Tribal Centric Mental Health workgroup

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Video Conference locations listed below

Teleconference number

(360) 407-3780 PIN 257784#

Meeting Objective -Tribal and State representatives to work on the development of a Tribal Centric Mental Health delivery system

Members Present: in Everett: Colleen Cawston, Marilyn Scott. In Olympia: David Reed (DBHR), Roger Gantz (DOH), Steve Kutz (Cowlitz). In Spokane: Ann Dahl, Cindy Robison. On the phone: Mervyn Chambers (Lower Elwha), Dorothy Hamner (Colville), Gerry Grier (Lummi), Rhonda McFarland (Lummi), Sharon Grier, and Val Thomas.

Minutes taken by: Wanda Johns

1:00p.m. Invocation

1:10 p.m. Near Term Matters

David Reed, DBHR

Roger Gantz, AIHC

Reviewed the Tribal Centric Behavioral Health Design Project Document – numerous edits were suggested, and will be added in track changes. Roger and David explained some of the differences in types of mental health services and what types of providers can deliver those services. Basically there are 4 types of encounters:

1.  Medical

2.  Dental

3.  Mental Health – 20 therapy encounters/year for children and 12 therapy encounters/year for adults; medication management does not count as a therapy encounter, and there are no limits for medication management. Medication management can be performed by a physician or an ARNP. Rehabilitative Mental Health Services provides a broader range of services and provider types.

4.  Chemical Dependency – can bill the encounter rate once a day.

David will bring the definition of Medical Necessity to the December 18, 2012 meeting.

Steve Kutz asked for a paragraph in the document to clarify the difference in services for enrolled Indians and Urban Indians. Steve also raised concerns that this document is carving out a way for an “underground system of care for American Indians and Alaska Natives”. He also worries that it will cause a disparity in the behavioral health care of the Indian population. Cindy Robison is concerned that the document didn’t really seem to address co-occurring disorders.

Roger and David suggested that they change the word “system” to “network” within the document. It was also suggested that Roger and David add a mechanism for AI/AN to go outside the network for specialty services not provided within the network, such as treatment for anorexia.

There is some work to be done on crisis services and ITA services for the tribes. Some tribes will not be able to do their own ITA services. Other tribes will have to make changes to their Tribal Codes. It was also recommended that every RSN Board have a Tribal Representative.

Roger and David will also be drafting a cover letter to go out with the document. They will send the cover letter, the Tribal Centric Behavioral Health Design Document, and all exhibits and or attachments to Teresa Guy and Colleen Cawston for distribution.

This document will be sent to Tribal Leaders, APAC and IPAC Delegates, Indian Behavioral Health Organizations, and other interested parties for comments and suggestions. The comments and suggestions will be due back to the group by January 8, and discussed during the January 15th meeting.

1:40 p.m. Update on Subcommittee Teleconference Schedule

David Reed, DBHR

David gave a brief overview of what meetings have occurred and which meetings are coming up. He is still looking for people to become work group members. David will prepare notes for each workgroup meeting.

2:00 p.m. Billing contact for Medicaid clients with private insurance

Deb Sosa, HCA

Tabled for next meeting

3:00 p.m. Telemedicine billing process

Tabled for next meeting

4:00 p.m. Adjourn

Agenda items for December 18, 2012

·  Medicare – Rules regarding billings

·  Agreements that Tribes have with RSN’s that could crossover to others

·  2013 Meeting Schedule

The meeting for January 1, 2013 has been canceled

Agenda items for January 15, 2013

These meetings are scheduled on the first and third Tuesday afternoons from 1pm-4pm.

The video conference locations for this meeting include: Everett, Olympia, Omak, Seattle, Spokane, Yakima, Cowlitz, Jamestown, and Samish. Please contact Teresa Guy at 360-902-7706 or to confirm location. Any locations without confirmation by the Thursday before the meeting will be cancelled.