Faculty Reports for Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland Executive Committee Meeting
28 November 2013
Addictions Faculty
Opioid Replacement Therapy Report. The Response from the Scottish Government is awaited following the publishing of this report by the Chief Medical Officer in the Summer. The Scottish Government has met representatives of the Alcohol and Drug Partnerships and will meet clinicians and pharmacists before we meet on the 28th November.
Addiction Consultants gaps. There are a number of gapped posts for Addiction Consultants across Scotland currently. A number of retirements have been notified for 2014. There are very few trainees with an Addictions endorsement currently eligible. The situation is likely to get worse!
Addictions Faculty residential conference. The Addictions Faculty residential conference will be held in Dunkeld on Thursday evening and Friday 20-21st February, 2014.
Dr Andrew Robinson
Old Age Faculty
No report.
Forensic Faculty
The National Committee has met twice this year most recently in Dunblane on the afternoon of the joint conference with the Rehabilitation Faculty. We are due again to meet on the 11th December (at 8.30)when notice will be given of elections next year.That day there is also an exciting programme for the traditional Edinburgh Forensic club and Faculty AGM meeting from 10am - featuring Dr Brown's analysis of Midlothian Murders and the false impression given by popular TV Crime drama and Dr Hughes on homicide and the kitchen knife.
The joint meeting with the Rehab Faculty was a great success and we plan this to be a regular fixture perhaps with other Scottish faculties.
The Faculty has been involved with a number of consultations - particularly the proposed extension of excessive security appeals following the Supreme Court ruling. The Faculty remains split on the best way to proceed and the feedback to Government has reflected those dispirit views.
We have liaised with the UK Faculty where much discussion has taken place regarding the challenge of Commissioning in England.
We have also liaised with UK FEC regarding changes to medical training and the new proposed forensic curriculum - I am due to attend another meeting in London regarding this in December.
Recruitment remains an important topic with a number of current consultant vacancies and 8 trainees due to CCT in August 2015. UK wide recruitment will be based in England for the August intake and the faculty has been active in promoting relevant Scottish Questions for the anticipated 7 vacancies.
The national Scottish training scheme remains very popular and the feedback from trainees very good. I continue as member of the Speciality Training Board.
In terms of wider training, Dr Wells and other Faculty members are regularly offering training to Scottish colleagues on expert witness skills.
The Faculty continues to monitor discussions lead by Scottish government regarding bed configuration particularly in the medium estate.
The Faculty continues to attend Forensic Managed Clinical Care Network meetings and contribute to discussions. We would like to see the Network establish formal ties with the College's quality network. We think it also wise for the Network to consider contingencies following a yes vote in theindependence referendum regarding secure services currently paid for in England.
Faculty members remain concerned about the current situation at the State Hospital where its Chief Executive continues to be unable to work as normal whilst various allegations are investigated.Faculty members are particularly dismayed in what appears to be well informed leaks to the press which cannot help the situation. It is hoped for an early resolution to the situation. Several faculty members have expressed support for the Chief Executive to the Chair - none has expressed any criticism.
On a more positive note there was universal delight in the inaugural lecture given by Professor Lindsay Thomson on the 11th November. The Faculty was very well represented at the event and extends its congratulations to Lindsay for her achievement.
Dr John Crichton
Faculty of Intellectual Disability
As with other faculties recruitment into St4 posts was poor at the last round of recruitment. The faculty is encouraging members to look for opportunities to provide tasters of ID psychiatry (SSM’s medical students etc). As well as encouraging members to offer FY and CT posts where possible.
The ID faculty ARM was held in Glasgow on the 26th and 27th September and was a great success.
The ID Faculty of the RCPsychiS is looking to organise a joint spring meeting with colleagues from Northern Ireland. Initial planning is underway.
Following our strategy day a small group have been working on Standards for members when their patients are sent Out of Area. This is now progressing for further discussion within the faculty.
The census of the use of inpatient beds is ongoing and the results from this year are awaited.
Dr Linda Findlay
Faculty of Medical Psychotherapy
Faculty Conference
The next conference will beon 21st to 22nd November 2013 in Perth, with a title of “I’m a Psychotherapist, how can I help you?”
The focus of the conference is Psychotherapy and its usefulness within psychiatry, from training right through to everyday general adult practice. At the point of writing we have 41 delegates, and a good response to the invitation for Poster presentations.
Changes to the format include de-coupling residential from conference costs, in order to reduce risk to the College of bearing the cost of an undersubscribed event. Location and organisation of conference to be reviewed after the event.
Medical psychotherapy Faculty in Scotland Strategy Day
A first successful strategy day was held in Perth in October 2013.
National issues raised at the London Faculty Exec were reviewed from a Scottish perspective, with particular reference to the strategy document “Thinking cradle to grave- developing psychotherapeutic psychiatry”.
Priorities Identified include:
- Improving psychotherapy input to undergraduate psychiatry placements
- The role of psychotherapy within our organisations – e.g. Consultant reflective practice/ consultation in relation to difficult patient interactions and staff groups
- Addressing the Inequity of med psychotherapy provision across Scotland – e.g. none in Fife, Borders, Dumfries and Galloway
- Improve the Faculty presence on the RCPsych in Scotland Website
Dr Andrea Williams
Child and Adolescent Faculty
No report.
Liaison Faculty
No report.
General Adult Psychiatry Faculty
(i) Adult ADHD Working Group
This group has continued to meet every 2-3 months and has concentrated on the following areas:
- Adult ADHD diagnosis and treatment workshop – Friday 15th Nov 2013 at Carlton Hotel Edinburgh (sold out).
- Guidance Document for Transition from CAMHS to Adult Services – out for consultation to Executive Committee
- Adults with ADHD webpage – on General Adult Faculty RCPsychiS website
ii) Clozapine Physical Health Monitoring Standards
These have now been published along with audit tools and have been circulated to all health boards.
iii) UK RCPsych General Adult Faculty Conference
Successful conference held in Manchester titled ‘The Changing face of General Adult Psychiatry.’ Congratulations to David Christmas for organisation of this.
iv) UK RCPsych General Adult Faculty
A major theme of the UK faculty will be on ‘Compassion in Psychiatry.’
v) Tribunal Reform Process
The Law Society remains strongly opposed to not isolatingMHA Tribunals into a separate chamber. They are recommending that the Tribunal's place within the proposed chamber structure ought to be enshrined in primary legislation which could only be amended by a further Act of the Scottish Parliament.
vi) ‘When patients should be seen by a psychiatrist’ (draft document)
There has been much discussion within the Scottish general adult faculty about this document by Dr Mynors-Wallis. We have expressed concerns about the motivation for the document and how it does not reflect differences in how mental health care is funded and delivered in Scotland.
vii) RCPsychiS General Adult Faculty Conference
This will be on Friday 9th May at Crieff Hydro.
Dr Neil Masson
Rehabilitation Faculty
No report.