Fundaţia Sapientia - Universitatea Sapientia din Cluj-Napoca
Facultatea de Ştiinţe Economice şi Umaniste din Miercurea-Ciuc - Gazdaság- és Humántudományok Kar

Angol nyelv – nyelvtani és szókincs-ellenőrző teszt

Varianta 5

5-ös tételsor


Read then text below and answer the following questions:

a. Why were Americans queuing outside a Los Angeles cinema in April 1999?

b. What was the fate of the early parts of Star Wars?

c. What is the key to success of the most famous Hollywood films?

In April 1999, Americans were queuing outside a Los Angeles cinema for the opening of a new film that would not be premiered for another six weeks. Because of fears about the illicit fortunes to be made from the resale of tickets, the studio had refused to allow advance booking. The early arrivals outside the LA movie theatre hoped to be able to boast that they were present at the first ever screening of The Phantom Menace, fourth of George Lucas’ Star Wars films. It was clear that a science-fiction film that was originally almost laughed out of Hollywood had moved beyond entertainment and taken on the shape of faith.

Part of the legend of the film is that the only early viewer to appreciate it was Steven Spielberg. Both Lucas and Spielberg produce big-budget children’s movies with enough visual panache1 and sub-spiritual mumbo-jumbo that adults find entertaining as well. The plot of Star Wars draws heavily on fairytales. In addition, examination of box-office history reveals that a high percentage of the most famous movies of all time share one element: their central characters are either wholly or partially removed from the soil on which the cinemas stand. Hollywood is indeed a dream factory, and The Phantom Menace is one of the most popular reverie it sells.

1.  a stylish manner of doing things that causes admiration

Write the 5 questions to which the underlined words or phrases in the text are the answers. 16 p.


Translate into English:

a)  Când am ajuns la teatru, piesa tocmai începuse.

b)  Cred că prietenii noştri nu au văzut încă acest film.

c)  Florile acestea ar creşte mai bine dacă ar fi udate mai des.

d)  Te voi suna dacă voi pleca săptămâna viitoare.

e)  Când i-am spus „La revedere”, ne-a mulţumit pentru ajutor.

10 p.


Read the text below and use the word given in capitals at the end of the line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.

The dull life of animals

I came across an article in a magazine the other day which

made (1) ______between people and animals. It seemed COMPARE

to come to the (2) ______that in most cases we are superior to CONCLUDE

animals and lead a more (3) ______life. Wild animals COMFORT

have much more (4) _____ than pets or animals in zoos, FREE

but even a lion or tiger in the jungle could be killed by

(5) _____ at almost any time. For animals, life is generally hard HUNT

and (6) ______compared to the life led by people in DANGER

large cities, where there is not only (7) ______but also the VARY

freedom to choose the kind of life you want to lead. It is hard to

imagine a life more (8) ______than that of a tortoise. BORE

However, we humans do have some (9) ____ in areas such ADVANTAGE

as smell, hearing or speed. For example, a dog’s sense of smell

is much more (10) ______than ours. POWER

20 p.


In the following story put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

A funny thing happened to me the other day. I (1) _____ (be) in a hurry to get to work and I found that my car wasn’t working. I (2) ______(have to) rush out of the house to catch the bus. While I (3) ______(walk) along the street, I (4) ______(notice) a woman of about my age on the opposite side of the road. I looked at her again and I (5) ______(realize) that we (6) ______(meet) before. She arrived at the bus stop a couple of seconds after me. ‘She must be catching the bus, too,’ I thought. We (7) _____ just _____ (miss) the previous bus and we had fifteen minutes to wait before the next one. I looked at the woman behind me again and I was sure that I (8) ______(know) her.

‘Excuse me, have we met before? I’m sure that I (9) ______(recognize) you,’ I said. She looked a bit surprised, but she (10) ______(tell) me that her name was Angela Barker.

‘You (11) ______(study) history at Liverpool University’ I shouted, ‘from 1985 to 1988!’

‘That’s right!’ she replied, ‘And you are Claire…?’

‘Lewis. Well, my name was Lewis but I (12) _____ (be) married now. What (13) ____ you ____ (do) nowadays?’ I asked.

‘Well, I (14) ______(work) in the Central Museum in town and I (15) ____ (live) in this area, in George Street, for about three years,’ she replied.

‘You’re joking! I live round the corner from here. I (16) ______(not believe) it! We (17) _____ (be) neighbours for three years and we (18) ____ never ____ (see) each other!’ I said.

‘I know, it’s incredible!’ she (19) _____ (agree), ‘and I’m glad that you spoke to me because I wondered why you (20) ____ (look) at me all the time!’



You have just heard that a friend of yours will be traveling abroad by car. Write a letter asking him whether it would be possible to accompany him and offering to share expenses. Write your letter in no more than 150-200 words.

24 p.

Bonus: 10 p.

Şef catedră – Tanszékvezető

Dr. Tapodi Zsuzsa