We Sponsor The
Metcalf Avenue of Flags / August, 2006
The Lions’ Roar
Overland Park Host Lions Club
Overland Park, Kansas
Lionism’s 90th Year2006-2007Our 50th Year /

One of our Major Fund Raisers . . .

Overland Park Arts and Crafts Fair

To Be Held On Saturday, September 30

By Lion Chuck Olsen, Project Chairman

Lions! Mark your calendars!

Our club will participate in the Overland Park Arts and Craft Fair again this year. To be held at the Commons at 81st and Santa Fe, the popular event is one of our biggest fund raisers every year. This year’s fair falls ona fifthSaturday,September 30—not a meeting date.

The festival is a major fund raiser for the club. Last year we earned more $3100 on sales of over $4100. To get those results we had to sell a lot of brats, franks, popcorn, soda and water.

But to repeat those results, we need help—and lots of it this year!! It’s six weeks away, but plan NOW to serve.

A sign-up list will circulateat the August and September club meetings. Think about helping out especially during the noon rush from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

We also need extra help at closing time at 5 o’clock when we break down the booth, pack away tables and grills, and attend to all the many other clean-up details.

Invite friends and neighbors to come out toserve for a couple of hours with you. Let them see that a full crew of Lions not only workshard on an important service project, but has a lot of fun doing it together. When people see us working and enjoying what we do, they’ll be more likely to accept your invitation to visit our meeting and become members themselves!

To make this a successful fund raiser we need every Club member to participate. Sign up soon!

Keep our Heart-to-Heart Care Kit service

project going! Be sure to bring anew wash cloth to Saturday’s meeting!

Program Notes . . .

Lions International President Jimmy Ross to Speak to

OP Host Club on August 12

Well . . . OK . . . so he won’t be here in person . . .

. . . but we do have a video of the very stirring inaugural address he delivered to the International Convention in Boston last month.

International President Jimmy Ross,

Quitaque, Texas

You don’t want to miss this 29 minutes of inspiration and enthusiasm. International President Ross speaks from the heart and you’ll go away sharing his passion for Lionism and the world-wide work that Lions do.

If you haven’t already, read the feature article about IP Ross in the July-August issue of The Lion magazine, which you should have received during the past week.

President Ross’s special interests have been in membership extension, the strengthening of clubs, and community service. These interests—and more—are reflectedin his speech.

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50th Anniversary Banquet, May 4, 2007 . . .

What Can YOU Donate To a Silent Auction?

Lions Carole Collyard and Mae Claxton are working on final arrangements for a pasta supper and silent auction that is scheduled for October 14 (a Saturday evening). Through the efforts of Lion Chuck Olsen, the supper and auction will be held in the IndianHeightsUnitedMethodistChurch fellowship hall at 103rd Street and Nall Avenue. Money raised through this effort will help offset costs of our 50th-Anniversary dinner next May.

Items are urgently needed for the silent auction. If you can donate something, please let either Carole or Mae know as soon as possible so they can get the auction organized.

Among suggested items for the auction are art pieces (paintings, sculptures, etc.), electronic equipment (computers, printers, DVD or VCR players, etc.), bicycles (or other similar toys), sports paraphernalia (autographed footballs, baseballs, photos, for example), jewelry (and things such as pen-and-pencil sets, etc.), gift certificates (merchandise, restaurant dining, etc.).

More Anniversary Features——

Good progress is being made on other plans for the event.

Lion Dottie Bloome is negotiating with a supplier on final design for a commemorative trading pin. Some styling and production details remain to be worked out.

A raffle plan is being developed. We are close to finalizing details on a prize from the Great Wolf Lodge near the NASCAR track in Kansas City, KS. We are trying to get one or two more major prizes to make a very attractive package and make ticket sales easier.

We hope to sell raffle tickets at visits to other Lions Clubs in our district, District Cabinet meetings, State Council meetings, the Mid-Winter Rally in Salina (January), and on the Missouri side, too. When everything is in place, it will be up to YOU to do all this. Watch for the dates and places and then SIGN UP AND GO!

By working together to raise our expense money, we can keep the cost of the dinner down and still enjoy a first-class evening!

Bits and Pieces

Membership Chairman Lion Darrell Stone asks that we all bring our extra or duplicate copies of The Lion magazineto the next meeting. He will attach cards to them and deliver them to doctors’ and dentists’ offices for membership possibilities

Secretary Lion Carole Collyard reminds us all that it is essential to inform her of our activities—visitations, Flag work, committee meetings, etc.—so she can include these on her reports to the District Governor.

Immediate Past President Lion Mae Claxton attended the Kansas Lions State Council meeting in Great Bend on August 5 and made a presentation to the Kansas Lions Sight Foundation on vision screening issues. Other OPHLC members at Great Bend were Vice District Governor Lion Neal Nichols and District K7 Newsletter Editor Lion Beverly Nichols.

Big Lion Ken Collyard is developing a schedule of assignments for members to lead the Pledge of Allegiance and our Lions Toasts. It will be similar to the program assignments list: if you can’t fulfill the role on the day you’re scheduled, find someone to take your place.

Next Two Flag Days . . .

Labor Day (Sept. 4) and Patriots Day (Sept. 11)

Look for sign-up sheets at the August 12 and August 26 meetings. Lots of manpower (womanpower, too!) is needed to fulfill our commitment to the community and to those we serve.

Do your best to enlist able-bodied helpers to lend a hand in “putting up” and/or “taking down” the more than 460 Flags we display along Metcalf Avenue. The full schedule of “Flag days” is on Page 3 of this issue.

Consider asking any house guests, friends, relatives (including children and grandchildren over 12 years of age), neighbors—whomever! Bring them along! Be sure they know what’s involved. Let them know why we have the Flag project and what it enables us to do for the less fortunate here at home and around the world!!

Lion Pat Gray, Flag Operations Committee

Lion Jack Brown, Flag Finance Committee

“Care Kit” Service Project Update

As announced in the last issue of The Roar, the Board of Directors approved a new year-long service project in which we will assemble Care Kits of basic emergency supplies on behalf Heart-to-Heart International. Heart-to-Heart will distribute them to victims of disasters as need arises.

Here’s how the project works: each month every OP Host Lion will provide an item for the “care kits.” During August, bring one new wash cloth to one of our meetings. Then, every month through May, 2007, bring another item according to the schedule below.

September: one new hand towel.

October: one individually wrapped bar of soap.

November: one plastic travel size soap dish.

December: ten Band-Aids (3/4” width).

January: one wide-tooth comb.

February: one small bottle of shampoo.

March: one new, individually wrapped toothbrush.

April: one travel-size tube of toothpaste

May: one crisp new one-dollar bill (to offset shipping costs).

June: (Work Party, see next paragraph.)

In June, we will have a work party. Collected items will be placed inside the ZipLoc bags. The completed “care kits” will be crated and delivered to Heart to Heart.

Tail Twister Lion Ron Bloome will help you “remember.” At the second meeting of each month he will have a supply of that month’s items for the “forgetful.” For only a nominal fine, you can “buy” an item to fulfill your part in the project. HINT: it will be cheaper to bring an item than to “buy” it, according to Lion Ron.

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Program Assignment Reminders

August 26...... Bud Turntine and Jack McLain

September 9...... John Watson and Ed Schulteis

September 23...... Art Meganck and Lee Fox

October 14...... Neal Nichols and Bill Daugherty

October 28...... Edson Parker and Jerry Schmitz

November 11...... Janette Sanders-Reh and Dale Warden

November 25...... Larry Martindale and Dick Ferguson

December 9...... Kraig Hickey and Jack Brown

December 23...... Ken Collyard and Ron Bloome

Team members should keep each other informed about progress; one Lion should be responsible for “hosting” and introducing the program.

Programs should be 20-25 minutes in length. Time for a short question-and-answer time should be allowed. NOTE: speakers appear at their own expense, without remuneration of any kind, including travel. They are, however, the club’s guests for breakfast. They should not solicit contributions, donations, or political affiliation or support, nor should they offer products for sale as part of any program.

Plan programs as far in advance as possible (a minimum of six weeks is ideal). Until a permanent newsletter editor takes over, give details about your program—including speaker’s name, position, and program topic—to Lion Neal Nichols (913-642-7520) or e-mail to .

If you can attend only one . . .

Columbus, Ohio

September 14-16, 2006

Lions “in the know” consistently say “Go to the Forum” if you can’t attend both the Lions International Convention and the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum. Each year the Forum provides many opportunities to learn more about Lionism. Award-winning motivational speakers stimulate, inspire and amuse. Seminars on a wide range of topics provide hands-on leadership training.

It’s not too late to register for the Columbus Forum, but hotel rooms are filling fast. (The OhioStateUniversity football team has a home game that week-end.) See Lion Secretary Carole Collyard for registration materials.

Lions Ken and Carole Collyard are driving to Columbus and say they still have room in their van for some more passengers.

Stark(s) Reality

by Lion Ben Starks

This has been one of those times! First, the on-going heat wave that leaves you drained and depleted, followed by the naïve weather people, acting as though this has never happened in summer before.

Next, trying to find something educational, amusing, amazing, or worthwhile on summer-time television.

Then the confusing puzzlement about what to grip about in an amusing context. As has been said by more prolific writer than I—“I puzzled and puzzled till my puzzler was sore!”

THEN, by Jove—an enlightenment! I’ll put my two cents’ worth in about the on-going debate: Should English be our National Language?

Shouldn’t that be a foregone conclusion if you want to come to this country—your choice—to seek your fortune, or to follow your star or your dream, or for any other worthwhile reason?

If you are going to seek adoption, shouldn’t you strive to become a citizen and learn the language? If you are going to bring all the old baggage with you, why come? Why not stay where you are?

Why should municipalities, states, and governmental agencies have to spend taxpayers’ dollars to publish laws and regulations in various languages? Why should private companies be expected to provide interpretive services?

Why indeed? To make you welcome? You are the one who chose to come here. When you join any organization or group you are expected to conform to their mores. Why not? If you choose to join a country, learn the language.

Repeating . . .

A Special Notice About Your Lions Roar

Beginning with this issue, all members who have e-mail will get their Lions Roar via the Internet. Members without e-mail will continue to receive it by US Mail.

In the past, some members have said that using e-mail to read the newsletter is an inconvenience or that too much time is required to open it on their computers for reading it. We will continue to send a “hard copy” by U. S. Mail to anyone who requests it.

All members must realize, however, that E-mail will help us conserve precious dues dollars that otherwise are used up in printing and postage costs. (We estimate annual savings of approximately $350-$450 if all who can will use e-mail.)

Lion Chuck Olsen resigned as editor of the Roar due to the press of other responsibilities in our club. He deserves our thanks for the fine job he’s done for the past three years.

NOW . . . we need another good Lion to jump in and take over from ye olde (interim) editor.—Lion Neal Nichols

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The Overland Park Host Almanac . . .

(More than you ever wanted to know about anything!)



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2006-2007 Officers and Board of Directors

Overland Park Host Lions Club

Ken Collyard...... President

Mae Claxton...... Immediate Past President

Merlyn Albaugh...... 1st Vice President

Ed Schulteis,...... 2nd Vice President

John Watson...... 3rd Vice President

Carole Collyard...... Secretary

Roger Claxton...... Treasurer

Pat Gray...... Lion Tamer

Ron Bloome...... Tail Twister

Dick Ferguson...... Director, 2004-2007

Grant Rogers...... Director, 2004-2007

Jack McLain...... Director, 2005-2008

Art Meganck...... Director, 2005-2008

Paul Roemerman...... Director, 2006-2009

Chuck Olsen...... Director, 2006-2009

Darrel Stone...... Membership Committee Chair

Dottie Bloome...... Membership Committee Vice-Chair

Bob Larson...... Membership Committee Member

District K-7 Officers

David Hentges (Turner)...... District Governor

Neal Nichols (Overland Park Host)...... Vice Dist. Governor

Al Kimmi...... Secretary

Rick Dodson (Lansing)...... Treasurer

Bernard Lee (Scranton)....Immediate Past District Governor

Condensed Treasurer’s Reports, July

General Operating Account


50th Anniversary Account ...... $1411

Meals ...... 1494

Membership dues ...... 1084

Miscellaneous ...... 7

Total Income...... $ 3996


50th Anniversary Pins ...... $ 729

District/International dues ...... 1315

Supplies/Miscellaneous ...... 25

Meeting room/meals ...... 693

Total expenses ...... $ 2762

Service Account

Total Income ...... $158

Total Expenses ...... $ 50

Some Thoughts About Life in General

A man will pay $20 for a $10 item he needs.

A woman will pay $10 for a $20 item she doesn’t need.

A woman marries a man expecting he will change but he doesn’t.

A man marries a woman expecting that she won’t change, and she does.

A woman has the last word in any argument.

Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.
For your calendar . . .

Sat., Aug. 12...... Regular Meeting, WyndhamGarden, 7:00 a.m.

Sat., Aug. 19....District K-7 Cabinet Meeting, Everest, KS

(See agenda and registration details, next page)

Sat., Aug. 26...... Regular Meeting, WyndhamGarden, 7:00 a.m.

Sat., Sept.. 2...... Directors Meeting, Mimi’s, 7:00 a.m.

Mon., Sept. 4...... Metcalf Avenue of Flags up, 6:00 a.m.

...... Metcalf Avenue of Flags down, 4:30 p.m.

Sat., Sept. 9...... Regular Meeting, Wyndham, Garden, 7:00 a.m.

Mon., Sept. 11...... Metcalf Avenue of Flags up, 6:00 a.m.

...... Metcalf Avenue of Flags down, 4:30 p.m.

Sept. 14-16...... USA/Canada Forum, Columbus, Ohio

(It’s not too late to register; see Lion Carole Collyard for info.)

Sat., Sept. 16...... Regular Meeting, Wyndham, Garden, 7:00 a.m.

Sat., Sept. 23...... Regular Meeting, Wyndham, Garden, 7:00 a.m.

Sat., Sept. 30...... Overland Park Days, The Commons, 7:00 a.m.

Sat., October 7...... Directors Meeting, Mimi’s 7:00 a.m.

Mon., October 9...... Metcalf Avenue of Flags up, 6:00 a.m.

...... Metcalf Avenue of Flags down, 4:30 p.m.

Sat., October 14...... Pasta Supper and Silent Auction

(Fund-raising effort for Fiftieth Anniversary celebration.)

And later on . . .

January 19-21...... Kansas Lions Mid-Winter Rally, Salina

We will havea hospitality room at the Salina Holidome to sell raffle tickets for our 50th-Anniversary. Plan to attend and help out! Anyone for a fried-chicken Sunday dinner at Brookville Hotel (now in Abilene) on the way home?

March 2-3, 2007...... K-7 District Convention, Kansas City, KS

May 4, 2007...... Fiftieth Anniversary Banquet

Overland ParkConvention Center

June 1-3, 2007...... Kansas Lions State Convention, Hutchinson

International President Jimmy Ross will speak—in person!

July 2-6, 2007...... Lions International Convention, Chicago

Join the 90th Anniversary Celebration in the Windy City!

Visitations to Other Clubs . . .

Nonecurrently scheduled, but checkyour e-mail!

Metcalf Avenue of Flags Schedule

May, 2006 through July 4, 2007

Saturday, May 20...... Armed Forces Day. Done. Thank you!

Wednesday, June 14...... Flag Day. Done. Thank you!

Monday, May 29...... Memorial Day. Done. Thank you!

Tuesday, July 4...... Independence Day. Done. Thank you!

Monday, September 4...... Labor Day

Monday, September 11...... Patriots Day

Monday, October 9...... Columbus Day

Saturday, November 11...... Veterans Day

Saturday, May 19, 2007...... Armed Forces Day

Monday, May 28, 2007...... Memorial Day

Thursday, June 14, 2007...... Flag Day

Wednesday, July 4, 2007...... Independence Day

Flags go up at 6:00 a.m., come down at 4:30 p.m.

Meet at Newcomer’s Chapel garage, 82nd an Metcalf.

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New “Governor’s Award Program”