Attachment A
East Stroudsburg University
Telecommuting Agreement Form
General Information
Employee Name ______
Job Title: ______
Phone: ______
Telecommuting Agreement
The following constitutes an agreement on the terms and conditions of the telecommuting arrangement between East Stroudsburg University and ______.
1. The employee has requested to utilize the option of telecommuting and understands and agrees to adhere to his/her responsibilities and requirements as outlined in the Policy on Telecommuting, East Stroudsburg University concurs with the employee’s participation and agrees to adhere to its responsibilities and requirements as outlined in the Policy on Telecommuting.
2. The employee has elected to telecommute for one day a week beginning on the date of ______.
This agreement may be extended beyond the initial period if agreeable to both East Stroudsburg University and the employee. In such a case, the terms of this agreement should be reviewed and updated annually. This agreement can, however, be terminated at the sole discretion of the University at any time for any or no reason.
3. The employee will work at the remote work location from ____ am/pm to ____ am/pm on the following day ______.
4. The employee’s remote work location is located at the following address:
5. For IRS reporting and travel reimbursement purposes, the employee’s “tax home” is where the employee does most of his/her work and physically spends most of his/her time. The employee’s tax home should, for the time being, be East Stroudsburg University.
6. The East Stroudsburg University Human Resources Office will maintain a copy of the employee’s telecommuting agreement and schedule. The employee’s time and attendance will be recorded as performing duties at the regular worksite.
7. The employee must obtain supervisory approval before taking leave in accordance with established policy, by signing this form, the employee agrees to follow established procedures for requesting and obtaining approval of leave.
8. The employee agrees that telecommuting shall not be used as a substitute for child care, elder care, or used to tend to other personal matters.
9. East Stroudsburg University owned equipment will be serviced and maintained by the University. VPN access and required software will also be provided as necessary. The employee agrees to follow all PASSHE security and data confidentiality policies and procedures, and state and federal laws to protect System data. It is also understood that such equipment and software are the sole and exclusive property of East Stroudsburg University and are subject to the same business and proper use of technology as if it were located on site. The employee further agrees to utilize system proved technology when accessing confidential data, and understands that any equipment that is used by an employee (personal or System resources) is subject to e-discovery and Right-to-Know requests.
10. The employee agrees to permit inspections of the remote work location by East Stroudsburg University to ensure proper maintenance of University owned property and compliance with safety standards, or in the event of injury to complete an incident report and conduct an incident investigation.
11. The employee is covered by workers’ compensation if injured in the course of performing official duties at the regular or remote work location, during regular working hours. Any accident or injury occurring at the remote work location must be brought to the immediate attention of the supervisor and the East Stroudsburg University Human Resources Office. Because an employment-related accident sustained by a telecommuting employee may occur outside the premises of the regular worksite, the supervisor or designee must investigate all reports immediately following notification and access to the remote work location shall be provided. The employee understands that failure to provide access is grounds for immediately terminating the telecommuting arrangement.
12. East Stroudsburg University will not be liable for damages to an employee’s personal or real estate property during the performance of work duties or while using University equipment at the remote work location.
13. East Stroudsburg University will not be responsible for operation costs, home maintenance, or any other incidental costs (i.e., utilities) associated with the remote work location. While telecommuting, the employee does not relinquish any entitlement to reimbursement for authorized expenses submitted in accordance with travel policies.
14. The employee will meet with the supervisor to receive assignments and to review completed work as needed and necessary.
15. The employee’s job performance will be evaluated on criteria, milestones, and deliverables as determined by the supervisor and will be consistent with those of non-telecommuting coworkers.
16. The employee’s most recent performance rating must be “Exceeds Expectations” or higher and has not been subject to any disciplinary action in the past twelve months.
17. The employee will apply approved safeguards to protect East Stroudsburg University records from unauthorized disclosure, loss, or damage and will comply with the security requirements set forth by East Stroudsburg University.
18. The employee or supervisor may terminate the telecommuting agreement at any time. Management may terminate the telecommuting arrangement immediately if the employee’s performance declines or if the arrangement fails to support organizational needs.
Employee: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______Date: ______
Director of Human Resources: ______Date: ______
East Stroudsburg University
Worksite Safety Checklist
This checklist is designed to assess the overall safety of the remote work location. Each participant must complete and sign this safety checklist prior to beginning a telecommuting arrangement.
Location of remote work location:
Description of designated work area:
For each question, circle YES or NO:
1. Is the space free of hazardous materials? YES NO
2. Is the space private and in a low-traffic area? YES NO
3. Is the space free of indoor air quality problems? YES NO
4. Is there adequate ventilation for the desired occupancy? YES NO
5. Is the space free of noise hazards? YES NO
6. Are all stairs with four or more steps equipped with handrails? YES NO
7. Are all circuit breakers and/or fuses in the electrical panel labeled as to intended service? YES NO
8. Do circuit breakers clearly indicate if they are in the open or closed position?
9. Is all electrical equipment free of recognized hazards that would cause physical harm (i.e., frayed wires, bare conductors, loose wires, flexible wires running through walls, exposed wires fixed to the ceiling)? YES NO
10. Will the building’s electrical system permit the grounding of electrical equipment?
11. Are aisles, doorways, and corners free of obstructions to permit visibility and movement? YES NO
12. Are file cabinets and storage areas arranged so drawers and doors do not open into walkways? YES NO
13. Do chairs have any loose casters (wheels)? Are the rungs and legs of chairs sturdy?
14. Is the work area properly furnished? YES NO
15. Are the phone lines, electrical cords, and extension wires secured under a desk or alongside a baseboard? YES NO
16. Is the office space neat, clean, and free of excessive amounts of combustibles?
17. Are floor surfaces clean, dry, level, and free of worn or frayed seams? YES NO
18. Are carpets well-secured to the floor and free of frayed or worn seams? YES NO
Employee: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______Date: ______
SPECIAL NOTE: Supervisors are required to conduct an on-site inspection for any employee giving five or more “No” answers and corrective actions must be taken prior to the start of a telecommuting arrangement. Employees are responsible for informing his/her supervisors of any significant changes to the remote work location.
East Stroudsburg University
Employee/Supervisor Checklist
This checklist is designed to ensure that the employee and supervisor understand the telecommuting policies and procedures.
1. The employee and supervisor have established a work schedule for hours and day at the remote location
2. the following equipment has been issued to the employee and has been documented by East Stroudsburg University:
Type of Equipment / Make / Model / Serial Number / Issue DateComputer
Fax Machine
3. Policies and procedures for care of equipment issued by East Stroudsburg University and have been explained and clearly understood
4. Policies and procedures covering confidential information and the security of this data have been discussed and are clearly understood.
5. Requirements for an adequate and safe office space and/or area have been discussed, and the employee certifies that those requirements are met.
6. Performance expectations have been defined and are clearly understood
7. The employee understands that he/she or the supervisor may terminate the telecommuting agreement at any time. The employee further understands that management may terminate the telecommuting arrangement immediately if the employee’s performance declines or if the arrangement fails to support organizational needs. The employee also understands that all equipment issued to him/her by East Stroudsburg University is the property of East Stroudsburg University and must be returned immediately upon request.
Employee: ______Date: ______
Supervisor: ______Date: ______