February 2, 2017

9:30 – 1200

Lanark County Council Chambers

Refreshments and admin provided by FCSLLG

The Council provides leadership and coordination to enable optimal development and healthy living for Lanark County children, youth (0 – 18 years of age), and their families. The Council is committed to providing leadership and innovation in the following areas:Service integration, advocacy, planning and evaluation, information sharing, community education and professional development.



Present:Emily Cassell,Warren McMeekin, Stephanie Gray, Tanis Cowan, Sue Cavanagh, Jennifer Miller, Ramsey Hart, Sharon Bjergso, Donna Davidson, Cathy Millard, Aaron Tompkins, Tammy Donaldson, Lois Dewey, Jane Torrance, Sue Poldervaart, Kevin Clouthier,

Regrets: Pam Harris, Jane Hess, Erin LeeKaren Lomas, Sarah Bingham, Mary Lou White

Recorder: Kevin Clouthier

Poetry – Ground Hog Day poems and trivia were shared by our co-chairs!


  • Sue Cavanagh - Drafting a response to the Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centre guidelines to be delivered to the County. Comments from respondent comments to the survey are being included.
  • Stephanie Gray – Community Safety Plan data usage seminar being presented
  • Lois Dewey - a lot of community actionRail Trail meeting to occur in Carleton Place and Mississippi Mills. Interest in a paved section of the trail from Carleton Place to Pakenham in parallel with a pebbled train for motorized vehicles.
  • Tammy Donaldson– As of February 1st, child support no longer deducted from OW or ODSP cheques
  • Donna Davidson – Connections Program – 3 year funding announcement from federal government. Plan B working group for community dinners and networked distribution of food
  • Aron Tompkins – Smiths Falls Police Crime Stoppers and Special Olympics are charities of choice for SF Legion!
  • Tanis – Skills Link is in 2nd intake on February 20th – if you would like to hire a young person and pay only $1.50 of salary, tell Tanis by March 14 for June 30 work placement start.
  • Youth Collective to gather information through survey of needed community youth services are needed. Haidee White has been hired as Youth Community Coordinator
  • Emily – data is in to the end of December
  • Jennnifer – Bowling season is underway, and accounts for 20-25% of BBBS budget.
  • Warren – many programs at the centre including 4H, Baby Sitting course and Safety Around the House
  • Ramsay – February 15th – the film Colonization Road being presented by Neighbours for Truth and Reconciliation. Good Food forum scheduled February 26th in Smiths Falls.
  • Sharon – Healthy food choices - MCYS re nutrition guidelines published. Toonis for Tummies campaign will have money raised remain in the community. Last year $2000 raised. 2500 kids receive a nutritious meal or snack every day in Lanark County
  • Jane –See Planners report
  • Sue P- Has located new office space in Smiths Falls for agency for April. Collaboration with Lanark Community Justice in the works.
  • Kevin – Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth is seeking to relocate to 130 Lansdowne St, Carleton Place.

Review of Minutes: Accepted as presented

Approval of Agenda:Accepted

Business Arising: The future of the Council was discussed. A half-day planning day is being negotiated with a facilitator, Christine Peringer. She has previous history with the LCPC. The goal of a consultation/process is to create scenario planning. Possible dates April 10, 11, 12, 26, 28. The cost is anticipated to be $4000. Where can the fee be found? The Council members present are in support of the meeting. There is an alternative group – HC Link that offer facilitators without fee. They received statements of endorsement from a number of members who have used them previously. Jane will investigate both options for the consult/facilitation. A Doodle Poll will canvas members for a date to engage the facilitator. A suggestion put forward is that the half-day might be appended to the end of a regular meeting. The decision will be presented at the March meeting.

Presentation: Jennifer Miller made a presentation regarding After School programming. Please see the attached power point presentation. There is a desire for partnerships to continue to provide programming. Ministry funding is not assured. At this time, as of September the funding is $0. There is a query regarding the equity of access to programming across the county. ,

New Business:

Community Issues or Emerging Issues:

Fraser and Kevin represented the LCPC at the Accommodation review Process. They presented a deposition that was well received.

Antiracism/oppression training grant being explored as possible funding source.

There has been a good response to the Basic Income surveys

Highway of Tears will be filmed in Smiths Falls

Truth & Reconciliation will have 4 videos to be aired through Cogeco that will then be available for access to websites

Transit Advisory Group has representation from LCPC to the County Advisory Council – Erin Lee has expressed willingness.

LCP Sandy Angel has applied also – she was influential in the Lanark Co. Transport Authority

Poverty Data

Who is doing what for poverty? What is the goal?

The desire is to gather information that will inform action. More than an inventory of resources is being sought by this project. The challenge is to better understand how Lanark is addressing issues of poverty and to gather data – qualitative and quantitative in a manner that is respectful of people. The goal is to create awqrenss of the influence of poverty in the lives of familis and children. Jane will put out a message to begin definition of the story building process. Further information might be obtained from Perth and District Community Foundation.


Regional Process – Report not available

Planner Report – Attached to agenda

Key Messages:

  • Funding for the various free after-school programs is threatened
  • We will be collecting information various programs in Lanark County that help people on lower incomes, and will be reaching out to the Perth Community Foundation who are undertaking a Vitality Indicators project
  • The Community Asset Mapping will be considering institutional (formal), associational (informal), and personal relationships and assets. Register and be part of the day on March 1st!
  • The LCPC delegation to the ARC#4 was really well received, and Kevin and Fraser made a great presentation. Next dates include the February 15 staff report and recommendations to Board of Trustees; Feb 22 – Board of Trustees meeting; March 2 – delegations to Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees (schools that remain on the list after the staff report ); March 23 – special meeting Board of Trustees to make final decision

Next Meeting: March 2, 2017.