Western Slope Pickleball Club Meeting Minutes

January 11th, 20175:15pm

GJ Parks & Rec. Office, Grand Junction, Colorado

The meeting was called to order by President, Brenda Furnace at 5:15pm.

Board Attendees: Brenda Furnace, Diana Alpert, George Gerson, Linda Griffith, Lorie Gregor, Jen Teta and Nancy Burdette. Bill Schapley (WSPC accountant) was invited to attend.

Absent: Mike Cox, Nancy Eaton, Laura Atkinson, and Paul Liang. Terri Schaeffers moved out of town and will no longer be a Board member.

Approval of Minutes of Last Meeting: Meeting minutes from the December 17th, electronic meeting were approved as reported. Motion by George and seconded by Diana.


Added Item/WSPC 2017 Proposed Budget/Brenda: (document on file) A draft of a proposed budget was distributed by Brenda. This is a starting point for a final 2017 budget for the Club. This item will be placed on the Next Steps List.

Brenda suggested the Club consider coverings for the window in the Barn to reduce glare during use of the courts. She proposed the Club purchase 2 tarps, fasteners and a pole to hang them on the windows. There are permanent hooks at each window. Tarps would need to be put up and taken down at each Pickleball session. Lorie will notify the staff. If these two tarps are useful the Club can purchase more. A motion was made by George to purchase and hang the tarps. Linda seconded the motion.

Roy Gamble’s 90th Birthday Honorary Lifetime WSPC Membership/Brenda:

Brenda would like to present Roy with a Lifetime WSPC membership and a Club T-shirt at his 90th Birthday Party Jan 14th. A motion was made by Jen and seconded by Brenda to do so.

Officer/Committee Reports:

Treasurer/Brenda: Paul Liang has officially resigned from the Treasurer position by email communication with Brenda. Brenda reported no changes in the financial report from the December report. The balance remains at $4246.79. George made a motion to accept the report and Jen seconded.

George made a motion to invite Bill Schapley to become the Club Treasurer.

After some discussion, Bill accepted the position. Nancy B. seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.

Bill asked that Nancy Eaton, Assistant Treasurer handle the Club debit card and checks. George will deposit all checks for memberships and donations and communicate those deposits to Bill.

Membership & Communications/George: Current membership is 166.

Tournament Director/Jen: WSPC Tournament Update-email for volunteers has been sent and Jen has received several responses. Registration will open the 3ed week of January via email. The liability waiver is completed. Plan to make the members list available so players will know who they could partner with to play in the tournament.

Web Site/Diana: No sponsorship follow up until after WSPC charitable status is established.

Parks & Rec/Lorie: (Annual PBall Party, Nets-will “table” Storage Cabinets until Spring) There have been some complaints the indoor nets are not at the correct height. Lorie will check the nets.

Party was a success with 50-60 attendees.

Pineridge courts resurfacing approved. Timetable will be determined-maybe March 2017. Community meetings regarding dedicated Pickleball courts will happen before March.

Bylaws Committee/Brenda/George/Linda: Scheduled meeting on January 12th, 2017 with Marc Summers. Report to Board in February.

Membership Renewal Committee nominations: We need to compile a list of items to be addressed before forming a committee. George will email a list of items to Brenda. We need to find out if Tao will be able to continue offering lessons to members this spring.

Social & Refreshments Committee nominations: Will discuss at a later date.

Other Item: Nancy Burdette requested a contact list for all Board members. Linda will send a list with the Jan. meeting minutes.

Next Steps Items:

WSPC Sponsorships – Web Site

WSPC Tournament-April 1st, 2017 – post party at Greg & Anita

Reick’s home

Large Storage cabinet/unit for each court locations-revisit in spring

or summer

501(c)3 or 7 Status

Membership Dues & Benefits for 2017-18 beginning June 1st

Nets for Pineridge (outdoor) and the Barn (indoor)

Membership Renewal Committee

Social & Refreshment Committee

Tarps for Barn windows

Meeting time-could we meet earlier?

Budget for 2017-18

Referee Training

Review Club Goals – copy to members with Jan minutes

Replacement Officers – Fundraising & Outreach

Date for next Meeting: Wednesday, February 15th at 5:00 pm at the Parks &

Rec Office.

Adjournment Time: Brenda adjourned the meeting at 7:15 pm.

Submitted by: Linda Griffith, Secretary

January 29th, 2017