodyl 10mg PR QD PRN
  9. Oxycodone 5-10mg PO Q4H PRN
  10. Acetaminophen 325-650mg PO Q4H PRN
  11. Lactated Ringers 80ml/hr X1 Liter

(sources for 8 may include a nursing drug reference book or Micromedex)

Include reference page for all sources used in preparing prep work. Cite references in text as well.
