The objectives of Stanford le Hope Rugby Union Football Club shall be:

a)  To promote social and athletic welfare within the local community.

b)  To promote the sport of rugby union within the local borough of Thurrock.

c)  To compete in the Essex RFU (or other) Rugby Football Union League and to seek regular weekly fixtures for our members to participate in.

d)  That the club play according to the rules of the Rugby Football Union and be affiliated to that body and to the Essex County Rugby Football Union.

e)  To encourage participation amongst local people and to strive to increase our membership and playing strength.

f)  To initiate a youth policy in Thurrock and to develop youth teams.

g)  To work in conjunction with and to support other local sporting clubs and local schools.


a)  Club membership shall consist of:

  1. Playing Members - shall include only those who play or administer (including Managers, Coaches and other volunteers) the game of Rugby Football over the age of 18, or have been elected President or Honorary Vice President and Honorary Life Members and Honorary Life Vice Presidents. Playing members have full voting rights.
  2. Youth Members - under the age of 18 years who have no voting rights, but will have full use of the club facilities.
  3. Social Members - no voting rights but will have full use of the club facilities.

a)  Applications for membership may only be considered by the Executive Committee if proposed and seconded by Voting Members on an application form provided by the club and accompanied by the appropriate subscription. Members shall be elected by a simple majority vote.

b)  The application for membership shall be displayed in a prominent position in the club house, for at least two days before being considered. The decision of the Executive Committee on any such application shall be final.

c)  A candidate’s application for membership shall imply his/her full assent and submission to all the rules and bye-laws of the club if he is elected a member.

d)  No person shall be admitted to membership or the privileges of membership until the time specifies in paragraph (b) hereof has elapsed and his/her application has been approved by the Executive Committee.


a)  There shall be an Executive Committee comprising the Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Fixture Secretary, Social Secretary, Membership Secretary, Senior Team Captains, and a member appointed by each section of the Club. Six (6) or more present shall form a quorum and the functions of the Executive Committee shall be to direct the policy of the Club, to control finances, to arrange social functions, to elect members of the Club and to deal with such matters as shall be referred to them by any section of the Club. The Executive Committee shall have power to appoint such other Committees or Sub-Committees as may be appropriate.

b)  All elected officers shall retire annually and are entitled to seek re-election.

c)  In committee meetings all elected and co-opted officers, with the exception of the chairman, will have an equal vote in all matters. The Chairman will only cast his/her vote in the event of a tie.

d)  There shall be a Selection Committee consisting of the Team Captains, 1st XV Vice Captain and Club Coach, 50% to form a quorum. The Selection Committee shall deal with all the on-field activities of the club.

e)  That it is hereby defined that the Officers of the Club shall be the President, the Chairman of the Executive Committee, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Treasurer and the Honorary Fixture Secretary.

f)  That all officers of the club be elected at a General Meeting held at the close of the season.

g)  That on the recommendation of the Executive Committee to a General Meeting, ladies and/or gentlemen who have rendered a valuable service to the club, may be elected Honorary Life Members, Honorary Life Vice Presidents, Honorary Vice Presidents or Vice Presidents.

h)  Where any elected officer fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings of the Stanford le Hope Rugby Union Football Club Executive Committee, without reasonable excuse (as determined by the Executive Committee), the said officer shall be replaced by another representative co-opted at the discretion of the Executive Committee and without recourse to a General Meeting.

i)  Where any elected officer fails, in the opinion of a majority of the other elected officers present at a duly convened Club Executive Committee Meeting, to fulfill the duties of his/her post to a reasonable standard, or is deemed to be causing unnecessary delay or impediment to the general work of the Committee, the Secretary (or the Chairman if the Secretary is the officer in question) should serve a notice of intent to that person, clearly indicating that a vote to dismiss the official under this rule will be taken, after due discussion, at the following Committee meeting (not less than 21 days from the date of the notice). Where an officer is dismissed after a vote under this rule, the said officer shall be replaced by another representative co-opted at the discretion of the Management Committee and without recourse to a General Meeting. No more than 2 officers may be dismissed under this rule in any period between General Meetings.

j)  Where any elected officer resigns his/her post on the Stanford le Hope Rugby Union Football Club Executive Committee, the said officer shall be replaced by another representative co-opted at the discretion of the Executive Committee and without recourse to a General Meeting, except in exceptional circumstances where the Chairman (or Secretary, where there is no Chairman) decides that the post should be filled by due election at a General Meeting or AGM. No more than 2 officers may be co-opted under this rule in any period between General Meetings.

k)  The Executive Committee shall meet not less than quarterly. It shall conduct the general business of Stanford le Hope Rugby Union Football Club and shall have power to undertake any proposal it deems fit to benefit and enhance the standing of Stanford le Hope Rugby Union Football Club.

l)  A quorum of a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be no less than six (6). No business shall be conducted unless a quorum is present.

m)  The Executive Committee will appoint a discipline committee consisting of three Committee members. The discipline committee is responsible for investigating complaints against members' behaviour and has full powers to discipline members in any way the discipline committee sees fit. A complaint can include (but is not limited to) allegations of bringing the Club into disrepute. Only the Executive Committee can overturn the decisions of the discipline committee. Members can be referred to the discipline committee by the main committee, by an EGM or AGM, by a team captain or upon the direction of an official rugby body to which the Club has directly or indirectly affiliated. Any complaints will be replied to within 21 days and any hearing will he held within 35 days.


a)  All playing members’ subscriptions shall be payable on or before the 30th September each year.

b)  Members, whose playing members’ subscriptions are not paid by the 30th September each year, will not enjoy any of the privileges of membership and will not be selected to play for the club until such subscription is paid.

c)  The annual subscription for members and categories of membership shall be set at an AGM or EGM.


a)  Should a Member misbehave or in any way cause annoyance to his/her fellow members, he may at the discretion of the Executive Committee, cease to be a member of the Club.

b)  That the club colours be Red, Black & White and that all players shall wear these colours when representing the club.

c)  That any Member who is unable to play in a match for which he is selected and of which he has received notice, shall give the Team Captain or a member of the Selection Committee three days notice of his/her inability to play and that failure to comply with this rule shall involve suspension at the discretion of the Selection Committee.

d)  Stanford le Hope Rugby Union Football Club shall adopt the rules and regulations as set by the Rugby Football Union regarding players’ conduct, which is freely available. Any member wishing to be considered as a player shall be deemed to have read and agreed to abide by the said rules. All fines, suspensions and punishments will be set according to Rugby Football Union guidelines. Individuals are responsible for any fines incurred by their own actions.


Stanford le Hope Rugby Union Football Club is committed to equality of opportunity. All members are welcomed purely on their interest to become involved with the sport of rugby union and no restriction on membership shall be made on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, sex/age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation or religion or be disadvantaged by any conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be justifiable.


Stanford le Hope Rugby Union Football Club is committed to carrying out its activities in accordance with the principles of its Equal Opportunities policy and the objectives of this constitution. Every attempt will be made to ensure that no-one is excluded, either intentionally or unintentionally, from participating in or benefiting from its activities.


a)  The Annual General Meeting of Stanford le Hope Rugby Union Football Club shall be held following the end of each Rugby Season, on 14 days notice to be given by the Honorary Secretary. A member shall give at least 7 days notice of any matter he/she wishes to raise at such meeting, which is not shown on the agenda. Fifteen months must not elapse without a General Meeting.

b)  Nominations for positions shall be posted on the club's notice board 28 days before the AGM. Nominees shall be proposed and seconded by a member with full voting rights.

c)  All members over the age of 18 years, who have been members for at least 2 years, shall be equally capable of being elected as Officers of the club.


a)  That an Extraordinary General Meeting may be held at any time at the discretion of the Executive Committee, or at the request in writing of at least 12 members of the club. Requests for such meetings are to be sent to the Honorary Secretary, together with the Agenda, list of conveners and a deposit of £50.

b)  That at least seven days notice shall be given for all Extraordinary General Meetings.


a)  That all relevant moneys be paid to the Honorary Treasurer, who shall present to the Annual General Meeting a full statement of the club's finances duly audited by the Honorary Auditors.

b)  The income and property of Stanford le Hope Rugby Union Football Club shall be applied solely towards the carrying out of the objectives of Stanford le Hope Rugby Union Football Club as set out in this constitution.


This section of the Constitution shall be administered by the SRGUG Committee.


This section of the Constitution shall be administered by the SRGUG Committee.


This section of the Constitution shall be administered by the SRGUG Committee.


a)  That notice of any proposed alteration of rules shall be given in writing to the Honorary Secretary 14 days before the date of a General Meeting of Stanford le Hope Rugby Union Football Club, or on application for an Extraordinary General Meeting.


a)  That the Executive Committee may frame such bye-laws as may be found necessary for the proper working of the club.

b)  A copy of these rules shall be made available to all members, the acceptance of which shall be considered a guarantee of his/her observance of them.

c)  That the Executive Committee shall not be responsible for loss of, theft or damage to any article belonging to any member or guest.

d)  Any sections founded from time to time on the authority of the Executive Committee referred to in rule 4(a):

  1. Shall have their own Officers and Committees and shall be responsible for their own finances, except as specified below and shall furnish the Honorary Treasurer with an audited account one month before the appropriate General Meeting.
  2. Shall be responsible for collecting subscriptions from the members of their sections, and paying over the same to the Honorary Treasurer.
  3. To be entitled to a representative on the Executive Committee who shall, for this purpose, be recognised as Playing Members of the Club.
  4. Shall admit Playing or Social Members of the club on payment of a section fee subject to the approval of the sub committee.
  5. May from time to time approach the Executive Committee to request funds for projects which are beyond their own resources and such requests shall receive consideration.
  6. No alterations to the club house or ground shall be authorised by any sub-committee or section, without the approval of the SRGUG or Thurrock Borough Council.
  7. There shall be provisions for sub-committees to consist of both Playing and Social Members where this is considered to be appropriate.


Stanford le Hope Rugby Union Football Club Constitution, May 2008, version 1.2