Plan to Achieve Self Support

PASS Resources

Common Social Security Program Acronyms

AWIC Area Work Incentives Coordinator

BPQY Benefits Planning Query; SSA 2459

BWE Blind Work Expenses

CDB Childhood Disability Benefits

CDR Continuing Disability Review

CWIC Community Work Incentives Coordinator

DDS Disability Determination Services

DPN Disability Program Navigator

EN Employment Network

EPE Extended Period of Eligibility

EXR Expedited Reinstatement

FBR Federal Benefit Rate

FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act

IDA Individual Development Account

IRWE Impairment Related Work Expense

PABSS Protection and Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security

PASS Plan to Achieve Self-Support

PESS Property Essential to Self-Support

SEIE Student Earned Income Exclusion

SGA Substantial Gainful Activity

SSA Social Security Administration

SSDI Social Security Disability Insurance

SSI Supplemental Security Income

SSPS Social Security Programs Section (within DOR)

TANF Temporary Assistance to Needy Families

TPR Timely Progress Reviews

TTW Ticket To Work and Self Sufficiency Program

TWP Trial Work Period

UWA Unsuccessful Work Attempt

VR Vocational Rehabilitation

WIPA Work Incentive Planning and Assistance Programs

WISE Work Incentive Seminar Events

Glossary of Terms:

Abandonment: Abandonment occurs when the PASS participant loses the intent to pursue the occupational goal.

POMS SI 00870.002 A1

Countable Income: Of the income an SSI recipient earns or otherwise receives, Social Security only considers a portion of it when determining the amount of the SSI payment. Because income, earned or unearned, will reduce the amount of the SSI benefit, certain exclusions are applied so as not to penalize the SSI recipient for earning income. The amount that Social Security actually deducts from the SSI amount is the Countable Income. This is also the amount that is an "Optimal" PASS contribution for most individuals with earned income because the individual will still have the same amount of money to live on each month.

Deferred Expense: This term refers to deferral of the decision on whether to allow a particular expense until the individual reaches a particular milestone on which the need for ht expense is predicated.

POMS SI 00870.002 A3

Goal Feasibility: A goal is feasible when there is a reasonable chance that the individual will be able to perform the work associated with the occupational goal taking into account his/her impairment and the limitations imposed by it, age, strengths, and abilities.

POMS SI 00870.006 A3

Viability: The plan must be realistic considering the individual's education and training needs, assistive technology required, necessary interval steps, other needs, and whether the person will have sufficient means to cover PASS expenses, living expenses, and other necessary expenses.

POMS SI 00870.006 A4

Occupational Goal: The occupational goal of a PASS is the job or business in which the individual hopes to be employed or self-employed at the end of the PASS. In supported-employment situations, the occupational goal may be to work more independently in an existing job.

POMS SI 00870.002 A7

PASS Cadre: The word “Cadre” refers to a group of trained personnel. In this case a PASS Cadre is a group of PASS Specialist who are trained in all of the functions and regulations of the Plan to Achieve Self-Support.

PASS Specialist: An individual trained to evaluate, track, and implement Social Security’s PASS work incentive. They also play an important role in outreach and training to beneficiaries and other interested groups.

Retroactivity: A PASS can be started with the earliest month in which the individual was entitled to SSI and was incurring expenses or setting aside money for future expense related to the occupational goal.

POMS SI 00870.007 B2

Stabilization: Stabilization is a supported-employment term that refers to the point at which, following intensive job coaching, the individual has reached a designated hourly work goal, but still may need some level of job coaching and/or counseling. POMS SI 00870.002 A8

Unallowed Expenses: No expense can be allowed that is not purchased by the individual or deemor; is for items or services that the individual can readily obtain for free; is for items or services for which the individual will be promptly reimbursed; reflects an outstanding debt unrelated to the current PASS or a prior PASS or was in existence prior to the current PASS; or an expense used to reduce countable income after the start-up period.

POMS SI 00870.006 C

VR Appraisal: A VR appraisal is any process of measurement of an individual's level of vocational functioning. Appraisal is often used as an umbrella term that covers both vocational assessment and vocational evaluation.

POMS SI00870.002 A11


Social Security Administration’s Red Book:

Information and Benefits Calculators:

PASS Application:

PASS Cadres:

Toolkits, webinars and other Resources:

Directory of Work Incentive Planning and Assistance (WIPA) projects: (Often have benefits planners who can help write a PASS plan)

PASS Cadres:

Anaheim, CA

Covering Los Angeles, Orange County, Kern County, Ventura County

888-280-9412 ext 22632 or 22606

Roseville, CA

Covering Nevada; Mid California, Fresno, Placerville, parts of Sacramento, San Luis Obispo, and Santa Barbara

866-964-1828 ext 10516

Sacramento, CA

Covering Chico, Rancho Cordova, Redding, parts of Sacramento, Susanville, Yreka 877-326-0103 ext 28318

San Diego, CA

Covering San Diego, Riverside, Imperial and San Bernardino Counties; Hawaii; Arizona;
Pacific Islands

855-820-0097 ext. 24060 or ext. 24059

San Francisco, CA

Covering San Francisco, South and East Bay Counties, Marin and Monterey Counties

866-964-1726 ext 19742

Santa Rosa, CA

Covering Del Norte, Humboldt, Mendocino, Sonoma, Solano, Napa, Lake and Yuba Counties

877-890-8459 ext 21844

866-964-1726 ext 19742

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