Policy Manual

Trinity Episcopal School Parent Council



AND STRUCTURE…………………………………………………3




VI.PROGRAMS AND EVENTS………………………………………10






The Parent Council is a parent group that exists at the pleasure of, and reports to, the Board of Trustees of the School, and whose purpose is to assist the Board of Trustees and Head of School in supporting the mission and core values of the School through various programs, events, and activities. The annual membership dues help fund the programs, events, and activities of the Parent Council.

The leaders of the Parent Council must follow the Bylaws of the Parent Council. The Bylaws govern Parent Council’s function, focus, and purpose. This Manual outlines specific procedures that govern the operations of Parent Council, as well as duties and job descriptions of the Executive Board and Chairs of Parent Council Programs and Events.

A copy of this Manual is to be in the possession of all Parent Council Board members; a copy shall also be kept by the Staff Liaison to the Parent Council.



1. Board Members. The members of the Executive Boardshall include:

a. PRESIDENT. This position is filled by the previous year’s President-Elect. This person shall plan and preside at General, Chairperson, and Executive Board meetings. The President shall:

i. Establish the agenda for all Executive Board meetings.

ii. Work closely with the President-Elect.

iii. See that each Officer and Program Chair is functioning and carrying out the responsibilities assigned.

iv. Maintain close communication with the Staff Liaison and Head of School on all things involving Parent Council via monthly meeting.

v. Communicate all association activities to the member body, including, but not limited to, speaking at New Parent Dinner, and a presence at Lower School and Middle School Back to School events, to communicate Parent Council’s role, answer questions, and to recruit volunteers for the various Programs.

vi. Report to the Board of Trustees on parent council activities and programs in the spring.

vii. Oversee the writing of the Reporter in conjunction with the Communications Department.

viii. Solve problems and field questions, concerns, and ideas from the parent community regarding Parent Council activities.

ix. Other duties as agreed upon with the Staff Liaison and Head of School

b. PRESIDENT-ELECT. This person shall assist the President in any tasks assigned by the President, become familiar with the duties and functions of the office of President, and assume the duties and responsibilities of the President in the President’s absence. He or she shall automatically succeed to the office of President at the expiration of the term of office.

i. Upon a vacancy in the office of the President, the President-Elect shall serve as Acting President until the Board of Trustees and Head of School approve a successor, following the process outlined in Article VII, Section 2 of the Parent Council Bylaws.

ii. In the Spring, the President-Elect shall serve as Chairman of the Nominating Committee to fill Parent Council Executive Board positions for the following school year.

a. He or she shall obtain brief biographies of slated officers and present those for Board of Trustees approval.

iii. In the Spring, the President-Elect shall meet with the President, Staff Liaison, and Head of School to appoint the Parent Council Program and Event Chairpersons to represent the Parent Council for the following school-year. Director of Admission may be invited to be a part of this meeting.

iv. This person shall communicate regularly with and provide assistance to those program chairs under his/her leadership, and provide program reports to the Executive Board at the monthly meetings. The President-Elect shall attend, support, and participate in Parent Council events.

v. Other duties as assigned by the Parent Council President

c. SECRETARY/REPORTER. This person shall record accurate minutes of the Executive Board meetings and distribute them to the Staff Liaison and Head of School, and to each member of the Executive Board within one week of the general meeting each month. The minutes will be posted on the Trinity website, The Secretary shall retain custody of the minute book. . Additionally, this person shall keep a file of all correspondence directed to the Parent Council. He or she shall consult with the President in writing articles for the school newsletters, subject to approval of the Staff Liaison. This person shall communicate regularly with and provide assistance to those program chairs under his/her leadership, and provide program reports to the Executive Board at the monthly meetings. The Secretary shall attend, support, and participate in Parent Council events

d. TREASURER. This person shall work with the Business Office of the School to receive and disburse monies raised and collected by the Parent Council on behalf of the School. In addition, this person will assist the Business Office of the School in maintaining the financial books and records of the organization and in providing any requested reports.

i. The Treasurer shall act as a liaison between the business office of the School and the Council, and also between the Board and the Program and Event Chairpersons.

ii. The Treasurer shall work withthe Executive Board and the Business Office to create a Parent Council budget to be submitted for the school year he or she is in office.

iii. The Treasurer shall present a financial report to the Executive Board each month or when asked to do so by the President.

iv. The Treasurer shall communicate regularly with and provide assistance to those Program Chairs under his/her leadership, and provide program reports to the Executive Board at the monthly meetings. The Treasurer shall attend, support, and participate in Parent Council events.

v. Other duties as assigned by the Parent Council President.

e. VICE-PRESIDENT OF POLICY AND BYLAWS. This person shall be responsible distributing to and reviewing a copy of the Parent Council Bylaws and Policy Manual with the Executive Board and Program Chairpersons at the beginning of the school year in which they serve. The VPPB shall maintain a level of knowledge of the Parent Council’s Bylaws and its Policy Manual so that, upon request, he or she can answer questions relating to such documents from the Executive Board, Chairpersons, or membership. The VPPB shall keep a copy of the Policy Manual and the Bylaws, and is responsible for updating the Policy Manual throughout the year when deemed necessary by the President and Executive Board, subject to approval by the President, Staff Liaison and Head of School (see Art. VI, Section 2 of the Parent Council Bylaws). This person shall communicate regularly with and provide assistance to those program chairs under his/her leadership, and provide program reports to the Executive Board at the monthly meetings. The VPPB shall attend, support, and participate in Parent Council events. Perform other duties as assigned by the Parent Council President.

f. VICE-PRESIDENT OF MEMBERSHIP. He or she is responsible for fostering an atmosphere of inclusiveness and of open communication between the membership and Parent Council. This person will follow up with those parents who have opted out of paying dues. Vice-President of Membership shall recruit volunteer members for the various Parent Council sponsored events and programs in a timely fashion. He or she is responsible for creating, filling, and maintaining the accuracy of the sign-up sheets for all Parent Council programs. As part of this list, the Vice President of Membership shall maintain a current list of room-moms and dads for the Lower School, and comparable contact persons for Middle School, and shall provide such list upon request to members. This person shall communicate regularly with and provide assistance to those program chairs under his/her leadership, and provide program reports to the Executive Board at the monthly meetings. This person is responsible for correspondence, including thank-you notes, and follow-up with new members on behalf of the Parent Council Board. The Vice President of Membership shall attend, support, and participate in Parent Council events. Perform other duties as assigned by the Parent Council President.

g. MEMBER AT LARGE. A parent volunteer assigned by the President of the Parent Council.

2. Liaison to Programs. Each member of the Executive Board, except the President, shall also serve as liaison to one or more of the Council’s Programs. The assignments may change from year to year, as designated by the President and a majority vote of the Executive Board.

3. Nonvoting Members. Ex-Officio members of the Executive Board with voice (but not vote) shall include:

a. STAFF LIAISON. A Staff Liaison shall serve as an ex-officio member and shall be appointed by the Head of School.

i. The Staff Liaison is responsible for signing contracts with 3rd parties on behalf on the school for Parent Council Programs.

b. MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. A member of the Board of Trustees of the School may serve as a non-voting member of the Council’s Executive Board at the election of such Board of Trustees.



1. Funds. The Executive Board shall use funds collected through dues to accomplish the objectives and purposes consistent with the bylaws and policies and procedures adopted by the Board of Trustees (Bylaws Art. X, Section 1). The Parent Council may raise NO funds without the approval of the Executive Board, Head of School, Staff Liaison, and the Board of Trustees. (Bylaws Art. X, Section 2).

2. Budget. The Executive Board will approve a budget, with consent of the Head of School and Staff Liaison. This budget is prepared by the school’s Business Office and Treasurer by September 1 prior to the first meeting of the Parent Council.

3. Surplus. If funds raised by the Council exceed expenditures in a given year, the surplus shall be spent on items or initiatives recommended by the Head of School and Staff Liaison and approved by the Executive Board. The Parent Council President shall notify the Head of School and Staff Liaison if excess fund are available by September 1. The Head of School and Staff Liaison shall provide the Executive Board a list of funding priorities by September 15. The Executive Board, of the prior year, shall vote on the list of recommended funding priorities by October 1. If applicable, Parent Council gifts to the School will be announced to the community in the Fall.

4.Monthly Financial Report. The school’s Business Office will provide a monthly financial report of the council’s activities to the President.

5. Disbursements Procedure.

a. BUDGETS. Each Program or Event that spends Parent Council funds will receive a budget representing the total dollar amount allocated to that Program or Event for the year. This figure represents the “best estimate” of the normal and customary expenditures for that Program or Event. Actual expenditures may vary.

i. Within budget expenditures: If monies are spent within the traditional nature or purpose of the Program or Event AND are not in excess of the budgeted amount, no “pre-approval” is necessary before funds are spent.

ii. If expenditures will exceed the budgeted amount for a specific item, the Treasurer and the President should be notified via email or in writing before the funds are committed or spent. If approved, follow normal procedure for reimbursement.

iii. Any unusual or unprecedented disbursement of funds or payment of any unbudgeted expense must be approved by the Executive Board. An email response indicating approval by the Executive Board should be attached to the reimbursement request when it is turned in to the Treasurer as noted below.

iv. Receipts should be attached to a completed Parent Council Reimbursement Form and put in the Parent Council “Treasurer’s” slot in the Parent Council “in box”. Extra forms are available from the Parent Council Staff Liaison. If a check is being requested to go directly to a vendor, please make sure that the appropriate order form and mailing address are provided.

b. SALES TAX. Trinity is an approved “Not for Profit” entity and is therefore exempt from sales tax. Do not pay sales tax; it will not be reimbursed. A tax-exempt form will be provided to all committee members. Copies of the tax-exempt form can be obtained from the Parent Council Staff Liaison.

c. CONTRACTS. Only the Trinity Staff Liaison to the Parent Council may sign contracts. If a contract obligates the Parent Council to spend more than $200.00, it must have a written (email) approval by the Treasurer attached to it when it is turned in for signature. Contracts should be turned in to the same Parent Council box in Unity Hall. The Staff Liaison should be notified by phone or email when a contract is submitted for signature. Allow a one-week response time for signed contracts to be returned or mailed to a vendor. If contracts are to be mailed to a vendor, an appropriate address must be provided. A copy of any signed contract will be forwarded to the Treasurer for purposes of matching to later expenses.

d. VENDORS. It is the policy of the Parent Council that all Parent Council Programs and Events are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to solicit three or more bids prior to obtaining goods or services for those Programs or Events that require individual purchases greater than $500.00, unless it is a vendor with which Trinity has an established relationship. For the following Programs, an annual determination of vendor relationship should be reviewed and agreed upon by Program or Event Chair, President, and Staff Liaison: Spirit Store and Trinity Olympics.

e. DEPOSITS. All checks and cash must be placed in the Treasurer’s box within 24 hours of receipt. A signed settlement sheet should be turned in with the deposit.

f. DONATIONS. Check with the Advancement Office prior to any solicitation.

i. Follow up in writing (email) to the Treasurer, President, Advancement Office, and the Staff Liaison with a record of any in-kind donations received.



1. Slating. In the spring, the Nominating Committee (President-Elect and Executive Board, including the Staff Liaison and Head of School or his or her designee) must nominate a slate of candidates to fill the following positions for the next school year: President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Vice-President of Policy and Bylaws, Vice-President of Membership.

a. Consent of the candidate must be obtained before nomination.

b. By May 1, this slate, with a brief, preferably written, introduction of each candidate, must be turned over to the Board of Trustees.

2. Recusal. If a current member of the Council’s Executive Board is being considered for nomination for a consecutive year of service on the Executive Board, whether in the same position or another position, he or she shall excuse him or herself from serving on the Nominating Committee.

3. Term. A term is one year, beginning at the close of the school year in which the officer is appointed. An officer may serve for two years, but more than two requires approval by the Board of Trustees. (Bylaws, Article VII, Section 4.)



1. When and How. Executive Board meets monthly, as determined by the President, and a majority of its voting members (quorum) must be present to constitute a valid meeting.

2. Agenda and Reports. The President shall have an agenda prepared for the meeting; each Board member presents a report from his or her respective Program Chairs to keep the Board up-to-date on its needs and activities.

3. Attendance. The Bylaws specify that any member of the Executive Board may be removed by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board and approval of the Head of School and a majority of the Board of Trustees. Failure to regularly attend a reasonable number of Executive Board meetings will constitute sufficient cause for removal.



In Article VI, Section 1(a) of the Bylaws, a “program” is defined as any committee, event, or activity supported by Parent Council. Any NEW program must be PRE-APPROVED by the Executive Board and the Head of School. As of April 2016, the following are the programs supported by this Council:

  • BookFair
  • Carpool Dads
  • Dad’s Breakfast
  • Grandparents/Special Friends Day
  • Hospitality & Trinity Tasks
  • Lunch Service
  • Spirit Store
  • Staff Appreciation
  • Tornado Dads
  • Tornado Spirit Committee
  • Trinity Olympics
  • Uniform Exchange

A Statement of Purpose for each program/event is attached.



The Secretary shall distribute a copy of the Executive Board meeting minutes to the Staff Liaison, Head of School, and each member of the Executive Board, within two weeks of the Board meeting each month. The minutes will be posted on the Trinity website,