An Introduction to the Course and to U.S. Geography
US History/Napp Name: ______
A Blueprint to the Course:
The Plan:
1- Attendance and Participation
· Students gain content, skills and increase understanding by attending class regularly and participating in all class activities.
2- Homework
· A homework syllabus for the year is posted on the “Homework Assignments” page of Ms. Napp’s Social Studies webpage.
· It is important that students open the US Homework Syllabus 2015-2016 as another syllabus for a different course is also posted.
· Each week students are expected to write notes about eighteen topics:
- A variety of note-taking presentations may be used.
- All assignments must be written by hand and legible.
- Assignments are generally collected every Wednesday.
- Assignments may be collected a day earlier if a holiday occurs.
- Late assignments lose a letter grade for every day late.
3- Castle Learning
· Students must answer thirty Castle Learning questions every week.
· Students will be assigned over thirty Regents examinations.
· Students will answer the same number question for thirty different exams each week and use Ms. Napp’s review packet titled “A Walk through US History” – which can be found on the “Sweet Review” page of Ms. Napp’s webpage – to answer correctly.
4- Examinations
· In general, examinations are given every two weeks.
· All examinations are cumulative or include any information previously taught.
5- Percentages for Grade
· Examinations – 50%; Homework – 35%; Participation – 15%
The Quiz:
1- Homework isA- Assigned weekly
B- Assigned daily
2- Each assignment consists of
A- 12 questions
B- 18 questions
5- Homework is
A- Hand-written
B- Typed
6- Examinations are administered
A- Once a month
B- Every two weeks
7- Students must answer correctly
A- Thirty Castle Learning questions every week
B- Ten Castle Learning questions every week
8- Castle Learning questions
A- Can be answered incorrectly
B- Must be answered correctly
9- A student’s Castle Learning score affects
A- The Participation Grade
B- The Examination Grade
J / 3- The Homework Syllabus is only
A- Presented in class
B- Online
4- Homework is generally collected
A- Every Wednesday
B- Any day of the week
10- Each week, students
A- Answer the same number question on multiple Regents
B- Thirty questions in a row on one Regents
11- Examinations
A- Cover any information previously presented
B- Only recent information presented
12- Grades are based on
A- Examinations only
B- Examinations, homework, and participation
13- Late assignments
A- Lose a letter grade
B- Are not accepted
14- To answer Castle Learning questions correctly, students may
A- Use Ms. Napp’s “A Walk Through US History” Packet
B- Guess
U.S. Geography Facts: ~ From United States History and Government
Absolute Location –
The United States is located in the Northern and Western hemispheres. With the exception of Hawaii, the country is located on the continent of North America. The country is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Pacific Ocean on the west.
Relative Location –
Geographers also consider an area’s relative location, or where it is located in relation to other places. For example, the United States is located south of Canada and north of Mexico. California is west of New York.
Three Kinds of Maps –
· Physical maps show land features such as rivers and mountains.
· Political maps illustrate state or country boundaries and various political divisions such as counties and cities.
· Demographic maps show the placement of groups of people by different categories such as age or income level or education.
Multiple-Choice Questions:
1. Which type of map shows the most detailed information about Earth’s natural features, such as rivers, lakes, and mountain ranges?A. political
B. demographic
C. weather
D. physical
2. On which continent would you find the countries of Mexico, Canada, and the United States?
A. South America
B. North America
C. Europe
D. Asia
3. Which ocean is located off the east coast of the United States?
A. Pacific Ocean
B. Atlantic Ocean
C. Indian Ocean
D. Arctic Ocean
4. Which ocean is located off the west coast of the United States?
A. Pacific Ocean
B. Atlantic Ocean
C. Indian Ocean
D. Arctic Ocean / 5. What two U.S. states are not located in the middle of the North American continent?
(1) Arkansas and Nebraska
(2) Alaska and Florida
(3) Hawaii and California
(4) Hawaii and Alaska
6. Which U.S. state is geographically closest to Russia?
A. New York
B. Texas
C. Oregon
D. Alaska
7. Which of the following U.S. states shares a border with Mexico?
A. Florida
B. New York
C. Texas
D. Maine
8. Which river flows through New York?
A. Mississippi River
B. Columbia River
C. Rio Grande River
D. Hudson River
Writing Exercise:
Geography is “the study of the physical features of the earth and of human activity as it affects and is affected by these features, including the distributionof populations and resources, land use, and industries.” Geography affects humans and humans affect the natural environment.
· How does geography affect human societies and how do humans affect the natural world?
Geographic Variations in the Thirteen Colonies:
New England / The Middle Colonies / The Southern Colonies· Colder winters than other colonies
· Soil in New England was full of large rocks
· Farming was difficult
· Covered with trees
· Used the trees for lumber and to build ships
· Ships were used to fish or to hunt for whales
· New England became the leader in ocean shipping and commerce
· There were many natural ports and harbors / · A milder climate and much better soil than New England
· The Middle Colonies were well suited for small farms
· Middle Colonies shipped crops to Philadelphia and New York
· As Philadelphia and New York grew as trading centers, manufacturing increased
· Philadelphia also became an important shipbuilding center / · The warmest of the English colonies
· The warm climate made it possible to grow crops throughout the year
· The land was flat and the soil was rich
· Tobacco and rice were the two most important cash crops
· The climate was ideally suited for plantations where slaves did the manual labor
Geography matters!