UPR of Romania (2nd Cycle – 15th session) Thematic list of recommendations Page 1 of 29

Recommendation / Position / Full list of themes / Assessment/comments on level of implementation /
Theme: A12 Acceptance of international norms
109.15. Ratify the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Algeria);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
B32 Racial discrimination
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- minorities/ racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious or descent-based groups
109.14. Ratify the Kampala amendments to the Rome Statute, if possible with a view to contributing to the activation of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over the crime of aggression at the beginning of 2017 (Liechtenstein);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A12 Acceptance of international norms
B51 Right to an effective remedy
B11 International humanitarian law
Affected persons:
- general
109.1. Consider the ratification of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (Armenia) (Costa Rica);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A12 Acceptance of international norms
D32 Enforced disappearances
Affected persons:
- disappeared persons
109.3. Continue efforts aiming at ratifying the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (Argentina);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A12 Acceptance of international norms
D32 Enforced disappearances
Affected persons:
- disappeared persons
109.9. Ratify the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (The State of Palestine);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
E1 Economic, social & cultural rights - general measures of implementation
B51 Right to an effective remedy
Affected persons:
- general
109.10. Consider ratifying the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights (Costa Rica);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
E1 Economic, social & cultural rights - general measures of implementation
B51 Right to an effective remedy
Affected persons:
- general
109.11. Consider ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on a communications procedure (Thailand);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A12 Acceptance of international norms
F31 Children: definition; general principles; protection
B51 Right to an effective remedy
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- children
109.12. Consider ratifying the Optional Protocol to Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Costa Rica);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A12 Acceptance of international norms
F41 Persons with disabilities: definition, general principles
B51 Right to an effective remedy
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- persons with disabilities
109.8. Encourage the ratification of ICRMW and CPED (Kuwait);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1
Comments: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 states: 109.8. Not accepted with respect to ICRMW (see recommendation 2); accepted concerning CPED. / Supported/Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
D32 Enforced disappearances
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- disappeared persons
- migrants
109.4. Consider ratifying the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families as well as ILO C onvention no.189 (Philippines);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
E32 Right to just and favourable conditions of work
S08 SDG 8 - economic growth, employment, decent work
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- general
- migrants
109.2. Consider ratifying the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (Peru);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
109.5. Accede to the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Membe rs of Their Families (Belarus);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
109.6. Ratify the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (Chile);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
109.7 . Ratify the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (Guatemala);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Noted / A12 Acceptance of international norms
G4 Migrants
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- migrants
Theme: A22 Cooperation with treaty bodies
109.41. Transmit the overdue reports to the Human Rights Committee, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and the Committee against Torture (Czech Republic);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A22 Cooperation with treaty bodies
D25 Prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
F12 Discrimination against women
S05 SDG 5 - gender equality and women's empowerment
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- general
- women
- persons deprived of their liberty
Theme: A41 Constitutional and legislative framework
109.13. Complete the process of fully implementing its obligations under the Rome Statute into domestic law, in particular by adopting provisions allowing for full cooperation with the International Criminal Court (Liechtenstein);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A41 Constitutional and legislative framework
A28 Cooperation with other international mechanisms and institutions
B11 International humanitarian law
B51 Right to an effective remedy
Affected persons:
- general
109.40. Further consolidate achievements in domains such as legislative and judicial reform, education, health care and gender equality, and continue to put more priorities and national resources on other important fields of job creation and social security, with greater focus on improving the overall conditions of vulnerable groups of children, women, youth and persons with disabilities (Viet Nam);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A41 Constitutional and legislative framework
B31 Equality & non-discrimination
D51 Administration of justice & fair trial
E31 Right to work
F41 Persons with disabilities: definition, general principles
F31 Children: definition; general principles; protection
E41 Right to health - General
E24 Right to social security
F12 Discrimination against women
E51 Right to education - General
S03 SDG 3 - health
S04 SDG 4 - education
S05 SDG 5 - gender equality and women's empowerment
S08 SDG 8 - economic growth, employment, decent work
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- general
- children
- women
- persons with disabilities
- judges, lawyers and prosecutors
Theme: A42 Institutions & policies - General
109.26. Continue to develop the institutional framework with respect to the promotion and protection of human rights (Jordan);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A42 Institutions & policies - General
Affected persons:
- general
Theme: A44 Structure of the national human rights machinery
109.27. Specify the respective areas of competence of the various institutions and bodies combating discrimination to ensure the effectiveness of the system for preventing and combating discrimination, as recommended by CERD (Slovenia);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Noted / A44 Structure of the national human rights machinery
B31 Equality & non-discrimination
A23 Follow-up to treaty bodies
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- general
- minorities/ racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious or descent-based groups
Theme: A45 National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
109.18. Continue to introduce the legislative and institutional measures necessary to enhance the independence and effectiveness of its National Human Rights Institution (Egypt);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A45 National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
Affected persons:
- general
109.19. Consider reviewing the status and effectiveness of the NHRI to ensure its full compliance with the Paris Principles (Poland);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A45 National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
Affected persons:
- general
109.20. Take all necessary measures to make its National Human Rights Institution fully compliant with the Paris Principles (France);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A45 National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
Affected persons:
- general
109.21. Provide the Ombudsman institution with necessary resources to carry out its mandate in an effective way (Poland);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Noted / A45 National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
Affected persons:
- general
109.22. Revise the status of the National Human Rights Institution with a view to ensure its full compliance with the Paris Principles (Ukraine);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A45 National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
Affected persons:
- general
109.28. Consider providing the National Council for Combating Discrimination, Ombudsman and relevant institutions with adequate resources to carry out their work and to minimize duplication of their functions and competence areas (Thailand);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A45 National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
A44 Structure of the national human rights machinery
B31 Equality & non-discrimination
A63 Budget and resources (for human rights implementation)
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- general
109.25. Heed the call of the Committee on the Rights of the Child for an independent om budsman for children (Slovenia);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A45 National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
F31 Children: definition; general principles; protection
A23 Follow-up to treaty bodies
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- children
109.23. Consider establishing an independent Ombudsman for children (Ukraine);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A45 National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
F31 Children: definition; general principles; protection
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- children
109.24. Consider establishing an independent Ombudsman for children (Poland);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A45 National Human Rights Institution (NHRI)
F31 Children: definition; general principles; protection
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- children
Theme: A47 Good governance
109.154. Through the national strategy against corruption 2012-2015, take the measures necessary to ensure the implementation of the recommendations relating the cooperation and verification mechanism (CVM) issued by the European Commission, and including continuing efforts to prevent and combat corruption in the political and judicial sectors (Canada);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A47 Good governance
A46 National Plans of Action on Human Rights (or specific areas)
D51 Administration of justice & fair trial
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- general
- judges, lawyers and prosecutors
109.152. Accelerate its efforts to combat corruption in the country including through the effective implementation of the new National Anticorruption Strategy 2012-2015 (Indonesia);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A47 Good governance
A46 National Plans of Action on Human Rights (or specific areas)
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- general
109.153. Combat corruption; ensure the independence of the judiciary. Take steps to increase the effectiveness of the judiciary and prosecutor’s office, and the level of professionalism of their staff (Russian Federation);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A47 Good governance
D51 Administration of justice & fair trial
S16 SDG 16 - peace, justice and strong institutions
Affected persons:
- general
- judges, lawyers and prosecutors
Theme: A51 Human rights education - general
109.123. Continue its efforts with a view to the effective implementation of the provisions of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training (Morocco);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A51 Human rights education - general
Affected persons:
- general
109.122. Continue its efforts related to human rights education and training as it represents a major gateway onto overcomi ng many long term difficulties (Lebanon);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A51 Human rights education - general
E51 Right to education - General
S04 SDG 4 - education
Affected persons:
- general
Theme: A52 Human rights education - in schools
109.124. Introduce the principle of anti-discrimination into school curricula and teaching practices at all levels of its education system (Cyprus);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A52 Human rights education - in schools
B31 Equality & non-discrimination
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- general
109.73. Include accurate Holocaust information in all public school lesson plans (United States of America);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Noted / A52 Human rights education - in schools
E51 Right to education - General
S04 SDG 4 - education
Affected persons:
- general
- children
Theme: A53 Professional training in human rights
109.39. Further intensify training for State and local authorities and the public at large on international human rights standards, particularly those in relation to sexual orientati on and gender identity (Finland) ;
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A53 Professional training in human rights
B31 Equality & non-discrimination
A54 Awareness raising and dissemination
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- general
- lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons (LGBTI)
- public officials
109.66. Continue training efforts in the area of human rights education for security personnel and in the field of discrimination against vulnerable groups (Tunisia);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A53 Professional training in human rights
B31 Equality & non-discrimination
G1 Members of minorities
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- minorities/ racial, ethnic, linguistic, religious or descent-based groups
- vulnerable persons/groups
Theme: A54 Awareness raising and dissemination
109.43. Intensify even further its efforts undertaken in regard to initiatives and awareness-raising programmes on gender equality and the protection of LGBT rights (Estonia);
Source of position: A/HRC/23/5/Add.1 / Supported / A54 Awareness raising and dissemination
F12 Discrimination against women
B31 Equality & non-discrimination
S05 SDG 5 - gender equality and women's empowerment
S10 SDG 10 - inequality
Affected persons:
- general
- lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons (LGBTI)
- women
Theme: B31 Equality & non-discrimination