Literacy Block Planner Grade 1 Theme 2 Lesson 6

Theme: One for All Lesson: 6 Focus Skill: Classify/Categorize Focus Strategy: Monitor Comprehension: Adjust Reading Rate

Whole Group Instruction: 30 minutes

Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Question of the Day / What is your favorite part of the day? / What are some ways people say “hello” to each other? / Who is a person you would like to meet? Why? / Think about things that make you happy. What are some things you enjoy? / Pretend you are visiting the town in “All on the Map.” What would you do there?
Whole Class
(8-10 minutes)
Word Work and Spelling / Introduce Variant Vowel
(p. T494)
Introduce pattern. Use sound card. Present word all. Add f to make fall blending the word. Make additional words using spelling patterns. / Review Variant Vowel (p. T510) Build and read words.
Introduce High Frequency Words (p.T514) Introduce high frequency words. Say word. Repeat word. Point and spell each word. Use word in context. / Review Variant Vowel and Short Vowels (p. T532)
Build some words with students showing pattern.
Review High Frequency Words (p.T534) Chant and spell each word. / Introduce Contraction (p.T544)
Introduce contraction using examples. Have students read new words. Use think pair share to generalize rule for making a contraction with not. / Review Contraction (p. T554)
Review contractions with is. Have students read words. Generalize rule for adding contraction.
Review High Frequency Word (p. T556) Read word. Students chant word and spell.
Whole Class
(8-10 minutes)
Comprehension / Comprehension (p. T504 and T548)
Use Big Book, “What Do You Do?” Read aloud book. Classify/Categorize some of the activities in the book. / Comprehension (p. T516)
Discuss non-fiction.
Ask students to classify/categorize places in their town, i.e. schools, stores, parks.
Discuss adjust reading rate.
(Continue to focus on skills in small group.) / Comprehension (p.T536)
Classify pictures as a whole group. Use think pair share to add additional objects to the categories. / Comprehension (T537-538)
Echo read paired selection.
Apply comprehension skill to paired selection. / Comprehension (p. T558)
Classify/categorize pictures into three columns.
Whole Class
(8-10 minutes)
Vocabulary / Build Robust Vocabulary (p. T505)
Introduce: commotion, muffle, overflowing
State word. Have students repeat word twice. Present student friendly definition. Use “Interact with Word Meaning” to have students interact with word meaning. Use think pair share for each question. / Build Robust Vocabulary (p. T527)
Review: commotion, muffle, overflowing
State word. Students repeat words. Use think pair shares to answer questions. / Build Robust Vocabulary (p. T539)
Introduce: locate, search, symbol
State word. Students repeat words. Use think pair shares to answer questions. / Building Robust Vocabulary (p. T549)
Review: locate, search, symbol
State word. Students repeat words. Use think pair shares to answer questions. / Build Robust Vocabulary (p. T559)
State word. Students repeat words. Use think pair shares to answer questions.
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Focus: Comprehension and Phonics/Fluency as needed / Students partner read “Get Started Story” and decodable reader before group.
Use retell to monitor comprehension.
Review phonics/spelling pattern (all). Reread decodable reader in partners. / Students partner read “All on the Map” before the group.
Classify additional locations in selection. Use T521 to discuss adjusting reading rate.
Review all pattern using p. T512. / Students partner reread “All on the Map.”
Comprehension (p. T526)
Classify/categorize location from main selection. Use retelling cards to retell story. Use think pair share with each picture to retell. / Students partner read leveled reader before the group.
Apply comprehension skills to leveled reader.
Review making contractions. Build word. Dictate words. / Students partner reread leveled readers.
Revise and edit student response to add more detail.
Focus: Comprehension and Phonics/Fluency / Review phonics/spelling pattern (all). Build words. Dictate words.
Review high frequency word.
Echo read decodable reader. Partner read decodable reader.
Retell decodable reader. / Review phonics/spelling pattern (all). Build words. Dictate words. Review all pattern using p. T512.
Review new high frequency words.
Echo read the main selection. Focus on classifying some locations in the selection. / Students partner reread decodable reader.
Review phonics/spelling pattern (all). Build words. Dictate words. Review all pattern using p. T512.
Review new high frequency words. / Review all. (p. T545)
Review making contraction. Build words. Dictate words.
Echo read leveled reader. Students partner read leveled reader. / Review high frequency words using dictation.
Review and build a few all words.
Students partner read leveled reader.
Apply comprehension skill to leveled reader.
Focus: Focus: Comprehension and Phonics/Fluency as needed / Students partner read “Get Started Story” and decodable reader before group.
Use retell to monitor comprehension.
Review phonics/spelling pattern (all). / Students partner read “All on the Map” before the group.
Classify additional locations in selection. Use T521 to discuss adjusting reading rate.
Review all pattern using p. T512. / Students partner reread “All on the Map.”
Comprehension (p. T526)
Classify/categorize location from main selection. Use retelling cards to retell story. Use think pair share with each picture to retell. / Students partner reread leveled reader.
Apply comprehension skills to leveled reader.
Review making contractions. / Students partner reread leveled reader.
Revise and edit student response to add more detail.
Written Responses / Retell what happened first, second, third, and last in a “A Tall, Tall Wall.” / Tell some of the things you can see on a map. / Tell how roads and maps help us get where we are going. / Tell about a place in your town. / Pretend you are visiting the town in “All on the Map.” What would you do there?