Use this form to provide information about your NRTC project (with one or more eligible activities, in accordance with program rules) for which you want to obtain funds from an NRTC contributor. This may be a project for which you have not yet submitted an application to NJDCA; or a project application has been submitted to NJDCA; or a project has an NRTC funding award, yet additional funds are still needed. This information will be posted on the NRTC webpage for public viewing.

Organization Name: Parkside Business & Community In Partnership, Inc.

Website Address:

Contact Person: Bridget Phifer, Executive Director

Phone No.: (856) 964-0440 E-mail Address:

Project Name: RENEW Building, Social Enterprise, Workforce Housing

Location (Municipality and Neighborhood): Camden, Parkside Neighborhood

Total Project Cost: $9,000,000 NRTC Funds Needed: $300,000

If NRTC funds have been awarded/designated for this project, list contributor(s) and amount(s):

Campbell's Soup Co - $847,500; PNC Bank - $200,000; PSE&G - $1,000,000; TD Bank - $252,500

Provide a brief description of the project and its activities:

PBCIP is developing the first neighborhood-based, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified commercial building in the State of New Jersey, to be known as the "RENEW Building". This new construction project is designed to serve as one of the premier destination attractions on environmental sustainability in the South Jersey region. In addition to interest within the industry, the PSE&G Sustainability Center will make the technology accessible to the public through interactive exhibits to educate and promote green technologies for the general public.

The "RENEW Building" will be three-story, 22,000 square foot facility on Haddon Avenue, will house environmentally friendly retailers, businesses and contractors and an educational resource center on environmental sustainability. Three sustainable business enterprises, including an eco-friendly fresh food market and grill, bakery and spa will occupy the first floor retail space. The 2nd floor will provide commercial space for the Dunbar Office Center, Greener Construction, Verden Interior Design Studio and one additional “sustainable” business. The 3rd floor will consist of the PSE&G Sustainability Center, a one-stop center for information and resources on environmental and sustainable living, and PBCIP main offices.

The facility will have various interactive exhibits, models and displays throughout the building to showcase and education individuals and businesses on environmentally sustainable building practices. Also, the PBCIP Development Team plans to develop curriculum and educational programs and tools to coincide with the various elements within the building to teach youth and adults about energy efficiency, conservation and alternative energy.

PBCIP proposes to also create a social enterprise focused on landscaping and lot clean-up. These tasks are currently undertaken in the Parkside neighborhood either by volunteers or by itinerant workers who accept small payment for odd jobs. Establishing a landscaping and clean-up business would provide steady employment for the unemployed and underemployed in the community, while providing a consistent and reliable source of labor for these tasks. The work speaks directly to the issue of “clean and safe,” which is consistently ranked the #1 priority by residents. The ongoing need for beautification, “curb appeal” improvements and removal of blight in both occupied and unoccupied lots indicates a demand and steady revenue base for such an enterprise. In light of this, PBCIP sees this endeavor as a revenue-generating business that could be a reliable source of income to operate a currently unfunded proposal from Parkside block captains – the goal of providing quality recreational programs for Parkside’s young people.

Additionally, through its workforce housing program, PBCIP will continue providing high quality, affordable homeownership opportunities for working families in the Parkside area. This initiative directly addresses the stated goals of the Parkside Neighborhood Plan:

 Preserving existing housing through rehab,

 Creating a residential development mixed use plan, and

 Phased development.

PBCIP's workforce housing project will replace blighted houses that are a magnet for crime and illicit activity with homes for well-prepared homebuyers committed to investing in the community. The rehabbed homes will increase the median value of houses in Parkside. And, as existing homeowners see the investment being made on their block by PBCIP, they are likely to invest in their own homes through upkeep and improvements. Homeownership also contributes to a stable workforce by providing employees who are committed to the area as evidenced by their decision to purchase a home. PBCIP’s workforce housing project will encourage workers to put down roots close to their place of employment, make a long-term commitment to the community, and achieve the dream of home ownership.

Check the boxes that best describe the project activities (check all that apply):

Housing Economic Development

Supportive Services Other

What outcomes are anticipated from completing the project and its activities?

(a) Educate Camden residents about energy efficiency, energy conservation, clean energy alternatives and green building;

(b) Engage community-based organizations, businesses, government, and social service providers in the creation of a local sustainability strategy around energy efficiency, alternative energy, and healthy living;

(c) Construct a 22,000 square foot, LEED-Certified commercial building in the heart of Parkside commercial district;

(d) Support and assist environmentally responsible businesses and contractors to expand and create employment and businesses opportunities;

(e) Create over 30 new, liveable-wage, green-collar retail, service and construction jobs for low-income residents in the City of Camden;

(f) Recruit, prepare, place and support low-income residents to retain employment and succeed in their new jobs;

(g) Contribute to the overall revitalization efforts of the community;

(h)Housing preservation; and

(i)Increased homeownership opportunities for working families.

Date of Posting: 11/10/10

NJDCA reserves the right to edit the content of this form, to make corrections or to update the information. This profile will be posted on the NRTC webpage for a maximum period of 12 months; it will be removed sooner if the requested NRTC funding is determined to be no longer needed. NRTC webpage: