US History Review: Presidents – Foreign and Domestic Policy

President and Years in Office / Domestic Issues / Foreign Issues
George Washington
VP: John Adams
(1789 – 1797) / Bill of Rights, Judiciary Act of 1789 and John Jay, Hamilton proposes national bank, Jefferson against tariffs, Whiskey Rebellion, Farewell Address, Federalists v. Democratic-Republicans begins, Eli Whitney and cotton gin, slavery as a “necessary evil” / Treaty of Greenville, Proclamation of Neutrality, Impressment of Seamen
John Adams
VP: Thomas Jefferson
(1797 – 1801) / Alien and Sedition Acts, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, Nullification, Louisiana Purchase, Abigail Adams and suffrage, / Jay’s Treaty with England, XYZ Affair, Convention of 1800, Pinckney’s Treaty with Spain
Thomas Jefferson
VP: Aaron Burr, George Clinton
(1801 – 1809) / Election of 1800, “Midnight Judges”, Marbury v. Madison and judicial review, John Marshall, Lewis and Clark Expedition, Oregon Trail / Embargo Act of 1807 repealed by Non-Intercourse Act
James Madison
VP: George Clinton, Elbridge Gerry
(1809 – 1817) / Hartford Convention, War Hawks and Doves, Nationalism, Henry Clay’s American System (Tariff of 1816, Second National Bank) / Tecumseh, Tippecanoe, War of 1812 (Horseshoe Bend, Treaty of Ghent, Battle of New Orleans), Cherokee and Sequoyah
James Monroe
VP: Daniel Tompkins
(1817 – 1825) / John Quincy Adams is Sec of State, Missouri Compromise, Gibbons v. Ogden, Panic of 1819 (rush to withdraw money) / Adams-Onis Treaty, Convention of 1818 with Britain, Monroe Doctrine
John Quincy Adams
VP: John Calhoun
(1825-1829) / Indian Removal Act, Worcester v. Georgia, Trail of Tears, Erie Canal and Robert Fulton steamboat, Election of 1824 (Corrupt Bargain by Clay against Jackson), Tariff of Abominations
Andrew Jackson
VP: John Calhoun, Martin Van Buren
(1829 – 1837) / Jacksonian Democracy, Spoils System, South Carolina Nullification Crisis and Compromise of 1833, McCullogh v. Maryland, Election of 1832 (the bank), “pet banks”, Panic of 1837, The Whig Party forms, Texas Independence (Stephen Austin, Santa Anna, Sam Houston, The Alamo, Annexation), Nat Turner Rebellion
Martin Van Buren
VP: Richard Johnson
(1837 – 1841) / Election of 1840, Technological Revolution (Samuel Morse, Deere, McCormick), Joseph Smith and the Mormons
William Henry Harrison
VP: John Tyler
John Tyler
VP: none
(1841 – 1845) / Brigham Young moves Mormons to Utah / Webster-Asheburton Treaty
James K. Polk
VP: George Dallas
(1845 – 1849) / Election of 1844 over Henry Clay, Manifest Destiny, Gold Rush of 1849 (49ers) / 54-40 or Fight, Mexican War (Zachary Taylor, Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo), Wilmot Proviso
Zachary Taylor
VP: Millard Fillmore
(1849-1850) / Compromise of 1850 and the Fugitive Slave Law, Sectionalism (“cotton kingdom” v. industrial revolution with Slater, interchangeable parts, plantation system)
Millard Fillmore
VP: none
(1850-1853) / Nationalism through art (Alex de Tocqueville, Noah Webster, Hudson River Artists, Washington Irving, Poe, Hawthorne, Cooper), Transcendentalism (Emerson, Thoreau), Bessemer Process, Andrew Carnegie and vertical integration, Gospel of Wealth, John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil, Cornelius Vanderbilt (railroad), J.P. Morgan (finance), George Westinghouse (electricity), Social Darwinism (Horatio Alger and rags to riches), Gilded Age and Mark Twain, Child Labor and Labor Unions (Knights of Labor, AFL and Samuel Gompers, Eugene Debs and ARU), Yellow Dog Contracts, lockouts and blacklists, injunctions / Hawaii and sugar plantations
Franklin Pierce
VP: William King
(1853 – 1857) / Gadsden Purchase, Nativism and Know-Nothings, Abolitionists (William Lloyd Garrison, Grimke Sisters, Frederick Douglass, David Walker), Great Awakening (Charles Finney, “revivals”), reform movements (Mann, Dix, Temperance, Women’s Rights and Mott, Stanton, Sojourner Truth, Anthony at Seneca Falls), Utopias (New Harmony, Brook Farm and Charles Fourier), Kansas-Nebraska Act and Bleeding Kansas, Sumner and Brooks (the cane incident), Republican Party forms as anti-slavery
James Buchanan
VP: John Breckinridge
(1857 – 1861) / Dred Scott v. Sanford, Lincoln-Douglass Debates, Freeport Doctrine, Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad, Harriet Beecher Stowe and Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Harper’s Ferry and John Brown
Abraham Lincoln
VP: Andrew Johnson
(1861 – 1865) / Election of 1860 and Southern Secession, Jefferson Davis and the Confederate States of America, Civil War (Ft. Sumter, Ulysses Grant, George McClellan, Sherman, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Bull Run, Anaconda Plan, Antietam, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Sherman’s “March to the Sea”), Writ of Habeas Corpus suspended, Emancipation Proclamation, 13th Amendment, Election of 1864 (Lincoln wins cause war goes well), Appomattox and Bennett Place, Technology (rifles, ironclads with Monitor and Merrimack, CSS Hunley the submarine), John Wilkes Booth and Lincoln Assassination, Homestead Act, Morrill Land Grant Act, Oklahoma Land Rush and the “sooners”, Buffalo and Cattle in the West, Reservations, Native American Battles (Chief Black Kettle and the Sand Creek Massacre, Red Cloud, Crazy Horse, Battle of Little Bighorn, Nez Perce and Chief Joseph, Wounded Knee, Sitting Bull)
Andrew Johnson
VP: none
(1865 – 1869) / Presidential Reconstruction, Radical Republicans, Civil Rights Act of 1866, 14th Amendment, Tenure in Office Act and impeachment, Thaddeus Stevens, The Freedman’s Bureau, Sharecropping and Tenant Farming, Ku Klux Klan, Carpetbaggers and Scalawags / “Seward’s Folly” and Alaska
Ulysses S. Grant
VP: Schuyler Colfax
(1869 – 1877) / Whiskey Ring and Credit Mobilier Scandal, 15th Amendment, Texas v. White, Transcontinental Railroad (Promontory, Utah, Irish and Chinese), Windmills, Barbed Wire, Railroads, The Granges (Northwestern Alliance, Southern Farmers’ Alliance, Colored Farmers’ Alliance), Populist Movement (bimetallism, greenbacks)
Rutherford B. Hayes
VP: William Wheeler
(1877 – 1881) / Election of 1876 (Samuel Tilden, Compromise of 1877, Solid South), Jim Crow Laws (literacy tests, poll taxes, grandfather clause), “Great Strike” by railway workers
James A. Garfield
VP: Chester A. Arthur
(1881) / Pendleton Act, Political Machine, Boss Tweed and Thomas Nast
Chester A. Arthur
VP: none
(1881 – 1885) / Helen Hunt Jackson and A Century of Dishonor (Native Americans), Chinese Exclusion Act and Nativism, Tenements and Sweatshops, Jacob Riis (How the Other Half Lives), Jane Addams and Social Gospel Movement (Hull House), Saloons, Amusement Parks, Vaudeville, Spectator Sports, Frederick Law Olmsted
Grover Cleveland
VP: Thomas Hendricks
(1885 – 1889) / Dawes Act, Munn v. Illinois, Wabash v. Illinois, Interstate Commerce Act, Haymarket Riot, Mugwumps vote for Cleveland
Benjamin Harrison
VP: Levi Morton
(1889 – 1893) / Omaha Platform (Populist platform), Ellis Island and the “melting pot”, ethnic ghettos, Homestead Strike and the Pinkertons (police), Sherman Antitrust Act, US v. EC Knight / Imperialism, Sphere of Influence, Mercantilism, Alfred T. Mahan, “The White Man’s Burden”
Grover Cleveland
VP: Adlai Stevenson
(1893 – 1897) / Inventions (Telephone by Bell, Telegraph by Morse, Light Bulb by Edison, elevators, typewriters), Pullman Strike, Plessy v. Ferguson and de jure segregation, “Great Migration and de facto segregation, Booker T. Washington and Tuskegee Institute, Du Bois and Niagara Movement, Ida Wells / Spanish-American War (Yellow Journalism by Hearst and Pulitzer, Jingoism, Roosevelt and the Rough Riders, USS Maine explosion, Dewey and the Philippines, Treaty of Paris, “a splendid little war”)
William McKinley
VP: Theodore Roosevelt
(1897 – 1901) / Election of 1896 (William Jennings Bryan and Cross of Gold Speech), Gold Standard, Mass Culture (mail order catalogs, Kodak, coca cola) / Queen Lil and annexation of Hawaii, Teller Amendment and Platt Amendment (Cuba), Open Door Policy and Boxer Rebellion (China)
Theodore Roosevelt
VP: Charles Fairbanks
(1901 – 1909) / Muckrakers (Steffens, Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair and The Jungle, Carrie Nation and Temperance), Coal Mine Strike, Northern Securities v. US, Robert La Follette and the direct primary, NAACP, Marcus Garvey and Back to Africa, Henry Ford and the Model T, Airline Industry with Orville and Wilbur Wright / Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary and “Big Stick Diplomacy”
William H. Taft
VP: James Sherman
(1909 – 1913) / Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, Mann-Elkins Act, Payne-Aldrich Tariff / Dollar Diplomacy
Woodrow Wilson
VP: Thomas Marshall
(1913 – 1921) / Election of 1912 (Republican Party split, Bull Moose or Progressive Party and Teddy Roosevelt), 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th Amendments, Federal Reserve Act, Clayton Antitrust Act, Election of 1916 (WWI isolation is focus), Selective Service Act, WIB and Bernard Baruch, CPI and George Creel, Herbert Hoover and the Food Administration, Espionage and Sedition Acts, Henry Cabot Lodge (League of Nations), Red Scare and Palmer Raids (Mitchell Palmer), Sacco and Vanzetti, UNM and John L. Lewis, Ku Klux Klan / Pancho Villa, Missionary Diplomacy, World War I Begins (Militarism, Nationalism, Alliances, Archduke Ferdinand and Serbia, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, Triple Entente v. Central Powers), Isolationism, World War I entry (U-boats and the Lusitania, Zimmerman Telegram, Trench Warfare with grenades and mustard gas, “no man’s land”, John J. Pershing and the AEF, “Harlem Hell Fighters”, Russian Revolution and the Bolsheviks, Armistice), Post-War (Big Four countries and leaders, Fourteen Points and the League of Nations, Treaty of Versailles), Dawes Plan, Washington Naval Conference
Warren G. Harding
VP: Calvin Coolidge
(1921 – 1923) / “Return to Normalcy”, Teapot Dome Scandal and Albert Fall, UNIA and Marcus Garvey (Back to Africa), Harlem Renaissance, Ear Bob, Flappers, Margaret Sanger and Birth Control, Fundamentalism and Billy Sunday
Calvin Coolidge
VP: Charles Dawes
(1923 – 1929) / Snyder Act or Native American Suffrage Act, Laissez-Faire economics, Speculation and Buying on Margin, Mechanization, Consumerism, Installment Plan and Easy Credit, Scopes Trial / Totalitarian Governments, Rise of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini and Fascism, Emperor Hirohito in Japan
Herbert Hoover
VP: Charles Curtis
(1929 – 1933) / Black Tuesday, Hawley-Smoot Tariff, Rugged Individualism, Direct Relief, Overproduction and the Dust Bowl, Dorothea Lange, “Hoovervilles”, Bonus Army March / Kellogg-Briand Pact, Japanese invasion of Manchuria
Franklin D. Roosevelt
VP: Henry Wallace, Harry S. Truman
(1933 – 1945) / Brain Trust with Frances Perkins, Deficit Spending, New Deal Programs (SSA, NLRA, CCC, FDIC, WPA, SEC, NIRA, PWA, AAA, TVA), Father Charles Coughlin, Huey Long, Court Packing, Great Depression, Selective Service Act, WAC, Tuskegee Airmen, “Code Talkers”, War Posters and Newsreels, War Production Board (WPB), Rosie the Riveter, Income Taxes and War Bonds, Victory Gardens and Rationing, Internment Camps and Korematsu v. US, John L. Lewis / Invasion of Ethiopia by Italy leads to Economic Sanctions, Annexation of Austria (Anchluss), Neville Chamberlain and appeasement, Munich Pact, Winston Churchill, lebensraum (living space for Germany), Non-Aggression Pact with Joseph Stalin, Invasion of China by Japan, Neutrality Act and Quarantine Speech, War in Europe (blitzkrieg, Battle of Britain, Lend-Lease Act, Atlantic Charter, Operation Torch in North Africa, Erwin Rommel, Casablanca Meeting and Unconditional Surrender, George Patton and Italy, Battle of Stalingrad, Tehran Conference, Dwight Eisenhower and Operation Overlord, D-Day Invasion, Battle of the Bulge, V-E Day, Yalta Conference and the Big Three), War in Pacific (Embargo on Japan, Hideki Tojo and Pearl Harbor, Isoroku Yamamoto and torpedoes, Douglass MacArthur and aircraft carriers, Chester Nimitz and the Battle of Midway, Admiral William Halsey and island hopping, Kamikazes and Battle of Leyte Gulf, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Okinawa), Four Freedoms, The Atomic Bomb (Manhattan Project and Robert Oppenheimer)
Harry S. Truman
VP: Alben Barkley
(1945 – 1953) / Taft-Hartley Act, Automation, AFL-CIO, Northern Migration, Fair Deal Programs (GI Bill, Minimum Wage, etc.), William J. Levitt and Levittowns, Baby Boom, National Security Act, HUAC, Alger Hiss, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, “Hollywood Ten” and Blacklisting, Joseph McCarthy and McCarthyism / Potsdam Conference and Declaration, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, V-J Day, “Final Solution” and Mass Genocide, Concentration Camps and the Holocaust, Nuremberg Trials, Nuclear Warfare, Iron Curtain Speech by Churchill, George Kennan and Containment, Truman Doctrine, George Marshall and the Marshall Plan, Berlin Airlift, Communist Revolution in China (Chiang Kai-shek, Mao Tse-tung), Israel and Jewish State, Korean War and Douglass MacArthur, 38th Parallel, Police Action, Hydrogen Bomb, UN Security Council, NATO and Warsaw Pact, SEATO and OAS
Dwight D. Eisenhower
VP: Richard Nixon
(1953 – 1961) / Suburbia, Fallout Shelters and “Duck and Cover”, National Highway Act, Military-Industrial Complex, Brown v. Board of Education, De Jure Segregation, Earl Warren Court, Thurgood Marshall, Little Rock Nine, Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr., Montgomery Bus Boycott, Civil Disobedience, Greensboro Sit-ins, SNCC, Elvis Presley and the “British Invasion” (Beatles and Rolling Stones), National Defense Education Act and the space race, Nuclear Power, Computers and Calculators, Silicon Valley, television, microwave, commercial jet travel / Domino Theory, Eisenhower Doctrine, Nikita Krushchev, Berlin Wall, U-2 Incident, Sputnik and ICBMs, Fidel Castro, CIA, Geneva Accords and Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh and Ngo Dinh Diem
John F. Kennedy
VP: Lyndon B. Johnson
(1961 – 1963) / New Left, James Meredith and the University of Mississippi, George Wallace and Alabama, Dixiecrats and Strom Thurmond, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), Freedom Rides, March on Washington, United Farm Workers (UFW) and Cesar Chavez, Barry Goldwater, NASA and John Glenn/Neil Armstrong, Peace Corps / Bay of Pigs Invasion, Cuban Missile Crisis, Test-Ban Treaty, “Hot Line” to the Kremlin, Alliance for Progress, Viet Cong, Robert McNamara
Lyndon B. Johnson
VP: Hubert Humphrey
(1963 – 1969) / Civil Rights Act of 1964, 24th Amendment, “Bloody Sunday” and Selma, Voting Rights Act of 1965, De Facto Segregation, Affirmative Action, Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam, Stokely Carmichael and Black Power, Black Panthers, Kent State and Jackson State, Great Society Programs (Economic Opportunity Act, VISTA, Medicare, Head Start, HUD, Humanities) and “War on Poverty”, SDS and the “New Left”, Democratic National Convention of 1968 / Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, Ho Chi Minh Trail, Operation Rolling Thunder, William Westmoreland, Agent Orange and Napalm, Tet Offensive and Hue, My Lai Massacre
PLO and Yasser Arafat, Yom Kippur War
Richard Nixon
VP: Spiro Agnew, Gerald Ford
(1969 – 1974) / Woodstock, Hippies and Haight-Ashbury, American Indian Movement (AIM) and Dennis Banks/George Mitchell, Betty Freidan and The Feminine Mystique, Women’s Movement and NOW, Gloria Steinem, Phyllis Schlafly, Equal Rights Amendment, Roe v. Wade, Environmental Movement and EPA, Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, Pentagon Papers, New York Times Co. v. US, 26th Amendment, War Powers Act of 1973, Watergate Scandal (Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, Sam Ervin, John Dean, US v. Nixon), William Rehnquist, Charlotte-Mecklenberg v. Board of Education and busing, Title IX / Henry Kissinger and Détente, SALT I, Cambodia and Laos, Vietnamization, Paris Peace Accords, Saigon
OPEC Oil Embargo
Gerald Ford
VP: Nelson Rockefeller
(1974 – 1977) / Pardoning of Nixon, 25th Amendment, Stagflation and WIN / Helsinki Accords
James E. Carter
VP: Walter Mondale
(1977 – 1981) / Washington Outsider, Airline Deregulation, Department of Energy and the National Energy Act, Three Mile Island, Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming, Regents of UC v. Bakke and reverse discrimination / SALT II, Olympic Games of 1980, Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin meet for Camp David Accords, Shah of Iran and the Iran Hostage Crisis
Ronald Reagan
VP: George H. Bush
(1981 – 1989) / Conservatism, Sandra Day O’ Connor, Texas v. Johnson, Supply-side Economics and Trickle-down Theory, National Debt, The Challenger Disaster and Christa McAuliffe, New Right Coalition (Moral Majority and Jerry Falwell, “New Federalism”), Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro, AIDS and HIV, Multiculturalism and Immigration, Green Cards, Bilingualism, Nativists and the Immigration Reform and Control Act, Jesse Jackson / Arms Race and the “Evil Empire”, SDI and Star Wars, Mikhail Gorbachev, INF Treaty, Glasnost and Perestroika, Collapse of Berlin Wall, Tiananmen Square, Iran-Contra Affair and Oliver North, Ethiopia Famine and Somalia too, South Africa and Apartheid
George H. Bush
VP: J. Danforth Quayle
(1989 – 1993) / Michael Dukakis, Clarence Thomas, Americans with Disabilities Act, 27th Amendment, Colin Powell / Persian Gulf War and Saddam Hussein
William Clinton
VP: Albert Gore
(1993 – 2001) / US v. Microsoft, PACs and Lobbyists, Campaign Finance Reform and John McCain, NASDAQ, Technology Boom (Internet, Bill Gates, Apple Computer), “New Democrats”, Ross Perot, Healthcare and Hillary Clinton, Newt Gingrich and Contract with America, Welfare Reform and Food Stamps, Whitewater Affair and Monica Lewinski, Impeachment, Alan Keyes / Nelson Mandela, NAFTA, Somalian Crisis
George W. Bush
VP: Dick Cheney
(2001 – 2009) / McCain-Feingold bill, Al Gore and Joe Lieberman, Florida court and election of 2000, Education and vouchers, No Child Left Behind Act, Condoleeza Rice, Alberto Gonzalez, Patriot Act / 9-11 and the World Trade Center, Terrorist Network and Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, US Embassy Bombings and the USS Cole, “War on Terror” and the Department of Homeland Security, Taliban and Operation Enduring Freedom, War in Iraq and weapons of mass destruction, “axis of evil” (North Korea, Iran) and nuclear proliferation
Barack Obama
VP: Joe Biden
(2010 – )