Dear Senior Parents,

The decision is made, the date is set, and your seniors have a place to graduate (really two!). Graduation is definitely on the 5th of June 2009. We have reserved the Haus de Burges in Ramstein. Unfortunately that means that the seniors will be sitting in the audience. That also means that we will have to limit the number of tickets for families to attend the ceremonies (more on that later). Thanks to your suggestions, ideas and hints, we have tried many different venues, all of which were either too small, not available or not what we wanted for our graduation ceremonies.

We would like to especially thank Mrs. Unwin for her assistance and continued work in support of our graduation ceremonies. With her help, we will know more by the end of January if we are able to move the site to the more robust accommodations of the Pirmasens Festhalle for our graduation. The seniors will be given graduation announcement packets the second week of January to return them in two weeks.

Back to the limitations of the ceremony at the Haus de Burges. We will have to limit families to 5 tickets per family, with a waiting list for any extras that come available. These extra tickets will be distributed according to the list, first come, first serve. If we are able to move the ceremonies to Pirmasens, this will not be an issue.

In March, during the Terra Nova week were are planning some activities that we will let you know more about as soon as all the plans are in place.

We do need you to let me know via email if you would like to specifically work on the Baccalaureate committee. This committee needs to make arrangements soon for the 30th of May at a venue of their choice. In past years they have held it at the Otterberg Cathedral, but that will be up to the group to decide.

Other groups that will be formed will be the senior breakfast, bowling day, “senior day” (during Terra nova week), the senior banquet, and the end of the year family picnic. I have emails and your names and will be requesting those people to join in after the holiday break.

Remember the senior financial meeting on the 8th of January. We will have a set schedule of meetings sent out, as well as posted on the senior page of my website, You can keep up to date there, as this letter and all information will be posted there as soon as we have it.

Thanks for your patience and support,

Dennis Decker

Senior Class advisor, Kaiserslautern HS