Date, 2014

Principals and Department Heads,

Speak Up is the annual research project conducted by Project Tomorrow, a national education nonprofit group that collects and reports on the views of K-12 students, teachers, administrators and parents on 21st Century education and technology. Over 3.4 million students, educators and parents have shared their views regarding the use of educational technology through the Speak Up surveys. This email is to encourage you to participate in this optional but extremely valuable survey.

Why participate in Speak Up this year?

Speak Up provides a unique way for the ideas and opinions of our stakeholders to have an impact on state level initiatives and in federal policies and programs. Each spring, Project Tomorrow shares the national Speak Up findings with the U.S. Congress, Department of Education, other federal agencies and policy research groups and associations. There is no cost to participate; no limit on the number of surveys that can be submitted; and all data collected is 100% confidential. Last year over 9,000 schools and over 2,000districts participated. Bea part of this national movement to include more authentic stakeholder views in educationdiscussions!

How do you participate in Speak Up?

The Speak Up online surveys are open for input from October 6thto December 19th, 2014. There are Speak Up surveys for your students (grade level appropriate K-12), teachers,district administrators, principals, librarians, parents and new this year business partners and community members. All of the Speak Up surveys are online and accessible 24/7 fromany Internet connected computer. Project Tomorrow has already registered our schools to participate,all you have to do is encourage your students, teachers, parents and administrators to go online and take the 20 minute survey at: Dec. 19th.

Visit the following website for more details on Speak Up: Attached are some ideas and atimeline to promote the completion of this survey among your school community.

For more information, please contact MAIN CONTACT NAME, TITLE, DEPARTMENTat EMAILor PHONE.

*Survey password is only required for student surveys.