publikációs listA

I. Teljes szöveges közlemények

1. Nagy A, Eördegh G, Benedek G Spatial and temporal visual properties of single neurons in the feline anterior ectosylvian visual area. Exp Brain Res 151: 108-114 (2003)IF: 2.302

2. Nagy A, Eördegh G, Norita M, Benedek G Visual receptive field properties of neurons in the feline caudate nucleus. Eur J Neurosci 18: 449-452 (2003)IF: 3.872

3. Nagy A, Eördegh G, Benedek G Extents of visual, auditory and bimodal receptive fields of single neurons in the feline visual associative cortex. Acta Physiol Hung 90: 305-312 (2003)IF: 0.453

4. Hoshino K, Nagy A, Eördegh G, Benedek G, Norita M Two types of neuron are found within the PPT, a small percentage of which project to both the LM-SG and SC. Exp Brain Res 155: 421-426 (2004)IF: 2.304

5.Benedek G, Eördegh G, Chadaide Z, Nagy A Distributed population coding of multisensory spatial information in the associative cortex. Eur J Neurosci 29: 525-529 (2004)IF: 3.82

6. Nagy A, Eördegh G, Norita M, Benedek G Visual receptive field properties of excitatory neurons in the substantia nigra. Neuroscience 130: 513-518 (2005)IF: 3.41

7. Nagy A, Paróczy Z, Norita M, Benedek G Multisensory responses and receptive field properties of neurons in the substantia nigra and in the caudate nucleus. Eur J Neurosci 22: 419-424 (2005)IF: 3.949

8. Eördegh G, Nagy A, Berényi A,Benedek G Processing of spatial visual information along the pathway between thesuprageniculate nucleus and the anterior ectosylvian cortex. Brain Res Bull 67: 281-289 (2005)IF: 2.481

9.Paróczy Z, Nagy A, Márkus Z, Waleszczyk WJ, Wypych M, Benedek G Spatial and temporal visual properties of single neurons in the suprageniculate nucleus of the thalamus. Neuroscience 137: 1397-1404 (2006) IF: 3.427

10. Nagy A, Eördegh G, Paróczy Z, Márkus Z, Benedek G Multisensory integration in the basal ganglia. Eur J Neurosci24: 917-924 (2006)IF: 3.709

11. Nagy A, Kruse W, Rottmann S, Dannenberg S, Hoffmann KP Somato sensory-motor neuronal activity int he superior colliculus of the primate. Neuron 52: 525-534 (2006)IF: 13.894

12. Waleszczyk WJ, Nagy A, Wypych M, Berényi A, Paróczy Z, Eördegh G, Ghazaryan A, Benedek G Spectral receptive field properties of neurons in the feline superior colliculus. Exp Brain Res 181: 87-98 (2007)IF: 2.027

13. Berényi A, Benedek G, Nagy A Double sliding-window technique: a new method to calculate the neuronal response onset latency. BRAIN RES 1178: 141-148 (2007)IF: 2.218

14. Márkus Z, Eördegh G, Paróczy Z, Benedek G, Nagy A Modality distribution of sensory neurons in the feline caudate nucleus and the substantia nigra. Acta Biol HunG59: 269-279(2008)IF: 0.619

15. Nagy a, Paróczy z, Márkus z, berényi a, wypych m, waleszczyk wj, benedek g Drifting grating stimulation reveals particular activation properties of visual neurons in the caudate nucleus.Eur J neurosci 27: 1801-1808(2008)IF: 3.385

16. Hoshino K, Eördegh G, Nagy A, Benedek G, Norita MOverlap of nigrothalamic terminals and thalamostriatal neurons in the feline lateralis medialis-suprageniculate nucleus. Acta Physiol Hung 96: 203-211 (2009)IF: 0.491

17. Márkus Z, Berényi A, Paróczy Z, Wypych M, Waleszczyk WJ, Benedek G, Nagy A Spatial and temporal visual properties of the neurons in the intermediate layers of the superior colliculus. Neurosci Lett454: 76-80 (2009)IF: 2.2

18. Farkas Á, Tsarouchas N, Gombkötő P, Nagy A, Benedek G, Bezerianos A, Berényi ACorrelation between visual stimulus eccentricity and multiscale neuronal activity in the lateral geniculate nucleus. CONF PROC IEEE ENG MED BIOL SOC1: 6810-6813 (2009)IF:1.466

19. Berényi A, Gombkötő P, Farkas Á, Paróczy Z, Márkus Z, Averkin R, Benedek G, Nagy A How moving visual stimuli modulate the activity of the substantia nigra pars reticulata NEUROSCIENCE163: 1316-1326 (2009)IF: 3.556

20. Hoshino K, Horie M, Nagy A, Berényi A, Benedek G, Norita MDirect synaptic connections between superior colliculus afferents and thalamo-insular projection neurons in the feline suprageniculate nucleus: a double-labeling study with WGA-HRP and kainic acid. Neurosci Res 66: 7-13 (2010)IF: 2.473

21. Rokszin A, Márkus Z, Braunitzer G, Berényi A, Wypych M, Waleszczyk WJ Benedek G, Nagy A Spatio-temporal visual properties in the ascending tectofugal system. CENT EUR J BIOL5: 21-30 (2010)IF: 0.662

22. Rokszin A, Márkus Z, Braunitzer G, Berényi A, Benedek G, Nagy AVisual pathways serving motion detection in the mammalian brain. Sensors 10: 3218-3242 (2010)IF: 1.87

23. Nagy A, Berényi A, Wypych M, Waleszczyk WJ, Benedek G Spectral receptive field properties of visually active neurons in the caudate nucleus. Neurosci Lett 480: 148-153 (2010)IF: 2.2

24. GOMBKÖTŐ P, ROKSZIN A, BERÉNYI A, BRAUNITZER G, UTASSY G, BENEDEK G, NAGY ANeuronal code of spatial visual information int he caudate nucleus. Neuroscience 182: 225–231 (2011)IF: 3.292

25. Braunitzer G, Rokszin A, Kóbor J, Nagy A, Sztriha L, Benedek G Development of visual contour integration in children with migraine without aura. CEPHALALGIA 31: 1048-1056 (2011)IF: 4.265

26. Nagy AJ, Berényi A, Gulya K, Norita M, Benedek G, Nagy A Direct projection from the visual associative cortex to the caudate nucleus in the feline brain. NEUROSCI LETT 503: 52-57 (2011)IF: 2.025

27. Rokszin A, Gombköto P, Berényi A, Márkus Z, Braunitzer G, Benedek G, Nagy A Visual stimulation synchronizes or desynchronizes the activity of neuron pairs between the caudate nucleus and the posterior thalamus. BRAIN RES 1418: 52-63 (2011)IF: 2.623

II. Könyvek, Könyvfejezetek

1. Benedek G, Norita M, Hoshino K, Katoh YY, Eördegh G, Nagy A Extrageniculate visual pathways in the feline brain. In: Dumitrascu DL (editor) Psychosomatic Medicine; Recent progress and current trends. “Iuliu Hatieganu” University Publishing House, Cluj, pp 33-40 (2003) ISBN: 973-8385-62-8

2. Nagy A A visual system of tectal origin in the mammalian brain. In: Fülöp F and Vécsei L (editors) Annals of Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical And Pharmaceutical Center 88, University Press, Szeged, (2003) ISSN1417-0620