Bishop’s Residence - Kotido

P.O. Box 3872

Kampala - UGANDA

Phone: +256 (0)77 2470902


Kotido Diocese - Circular letter N. 2

Kotido, 2nd February 2010

To all Parish and Religious communities,

Kotido Catholic Diocese

Dear sisters and brothers,

1.  A thought from the Gospel

A liturgical text we met recently taken from the Gospel of Mark narrates of Jesus whose “teaching made a deep impression on them (the people) because, unlike the scribes, he taught them with authority.” (Mk 1:22). I invite all of us pastoral workers to contemplate this icon of Jesus who does not show any hint of concern about winning any sort of reputation instead he is totally dedicated to do the good of the people he met on his way and he found in need of his word, blessing and healing action. There are people who maintain that all religions and in particular the Christian Churches have become irrelevant to the present society. Perhaps the reasons they bring forward to justify their position may not be altogether convincing or well based, but for sure it challenges us. The invitation is to remember the word of Pope Paul VI in his Evangeli Nuntiandi, n. 41: “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.” Let us help each other to grow as trustworthy witnesses of the Gospel in fidelity to the mission entrusted to us by the Lord, the alternative is growing more irrelevant.

2.  Priest four days retreat on priesthood.

Fr Kessels MHM directed a four-days retreat held in the Bishop’s house for all the priests. It was a providential occasion to reflect and pray on our relationship with the Lord and to renew our motivations in serving his people by sharing in the ministry and attitudes of Christ. people.

3.  Diocesan Priests meeting.

The diocesan priests at the end of the four days retreat met with the Bishop to discuss issues concerning their ministry.

4.  Re-organization of Diocesan Offices

After a wide consultation with the persons concerned the Bishop has drafted a possible scheme that foresees all the diocesan offices being organized under three main Departments, namely: Pastoral Department, Asocial Services Department and Finances and Income Generating Department. The purpose of the move is to ensure a better coordination and collaboration among offices with the same basic purpose and vision. The first draft of the proposal has been circulated to those concerned for comments and suggestions.

5.  CMS Retreat House

Attached find for your information the plan sent out by the Director of the Comboni Retreat House in Namugongo for 2010. Diocesan Priests who wish to plan for their retreat in the above centre should contact the Vicar General or the Bishop.

6.  Consecrated Life Day

The 2nd of February is the day of prayer for those who have embraced Religious Life. This year it has passed almost un-noticed although the Bishop approached some communities who expressed their interest in celebrating it. This is however an opportunity to pray for vocations to religious life and for the gift of fidelity for those who have embraced it. I hope next year something may be organized at diocesan level.

7.  Pope Benedict XVI Lenten Message

Attached find a translation of the Pope Message for the coming Lent. Please make it available to the Christians.

8.  Pax Insurance

Pax Insurance has opened a branch at the Diocesan Bookshop in Kotido; Ms. Silvia is in charge of it. Pax Insurance for the moment provides insurances only for motor vehicles. Take advantage of the opportunity and make propaganda to potential clients.

9.  A break away church

A break away church from the Catholic Faith called “The Catholic Apostolic National Church” wants to register as a Catholic Church. His Grace Archbishop Cyprian Lwanga wrote to the Hon. Apollo Nsibambi, Prime Minister of Uganda opposing the use of the name Catholic by the break away faction, should it register under Government law.

Best wishes for the New Year; may the Lord show you his face and grant you his peace!

+ Giuseppe Filippi