The Westhope School Board met in regular session February 21, 2018. President Chuck Kveum called the meeting to order at 7:05A.M. Present: Danen Lodoen, Ben Cartwright,Lyndsi Engstrom, Liz Tofteland and Ken Radtke(7:15). Absent: J. Lodoen.Also present: Superintendent Martin Bratrud, Business Manager Sheri Jespersen,Athletic Director Layne Fluhrer, Ginny Heth, The Standard.

Cartwright moved to approve the agenda, seconded by D. Lodoen, Motion Carried Unanimously (MCU).

Engstrom moved to approve minutes from January 17, 2018 with corrections, and January 24, 2018, seconded by D. Lodoen. MCU

D. Lodoen moved to pay General Fund bills of $83,161.67, Activity Fund bills of $6,436.31 and Hot Lunch Fund bills of $6,924.09, seconded by Engstrom. MCU

Cartwright moved to accept the Financial Report, seconded by Tofteland. MCU

Elem Principal’s Report:

Elementary Principal Terri Lundberg joined meeting at 7:31 a.m., she reported that February is reading month and elementary will be hosting a reading theater for the public, also PK-12 will be going tubing at the Bottineau Winter Park next Tuesday. There will be one addition to the playground a race car dedicated to Robbie Conway and Burke Henry.

Old Business:

No Old Business

New Business:

The next regular meeting will be March 14, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.

President Kveum presented to the board the Superintendent evaluation that needs to be complete by March 15, 2018. He asked that the board return them to him orSheri by March 9, 2018 so he has time to compile the results. Supt. Bratrud shared his survey monkey results that he had staff take on his performance.

D. Lodoen made the motion for Sheri to post School Board Election notices in March, seconded by Radtke. MCU

Tofteland made the motion to table discussion on Western Dakota Energy Association Membership until we have more details, seconded by Engstrom. MCU

Engstrom and Tofteland presented Avera eCare to the board, discussion followed on the benefits to the program to our school’s medication policy and the costs. D. Lodoen made the motion to purchase the Avera eCare Program, seconded by Cartwright. Roll Call: Cartwright-YES, Tofteland-ABSTAINED, Radtke-YES, D. Lodoen-YES, Kveum-YES, Engstrom-ABSTAINED. MCU

Supt. Bratrud shared some surveys and data that he had gathered on test scores, discussion followed. Board thanked Supt. Bratrud for sharing results.

Policy Committee Report:

Supt. Bratrud shared a Coach and Advisor Evaluation that the Superintendents and Athletic Directors would like use. D. Lodoen made the motion for them to use the evaluation, seconded by Radtke. MCU

Supt. Bratrud presented Support Staff Wage Scale, discussion followed. This item will be left open for further discussion at future meetings.

Supt. Bratrud presented the Lockdown and Evacuation Procedures, Cartwright made the motion to accept the Procedures at outlined, seconded by D. Lodoen. MCU

Mr. Bratrud shared the Appetgy Website and Parent Communication tool, Sheri shared communication committee’s thoughts, discussion will continue at next meeting after we get a quote.

Business Manager’s Report:

Jespersen read the After Prom Party letter asking for donation, D. Lodoen made the motion to send $200, seconded by Radtke. MCU

Superintendent’s Report:

Supt. Bratrud shared the enrollement report we are up 1 student.

No further business. Meeting adjourned at 9:03 a.m


Sheri Jespersen, Business Manager Charles Kveum, Board President

These minutes are unapproved, and as such, subject to revision or correction.