Course Syllabus 2017-2018ELD 1 & ELD 2

Ms. Voegtlin, Instructor Room P105, ext 705 Mrs. Junko Lee, Instructional Aide Room P104, ext 704

ELD 1 Literature/ELD 2 LiteraturePeriod 2

ELD 1 Language/ELD 2 LanguagePeriod 3

Classroom Policies and Procedures



Three-ring binder with 5 dividers*Peninsula Center library card

OR 5 Pocket Notebook (NOT spiral)Agenda Planner**

Composition/Journal notebook (NOT spiral)**** (Available for purchase in

Post-It Notes Activities Office P115)

No. 2 pencils

Blue or black pens

1 Red Pen

Two different color highlighters

Outside reading book (parent/teacher approved)


Section Name: / What to put in this section:
General: / Course syllabus, general information handouts.
Shining Star / Shining Star notes, worksheets, chapter reviews, quizzes and tests; ORB summaries; Literary Terms & quizzes.
Grammar: / Focus on Grammar notes, exercises, worksheets, quizzes and tests.
Vocabulary: / Shining Star vocabulary lists, practice exercises, quizzes, and tests
Writing: / Writing packet assignments, notes, essays.


Please be respectful to the teacher, fellow students, and all guests in our room. This includes: raising your hand before you speak, cleaning up after yourself, and doing your best on all assignments. Remember the four P’s: be prepared, be productive, be polite, and be positive. Also, since hydrated students make the best learners, water bottles are permitted in the classroom; however, no food or other beverages are allowed during class time. The use of cell phones, calculators or any other electronic devices during class time are allowed only with teacher permission. When using laptops during class assignments, students will remain on the teacher assigned website(s) at all times. Cheating of any type will not be tolerated; consequences for cheating will be in accordance with PVPHS and PVPUSD Board policies.


When the tardy bell rings, students not in their seats are tardy. After two tardies, students’parents are notified. Consequences for excessive tardies will be in accordance with PVPHS and PVPUSD Board policies.


Absent students are responsible for finding out what they missed both during class and for homework. Homework assignments are always posted on the whiteboard and will be posted on EDLIO; however, it is highly recommended that students have an agenda book in which to record all assignment, quiz, & test dates, as well as a reliable classmate with whom to check in the event of an absence.

Absences Due to Illness or Emergency: Previously assigned work is due the day the student returns. However, students have the number of days they were absent to turn in work that was assigned while absent.

Absences Due to School Activities and Other Unexcused Absences: All assigned work is due the day the student returns to class, unless prior arrangements have been made with the teacher.


Final grades are determined strictly on a point basis: 90%+ = A; 80%+ = B; 70%+ = C; 60%+ = D; below 60% = F. Note: Semester grades may be rounded up, if all course requirements have been met and Citizenship grade is Satisfactory. Quarter grades are not rounded up; semester grades may be rounded up, dependent on overall effort and participation.

Grades are composed of the following categories:

Class Work/Homework

The class work grade consists of individual in-class written assignments, oral presentations, and group work. Somehomework assignments must be typed. If necessary, you may type and/or print your assignment in the PVPHS library or the public library.

Although homework assignments vary in length, homework is usually assigned nightly. Homework will be stamped once it has been given credit, then it will be returned. Homework without a stamp will not be given credit. If you do not complete a homework assignment, you will not receive points for that assignment; incomplete homework assignments will not be accepted. A 10% point deduction will be taken for each late assignment. Essays and projects assigned a week or more in advance of the due date will receive a 20% point deduction for each day late up to a maximum of two days; after two days late, the assignment will not be accepted without prior teacher approval.


The participation grade reflects how well students contribute to class discussions, work with peers, and take responsibility to be organized and on time.

Outside Reading Books

ELD 1 students are expected to read a minimum of 5 pages a night in their Outside Reading Books (ORBs); this is a daily homework assignment.

ELD 2 students are expected to read a minimum of 7-8 pagesa night in their Outside Reading Books (ORBs); this is a daily homework assignment.

Sustained Silent Reading (SSR)—To earn maximum credit, students must bring their outside reading book every day (unless otherwise directed). On days with a SSR warm-up, they must read quietly during the assigned time. Although there is not a page requirement per week, I will keep track of students’progress. Students must be making consistent progress depending on the level of their books. In addition, students are to read their ORB’s when independent classwork is completed, unless instructed to do otherwise. Students will read a minimum of one ORB each quarter; students who read more than one ORB in a quarter will have the option of which book to use for the required quarterly ORB project. Not having one’s ORB present in class for SSR assignments may lower one’s grade.

Parents or guardians must approve ORB selections. The teacher reserves the right to determine whether a book is age, grade, and/or content appropriate for class discussion; in the event it is not, the student will be asked to make an alternate selection. The student must have selected his or her 1st Quarter ORB and have it in class by Friday, Sep 8.

Project—In addition to weekly written ORB summaries, you will complete a fun, creative project that interprets and analyzes your literary selection. If you finish your independent reading book before the end of the quarter, start a new book in order not to lose points during SSR. At the end of the quarter, you may choose either of the books you read to use for the project.

Dear Parents:

I look forward to teaching your son or daughter this year, and to helping develop his or her skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing in English. Please read over this syllabus with your son or daughter, sign, and have him/her return the portion indicated by September 1 in order to receive full credit. Note: If received September 5-8, maximum points possible= 20; received after Sep 8=10 pts. Signed syllabus not returned by 1st Quarter finals= 0 pts.

Thank you for your support.


Anne-Marie Voegtlin


Ext 705

Please detach below and return by FRIDAY Sep 1, 2017

Date received: ______

Score: /25 pts/20 pts10/pts


I have read and support the class policies for ELD 1/ELD 2 as stated in the course syllabus; in addition, I approve of my son’s/daughter’s choice of ORB.

Student Name (Please Print):Parent/Guardian Name (Please print):


Student Signature:Parent/Guardian Signature:


1st Quarter ORB Title: ______