Submission address / University of Zurich
Institute of Political Science
Dr. Petra Holtrup Mostert
Affolternstrasse 56
8050 Zürich

Deadline: 1. September, each year

Please note:

-  Matriculation as PhD student at the time of the trip is required.

-  PhD students with an assistant contract planning a conference trip may only apply for a travel grant, if their expenses exceed CHF 1’000. In case of a funding, the difference between CHF 1’000 and the actual costs incurred will be covered by the Doctorates. For reimbursement of travel costs up to CHF 1’000 per person per year, please submit an application for conference travel grants at the UZH’s dean’s office (Dekanat) as described here:

-  PhD students who receive a Doc.CH scholarship by the SNSF cannot apply for a travel grant since their travel costs are covered by the scholarship, see „Regulations on the awarding of grants to doctoral students in the humanities and social sciences (HSS) in Switzerland ‚Doc.CH (HSS)’", „Article 13 Further costs“: „The Doc.CH (HSS) grant covers costs directly related to project implementation (material of enduring value, consumables, travel and conference expenses, sundry expenses).“

-  It is possible to apply for trips which take place before the deadline, but the application has to be submitted before the trip. The money cannot be claimed retroactively.

-  Only complete applications delivered by post or personally to the above address will be considered. Applications should not be bound or stapled, they may be printed on both sides.

-  Additionally, the Swiss Academy for Humanities and Social Sciences (SAHS) also offers travel allowances:

Application for (please cross your application type):

Conference visit
External module


Doctoral Committee members


Project title

Mentor, conference, or external module

University or research institute
City, Country

Motivation and relevance to research

Describe your motivation for applying for this Mentorship/Conference/External Module. Why is the researcher/conference/module you want to visit particularly important to you? Why does a visit make particular sense for you at the foreseen point in your academic career? What do you hope to gain through this activity?

For Short Term Mentorship only: What does mentoring mean to you? How will mentoring take place? Max. 1 page.

Current stand

Describe the contribution this Mentorship/Conference/External Module would make to your academic career. Max. 1 page.

Current stand

Personal estimate of career perspectives in academia, mid- to long-term

The contribution of the Mentorship/Conference/External Module to your career development

Annexes, signature

I hereby confirm that I already received the travel grant maximum of CHF 1’000 per person per year by the UZH’s dean’s office (Dekanat) or that I am, due to my employment, not able to apply for conference travel grants at the UZH’s dean’s office.


Place, date Name


The following documentation is to be submitted as part of the application:

-  Complete Application Form

-  Form Budget (with estimated costs if you apply for a visit at a later date)

-  Letter of invitation from intended mentor, if you apply for a mentorship

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