Saint Mark Orthodox Church
Orthodox Church in America
Diocese of Washington
7124 River Road
Bethesda, MD 20817
Church Office: 301-229-6300
/ Rector
V. Rev. Gregory Safchuk
Office: 301-229-6300
Home: 301-320-0739

/ Parish Council President:
Michael Thompson
Home: 703-204-9092


2 Cor. 11:31 – 12:9 /
Luke 8:26 – 39 / Tone 2
19thSunday after Pentecost (6th of Luke) Hieromartyr Zenobius and his sister Zenobia, of Aegæ in Cilicia (285). Apostles Tertius, Mark, Justus, and Artemas, of the Seventy (1st c.). Hieromartyr Marcian, Bishop of Syracuse (2nd c.). Martyr Eutropia of Alexandria (ca. 250). Martyr Anastasia of Thessalonica (3rd c.). St. Stephen Milutin, his brother Ven. Dragutin (Theóctist in monasticism), and their mother, St. Helen (Jelena), of Serbia. The “OZERIANSKAYA” Icon of the Most-holy Theotokos.
Sunday / Oct. / 30 / 9:15a / Reading of the Third Hour
9:30a / Divine Liturgy
11:30a / Coffee Hour Fellowship
11:30a / Church School
11:30a / Women’s Book Club Meeting
12:00p / Bazaar Table Set Up
Tuesday / Nov. / 1 / 10:00a / Bl. Mka. Olga Prayer Group – Intercessory Prayer
Thursday / Nov. / 3 / Final Bazaar Set Up
Friday / Nov. / 4 / 11:00a / Bazaar (11 am – 7 pm)
Saturday / Nov. / 5 / 11:00a / Bazaar (11 am – 7 pm)
7:30p / Great Vespers
Sunday / Nov. / 6 / 9:15a / Reading of the Third Hour
9:30a / Divine Liturgy
12:00a / Bazaar (12 pm – 4 pm)
Saturday / Nov. / 12 / 10:30a / Baptism of Theodore Theodoru
5:00p / Private Confession
5:30p / Great Vespers
The Altar CandleSanctuary Candle is donated by Brian and Rose Zabelain celebration of their 25th wedding anniversary. May God Grant Them Many Years!

Coffee Hour Fellowship

/ Donuts/Bagels
Oct. 30 / Masick / Rudin / Mytryshyn / Dean

Choir Directors, Readers, Preparers, Greeters, & Altar Servers

Date / Director / Reader / Preparer / Greeter / Altar
Oct. 30 / C. Berencz / J. Bilyeu / D. Golombiewski / Mka. G. Phelps
N. Stanton / A. Ahmadi
A. Datch
C. Datch
F. LeFors
J. Sedor
M. Sedor
Nov. 6 / C. Berencz / M. Ahmadi / V. Lutes / P. Masick
T. Sekellick


Church School
Adult Study
(in Fr. Gregory’s Office) /
Basics of Orthodoxy
(in Church Library)
Oct. 30 /
Following Liturgy
Nov. 6 /
FOOD FESTIVAL AND BAZAAR: It’s finally here! Our Food Festival and Bazaar will take place Friday, Nov. 4th (11 am – 7 pm), Saturday, Nov. 5th (11 am – 7 pm), and Sunday, Nov. 6th (12 pm – 4 pm). If you can spare some time and are available to work, please sign up for one of the work openings! The more the merrier!
PLEASE NOTE: On Saturday, Nov. 5th, Great Vespers will be served at 7:30 pm to accommodate those who work the Bazaar and wish to attend.
PRAYER REQUEST– O Christ, You alone are our Defender: Visit and help Thy servants who are in need of your help, protection and healing. Among them: JohnMarti Badila; Kaitlinbaby Barber; Jenifer Calomiris; Paul Dean; MargaretBill Dove; Julie Flick;Claire Baby German; Marge German; Jurretta Heckscher; Evelyn Leleck; Larisa Looby; Marina McKee; Catherine Mikuluk; Karen Nichols;Stacybaby Nimmer; NicholasMaura Moser; Timothy Parrish; Mark Phinney; Alexandra Sedor; KatieElowen Sheppard; Peter Sielinski;Andrea Ticich; and DonPeter Truitt.
Please pray for Margaret, Mary Carol Ashley’s mother; Tina Burpee’s mother Margaret, cousin Andrew and friend, Edward; Christine Cacic’s friend, Carmen; John & Suzette Eremin; Julie Flick’s son, James Shimer, and her stepdaughter, Jeanie Folton; MargeGerman’s brother, John, sister in-law, Cecilia, sister, Elaine, grandson, Joshua,and friend, Gisela, who has been diagnosed with breast cancer; Jeff Jordan, friend of the Hardy family; JurrettaHeckscher’s father, Stevens; WillJanie McNamara, friends of Christina Kalavritinos;Olga, friend of Helen Kerch; Mat. Jan and Fr. Mark Koczak’s friends, Metropolitan Isaiah (Georgian Patriarchate) and Archimandrite Athanasy; Mary Everhart, mother of Ted Koopersmith; MichaelLungociu’s father, Nicholas,and friend’s mother, Gitta Finch; Marilyn Macht’s friend, Ghadha Saah;JoanMitchum’s sister, Judi, and her son Gregory, who is having hip replacement surgery. Katherine Sheppard’s mother, Judy, and friends Ellen Sherrie Garrett; JuliaShiller’s father, Vadim Pyatovolenko; friend of Debbie Sieff, Fr. Taras Chubenko, of St. Demetrius Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Carteret, NJ, who is recovering from esophageal surgery; PeterSielinski’s friends Brenda Jim Hall, Kelly, Samuel, Ron, Pat, Bailey, Jenn and Matt; Sharon Sielinski’s Mother, Marjorie; Olga & SlavinaSkenderska’s cousins, Desi Stanislav,and friends CatherineJustin; Ellen Thompson’s daughter, Sonya; Don Truitt’s parents; friends of St. Mark, Tanya & James Twyman; Linda Weir and her mother, Ruby; and Paula Zabela’s grandson Wyatt, cousin Kathleen who is afflicted with cancer, and her neighbor Harvey.
Deliver them from sickness and grievous pains. Raise them up that they may sing to Thee and praise Thee without ceasing, through the prayers of the Theotokos and all your Saints!
ICONOGRAPHY COMMITTEE: At the last parish meeting, the parish voted for the Iconography Committee to continue its plan of iconography for Phase III. Phase III includes the preparation of the cinder block walls on both sides of the church between the two columns and including those columns outside the iconostasis. The committee is continuing discussion with Dmitri Shkolnik regarding the design. Eventhough, there are some funds left over from Phase I and Phase II, additional funds are required to cover the cost of the Phase III expansion. Please contact George Freimann or Wayne Tatusko for more information and/or to make a prayerful donation.
ST. MARK WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB: If you enjoy a good read followed by a worthy discussion, please consider attending the St. Mark Woman's Book Club. We choose books well in advance and then meet on the last Sunday of every month to discuss the merits of our choices. Upcoming books are: October 30th - The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls; November 27th – When I’m Gone by Emily Bleaker; December 18th – Touching Heaven by Chauncey Crandell. Book suggestions are always welcome. See Mat. Sasha for more details.
ANNUAL PARISH MEETING: The annual parish meeting will take place Sunday, November 20th, following Liturgy. Read-ahead materials and revised parish-by law documents are available on the website for review.
FOCA: This year's "Gifts of Love" Project is a cruise to Alaska! May 13-20, 2017 aboard Holland America's "The Eurodam" Itinerary: Depart Newark, NJ May 12 at 3:20 pm, arrive Seattle 6:10 pm. Overnight in a hotel TBD in Seattle and board in the morning of May 13. The trip goes to Juneau, Glacier Bay, Sitka, Ketchikan, Victoria, BC and back to Seattle on May 20. Following a city tour of Seattle departure is at 10:30 pm to arrive in Newark on May 21, 2017 at 6:20 am. Proceeds will benefit the Holy Assumption Church in Kenai, Alaska. What a great way to support our church and have a wonderful time, too. See the FOCA bulletin Board or the candle counter for more details and interest forms.
WOMEN’S BOOK CLUB MEETING: There will be a Women’s BookClub Meeting TODAY following Liturgy. Ladies, grab your coffee and meet in the library!
BLESSED MKA. OLGA PRAYER GROUP: The prayer group will meet for intercessory prayer on Tuesday, Nov. 1st at 10:30 am.
BAZAAR TABLE SET UP: We will be setting up the tables for the bazaar TODAY after coffee hour. If you are able to stay and help it will make the job go that much faster!
FINAL BAZAAR SET UP: Will take place on Thursday, Nov. 3rd. If you are available, please come and help set up!
BAZAAR INGREDIENT SPONSORSHIP: Please prayerfully consider making a donation towards the cost of bazaar ingredients. These usually run between $8,000 and $10,000. A list of ingredients and approximate cost is posted to the bulletin board next to the sign-up sheets.
BAZAAR SIGN UP SHEETS: The Bazaar sign-up sheets are posted! Please take a moment to sign up to work on all three days of the bazaar. The sheets are posted on the bulletin board next to the kitchen door. All slots need to be filled to have the bazaar run smoothly.
BAZAAR BAKERY UPDATE: Thanks to everyone who was able to help out at the workshops this fall. We were able to finish baking lady locks, tortes, black bread, poppy seed, apricot, raspberry and nut rolls. Good news--the Oct. 29 workshop is canceled!
Now we need help finishing the 20 tortes we baked and froze. They need to be thawed, frosted, sprinkled with nut topping and cut and wrapped. We have the frosting, nut topping, cardboard backings and instructions—all you need to supply is the labor! Please let me know if you can take one or two home TODAY, Oct. 30, and prepare them. They will need to come back to church on Thursday, November 3rd.
If you made tortes at home, they will need to be cut and packaged before bringing them to the bazaar. See me on Sunday if you need cardboard backings.
2016 BAZAAR LUCKY DRAW DONATIONS: It may seem early but it’s time to start thinking about the 2016 Bazaar. Please begin asking your favorite grocery stores, boutiques, theaters or restaurants for donations to our annual bazaar. Personal gifts or cash will also be accepted, which will be used to purchase gift cards. Also, if you have a talent like knitting, embroidering, crocheting, sewing, or painting, and would be willing to donate a handcrafted item, it would be appreciated immensely. Remember to note the donor’s name on the contribution so we may acknowledge and keep track of all donations. Feel free to contact Lucky Draw chairperson, Vicky Jacobsen, with questions or for suggestions at: . Donations can be given to any Jacobsen or Prose family member, just let them know it's for the LUCKY DRAW. Thank you all for all your help and support. -Vicky Jacobsen
BAZAAR CHRISTMAS/GIFT TABLE:We will be accepting high-quality homemade Christmas and gift items for this table. If you do woodworking, candle or soap making, embroidery, needlework, knitting, crocheting, pysanky eggs or any other similar crafts, please consider making something for this table.
THANK YOU IN ADVANCE: If you are making other items for the bakery! When you bring your treats to the bakery be sure to include an index card with the name of your item, a list of ingredients, your name, the suggested price and anything else you want us to know (prize-winner, your Baba’s special recipe, etc.) Please try to bring your donations in as early as possible—preferably on Thursday or Friday morning before the start of the bazaar.
Don’t hesitate to call or write if you have questions: or 703-237-6349.
GROCERY GIFT CARDS FOR THE HOLIDAYS: St. Mark will again provide meals this Thanksgiving (11/24) to families in our community through grocery gift cards (Giant or Safeway). As we do each year, we will help the families of Stepping Stones Shelter; families referred to us through Montgomery County Public Schools; as well as the folks normally supported through our St. Mark Food pantry and our rector’s Discretionary Fund. All too readily at this time of year, distractions drive us to forget our calling as Good Samaritans; Christ’s commandments in Matthew 25:35; and we find ourselves busy with everything and nothing. But if we can take a moment to step aside and remember the grace and gifts found so abundantly among us, and take a small step here and now to do something for our brothers and sisters everywhere and in every person, we might find more meaning in our own holidays. So if you can and you will, please remember to stop by Giant or Safeway to pick up some grocery cards ($20 or $25 cards preferred.) If that doesn’t work, we’ll also accept checks marked “Grocery Cards” in the memo field. We’ll be taking collections through Christmas, but with Thanksgiving around the corner, we’re working to an early, Sunday, November 19th deadline. Please don’t delay! Give as you can, as your circumstances allow, and as early and often as you might. Finally, please note that we can save some stressful moments for our recipients if you can remember to take the activation receipt to your gift card before making your donation. Any questions, please contact Skip Mersereau ( or (240) 281 – 7703). Thank you!
BAZAAR WORK OPENINGS: No one has yet signed up for the following openings:
Bakery / Fri. / 10:00-3:00 / 2 openings
Kitchen Cashier / Fri. / 3:00-7:00 / 1 opening
Sat. / 10:30-3:00 / 2 openings
Sun. / 11:00-1:30 / 1 opening
11:30-4:00 / 2 openings
Food Servers / Fri. / 9:00-2:00 / 2 openings
2:00-8:00 / 2 openings
Sat. / 2:00-8:00 / 2 openings
Sun. / 9:00-2:00 / 3 openings
11:00-6:00 / 1 openings
Serving Window / Fri. / 3:00-7:00 / 2 openings
Sat. / 10:30-3:00 / 1 openings
3:00-7:00 / 1 opening
Sun. / 11:00-4:00 / 1 opening
Pot/Pan Wash / Fri. / 3:00-8:00 / 2 openings
Sat. / 3:00-8:00 / 1 opening
Sun. / 11:00-5:00 / 1 opening
Outdoor Grill / Fri. / 9:00-2:00 / 1 openings
2:00-8:00 / 2 openings
Sat. / 9:00-2:00 / 2 openings
2:00-8:00 / 2 openings
Sun. / 10:00-5:00 / 2 openings
Desserts / Fri. / 10:00-3:00 / 3 openings
3:00-8:00 / 2 openings
Sun. / 11:00-5:00 / 3 openings
Bakery / Fri. / 10:00-3:00 / 2 openings
Sat. / 10:00-3:00 / 2 openings
3:00-8:00 / 2 openings
Sun. / 11:00-5:00 / 2 openings
Grand Raffle / Fri. / 11:00 – 3:00 / 1 opening
3:00 – 7:00 / 1 opening
Door Greeter / Sat. / 11:00 – 3:00 / 1 opening
Sun. / 3:00 – 7:00 / 1 opening
Christmas Table / Fri. / 3:00-7:00 / 1 opening
Clearing Tables / All slots open
Parking Assist. / All slots open