Earth Science Syllabus

Mrs. Tucker



Course Description:

Earth Science is the study of the earth and the systems of the earth. We will look at volcanoes, plate tectonics, earthquakes, rocks, rivers, oceans, weather, energy, minerals, water, and conservation. We will be looking at how the systems of the earth work together and how carefully constructed the earth and the processes that happen on earth are. We will also be looking the history of Earth and the difficulties associated with this task.

Required Materials

Text Book: Prentice Hall Earth Science – make sure to keep a copy at home, you don’t need to bring it to class.



Three-ring binder or folder (somewhere you can keep all of your papers)

Composition Book (for a lab book) – you need to bring it by August 23rd.

Lab Reports:

Generally, for each lab experiment performed by the student, a lab report including any pertinent information necessary. It will come in different formats based on what lab we are doing.

Homework/MWF Expectations:

Homework will be assigned for each chapter from the textbooks or handouts, and a lab report will be assigned for each lab performed. You are expected to complete the work assigned for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday even though you will not come to science class. Your homework/MWF work will be due at the beginning of the period. If it is not done at the beginning of the period you will get 10% off (see late work below).

Absent work:

If you are absent, you will have one class days to make up the work. Example: If you are absent on Tuesday and return on Thursday your absent work will be due the following Tuesday. It is your responsibility to get the absent work and to turn it in. If you have an unexcused absence it will result in 10% off any assignments or tests for that day.

Late Work:

It is the student’s responsibility to complete all assignments on time. Late work will be accepted only up until the test for that chapter is given after the original due date for 10% off for each day it is late, if the assignment has not been handed back. Late work will not be accepted after that time unless the teacher qualifies extenuating circumstances, and chooses to give the student an alternate assignment.


At the end of each unit, a test will be given, usually covering 1 chapter in the book. If a student misses only the test day due to an excused absence, he or she will be required to take the test on the day he or she returns. In the case of extended absences, the student has one day for each day of absence to complete makeup work.


Any student who obtains a grade of below 70% on a major test may take a retest to raise that grade. A maximum grade of 70% may be obtained by taking a retest. Retests will usually be given within one week of the original test date. Retests are given outside of class time – at lunch or after school. Students are strongly encouraged to attend a tutoring session prior to taking a retest.

Grading Policy:

Tests and quizzes will count as 35% of your grade

Labs will be 35% of your grade

Homework Assignments will be 30% of your grade

Classroom Expectations:

1.  Respect yourself, the teacher, & others

a.  Show respect at all times

b.  Respect others property. Avoid touching or writing on anything that does not belong to you (including desks, textbooks, teacher’s belongings, walls, whiteboard, etc.). Don’t expect that other will clean-up your messes. Please pick up after yourself.

c.  Be a kind person

2.  Put forth your best effort at all times

a.  Always do your own best work.

b.  Put learning ahead of getting good grades.

c.  Put quality ahead of just getting it done.

3.  Be prepared for class each day

a.  Come prepared with all materials necessary: binder, handouts, paper, pens, pencils, highlighters, and planner.

4.  Follow directions when given

a.  When directions are given, do your best to follow them the first time. If you are confused or have questions, ask. I would rather have you stop class to clarify than be off task while everyone else is working.

5.  Pay attention, participate, and ask questions

a.  Engage in what is going on in the classroom. If you have a question, ask it! Otherwise, I might not know until the test that you didn’t understand something.

6.  Preserve a positive learning environment

a.  Student actions that interfere with teaching or learning in the classroom will NOT be tolerated.

b.  Use class time to learn Earth science. Please do not spend your time grooming, sleeping, talking, writing notes, or doing work for other classes.

c.  Minimize classroom interruptions by arriving to class on time and not leaving the classroom during the hour.

7.  Take responsibility for YOUR actions

a.  If you are confronted about breaking a rule, own up to it. Don’t deny it, lie about it, or blame someone else.

b.  Take responsibility for missed assignments.

c.  All handbook rules will be enforced. Please read your handbook.

Classroom Rules:

I am looking forward to a great learning year. In order to do that we need to have some rules and expectations outlined.

In this classroom you will be expected to:

1.  No electronic devices – they should be turned off, stored in backpacks and not visible. If I see or hear electronic devices they will be confiscated and kept until the end of the period.

2.  No food or drink, except water

3.  Arrive to class on time & ready to learn – when the bell rings, you need to be sitting in your assigned seat. You should immediately begin the bell ringer. Be “physically” and “mentally” present in the classroom.

4.  Never line up at the door before dismissal – please remain in your seat until I have dismissed you. Never line up at the door before dismissal, I dismiss you, not the clock.

5.  Do not cheat, plagiarize, or copy work – cheating is completely unacceptable. If I see you cheating on any assignment… even for another class… I will give you a zero. Plagiarism (copying work from another source without giving proper credit) is completely unacceptable. If you plagiarize on any assignment you will earn a “0” on that assignment.

6.  Use polite and appropriate language – In order to have a safe classroom environment where all students feel comfortable, no put downs or slang word with demeaning connotations will be accepted. Remember, if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all!

7.  Do your best work & turn it in on time – Remember the work you turn in is a reflection of your effort on the assignment. Think about the following expectations when you are preparing an assignment:

Write your full name and assignment name on all assignments.

All work must be neatly done and legible in order to receive credit. If you print, capitalize properly.

ALL MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS, ESSAYS, & PROJECTS MUST BE TYPED. Final drafts need to be formatted as follows: 12-point font, double-spaced, 1” margins, and use a “normal font” such as Arial, Comic Sans, Times New Roman, etc.

Class Procedures:

1.  Turn in homework to the proper bin. Homework is due at the beginning of the hour when you come to class. I will not accept work completed once class begins. Turn in absent/late work into the absent/late work bin and note on the assignment if it is late or absent.

2.  Pick up after yourself before you leave – take all of your belongings, pick up any scrap papers around you, and push your chair in. If we are doing a lab you are to completely clean up your lab instruments before you are dismissed. If you leave before you finish cleaning up you will receive a detention.

3.  Get missed work from teacher, talk to a friend about what to do, then ask the teacher if you are not sure – your attendance is extremely important for the maximum amount of learning. Being on time and present in class mentally and physically will help you succeed in this class. If you are absent it is your responsibility to obtain any missed class work. Begin by looking for missed handouts in the ABSENT bin. Then ask another student (your study buddy) what you missed. Follow-up with the teacher if necessary. Make arrangements to take quizzes and tests immediately. It is your responsibility to make these arrangements; I will not and cannot track you down. If you do not make-up quizzes or tests in a timely manner (within a week) you will earn a “zero” on the quiz or test.

Class Consequences:

1.  Verbal

2.  Lunch Detention

3.  Notify home – either a call or e-mail

4.  Referral to the office and/or behavior contract

Broken/Damaged Equipment:

Please notify the teacher immediately of any broken or damaged equipment. At the teacher’s discretion, a student or group of students may be required to pay for equipment breakage or damage.


Unit Time Chapter and Topics

Earth’s Materials

1 6 Weeks Ch. 1 Introduction to Earth Science

Ch. 2 Minerals

Ch. 3 Rocks

Ch. 4 Earth’s Resources

Sculpturing Earth’s Surface

2 5 Weeks Ch. 5 Weathering, Soil, and Mass Movement

Ch. 6 Running Water and Groundwater

Ch. 7 Glaciers, Deserts, and Wind

Forces Within

3 6 Weeks Ch. 8 Earthquakes and Earth’s Interior

Ch. 9 Plate Tectonics

Ch. 10 Volcanoes and Other Igneous Activity

Ch. 11 Mountain Building

Historical Geology

4 5 Weeks Ch. 12 Geologic Time

Ch. 13 Earth’s History

Ch. 13A California’s Resources and Natural



5 6 Weeks Ch. 14 The Ocean Floor

Ch. 15 Ocean Water and Ocean Life

Ch. 16 The Dynamic Ocean


6 5 Weeks Ch. 17 The Atmosphere: Structure and Temperature

Ch. 18 Moisture, Clouds, and Precipitation

Ch. 19 Air Pressure and Wind

Ch. 20 Weather Patterns and Severe Storms Ch. 21 Climate


7 5 Weeks Ch. 22 Origin of Modern Astronomy

Ch. 23 Touring Our Solar System

Ch. 24 Studying the Sun

Ch. 25 Beyond Our Solar System

Laboratory Safety

The purpose of these guidelines is to make the student aware of his/her responsibility for lab safety. Please read the following lab safety guidelines.

•Wear proper eye protection at all times during lab activities involving chemicals or open flame. Know the location of the eye wash equipment.

•Confine or securely tie hair that reaches to shoulders. Remember hair is very flammable!

•Do Not eat, drink or chew gum in the classroom or laboratory. Dangerous chemicals may get in your mouth. Never taste anything in the laboratory unless specifically instructed to do so by your teacher. No chemicals or other lab materials are to be removed from class.

•Do only the experiments assigned and in the manner prescribed.

•Never engage in horseplay or practical jokes in a science classroom or laboratory.

•Avoid inhaling chemical fumes; avoid filling pipets by using your mouth; consider all chemicals dangerous unless they are known to be otherwise.

•Footwear that completely covers the foot it highly recommended during lab work.

•The teacher is to be notified immediately in case of an accident; no matter how trivial it may appear.

•Know the locations of the fire extinguisher, fire blanket, eye wash, safety shower and first aid kit.

•Notify the instructor immediately of any spills on your clothing.

•Do not return chemicals to their original containers or pour down sink unless you are instructed to do so.

•Never point the open end of a test tube being heated at yourself or others.

•Always add acid to water (AA). Particularly with concentrated sulfuric and hydrochloric acids.

Please reread this over with your parents. You and a parent need to sign and return to me Thursday, August 18th. This is an assignment. You will receive points for returning it to me on time. If there are any questions please let me know.

Student Name:______Student Signature:______

Parent Name:______Parent Signature:______