CSS Workforce NY
Request for One Stop Operator Proposals
For the Period of
September 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 with an option to renew the contract for up to an additional two years
ISSUE DATE: July 13th-15th, 2015
Bidder’s Conference: July 23rd, 2015 10am-12pm
Question & Answer Period Ends: July 31st, 2015
RESPONSE DEADLINE: August 7th, 2015 by 4pm
Publication: This Request for Proposals has been made available to prospective applicants through publication in The Elmira Star Gazette, The Corning Leader, the Hornell Tribune, and the CSS Workforce NY website on or about 7/13/2015 and through mailings to all current contractors and applicants who have requested that they be included on the mailing list for solicitations of proposals.
Executive Summary
The Chemung Schuyler Steuben Workforce NY, Inc. (CSSWFNY), representing the Chemung Schuyler Steuben Workforce Development Board (CSS WDB) is requesting proposals to operate WIOA Title I Services and manage Five (5) comprehensive One-Stop Centers effective September 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 with the option to extend the contract, based on performance.
CSSWFNY is seeking an operator who will place trained staff in the centers to meet Federal performance measures and compliance requirements, create relationships with local businesses and workforce partners, and have demonstrated a commitment to developing the workforce of Chemung, Schuyler and Steuben Counties. The CSSWFNY maintains all leases, information technology, and vendor payments, allowing the Operator to focus on service delivery and innovation. The Operator will have the freedom to structure and manage, as they deem appropriate, with the goal of the operator to be effective and meet the intent of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
PY15 RFP Timeline 3
PY15 RFP Process 4-5
CSS Workforce NY Background 6-7
Scope of Services 8-10
Performance Objectives – One Stop Operator 11
System Parameters 11-12
General Operator/Contractor Responsibilities 13
Bidding Process 13-15
Financial Requirements for Respondents 15-16
Budget and Financial Management 16-18
1 – Proposed Budget 19
2 - Proposal Scoring (CSS WFNY use only) 20
3 – Proposal Rating Review (CSS WFNY use only) 21
4 – Proposal Cover Sheet & Contractor Qualifications 22-24
5 – WIOA Explanation Form (Signature Required) 25
6 – Statement of Non Collusion (Signature Required) 26
7 – Certification of Specification Compliance (Signature Required) 27
8 – Proposal Evaluation Checklist (CSS WFNY use only) 28
A – CSS WFNY Supportive Service Policy 29-32
B – CSS WFNY Procurement Policy 33
C – CSS WFNY Sanction Policy 34
D – CSS WFNY Needs Related Payment Policy 35-36
PY15 RFP Timeline
7/10/15 Complete RFP
7/13/15-7/15/15 RFP release & Legal Notices Posted
7/23/15 Bidders’ Conference
· Bidders’ Conference will be held from 10:00am-12:00pm at CSS Workforce NY offices at 20 Denison Pkwy W., Corning, NY 14830
8/7/15 Proposals due by 4:00pm
· Bidders are required to submit a proposal that includes a narrative of program design, system experience, overall budget, staff costs, projected outcomes, and a list of anticipated partners/subcontractors as outlined in RFP.
8/10/15 Proposal evaluation process initiated
· CSS Workforce NY Board will evaluate proposals. The Board reserves the right to request additional information and/or revisions from the bidders at any time during the evaluation period.
8/11/2015 Proposal evaluation complete
8/12/2015 CSS Workforce NY approval
8/14/15 Award notification
9/1/15 Program begins
PY15 RFP Process
In an effort to promote equal access to Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title 1 Program funding and active participation among service providers in our region, CSS Workforce NY has adopted an RFP process as outlined
CSS Workforce NY, serving as fiscal agent for the Chemung Schuyler Steuben Workforce Development Area, is soliciting proposals for the operation of federally funded Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I employment and training programs. Funding will be for the period of September 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Contingent upon successful contractor performance and funding availability, CSS Workforce NY may consider extending the contract for a second One year term (July 1, 2016-June 30, 2017) and potentially a third One year term (July 1, 2017-June 30, 2018) without reissuing a new RFP. It is anticipated that up to $220,000 will be available for the program years September 1, 2015-June 30, 2016 (10 months, first year only) for center programming in the Chemung, Schuyler and Steuben counties. The available funding is an estimate solely for offering guidance to bidders based on PY14 WIA allocations. Final contracts will be based on actual PY15 allocations. The maximum award amount per contract is $220,000, which could be a total of $660,000 should both contract extensions be granted.
Entities eligible to apply for funding consideration are Private and public, for-profit and not-for-profit agencies, Community Based Organizations (CBO’s), Faith-based Organizations, or other entities are eligible to respond to this RFP and compete for funding. For those contractors awarded, each needs to comply with submission of the required single audit and insurances annually. Consortium responses will be accepted but all submissions must include operational administration of all 5 workforce centers in the CSS Local Workforce Areas.
CSS Workforce NY is a policy making board comprised of representatives from local businesses, labor organizations, educational providers, public agencies and other entities interested in workforce development issues. Additionally, CSS Workforce NY, as fiscal agent, administers all Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act funds, develops and implements policies regarding the allocation and spending of the region’s WIOA funds for adults, dislocated workers and youth (under a separate agreement).
CSS Workforce NY is responsible for the programs and system development, the RFP process, monitoring program performance measures and expenditures, and determining policy and allocation of program funding. Contractors will report program outcomes and expenditures to CSS Workforce NY.
In keeping with the intent of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, CSS Workforce NY is committed to helping jobseekers prepare for and enter employment, increase occupational and academic skills, attain a high school equivalency diploma or recognized certificate, enroll in job training or higher education and increase earnings. CSS Workforce NY also places a priority on serving the business community by ensuring that there is a trained and ready workforce to meet the needs of the businesses in the region. CSS Workforce NY is seeking an organization that has a successful record of assisting businesses and jobseekers and can demonstrate the ability to meet the challenge of creating more effective, performance-based services. Organizations are invited to respond to this RFP as an important step toward building a system of integrated services that provide the region’s workforce with the necessary skills and opportunities to succeed in education, at work and as members and leaders in their communities.
Access www.doleta.gov/WIOA for the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act of 2014
TYPE OF CONTRACT AND AVAILABLE FUNDS- estimate of $220,000 (Based on budget for PY15 – PY16) for Title I services to cover salary/fringe, basic operations, administrative and Indirect costs. Reimbursement is on a cost basis.
ELIGIBLE RESPONDENTS/CONTRACTOR COMPETENCY- Private and public, for-profit and not-for-profit agencies, Community Based Organizations (CBO’s), Faith-based Organizations, or other entities are eligible to respond to this RFP and compete for funding. Bidders may be made up of a consortium. If a consortium will be used to deliver services, such consortiums must have all consortium agreements in place prior to submission of the proposal.
CONTRACT PERIOD - Contracts negotiated as a result of this request may commence on September 1st, 2015 and end on June 30, 2016. This is a 10 month contract initially, any subsequent extension would be for 12 months. Two single year contract extensions past June 30, 2015, may be considered, depending on satisfactory annual performance of contract conditions/funding availability and at the discretion of the CSSWFNY.
The WDB’s strategic planning process, involving community, business, civic, and education leaders, prioritized the following industries to support:
§ Manufacturing
§ Health Care
§ Travel/Tourism
§ Agriculture
§ Information Technology
§ Business Support Services
§ Transportation
Strategic Skills that the WDB has prioritized for development include:
§ Customer Service
§ Work Ethic
§ Basic Literacy (Math & Reading)
§ Computer Skills
The strategic initiatives being undertaken include:
1. Developing workplace basic skills
o Reading, math, writing
o Work Readiness; Work Ethic
2. Facilitating employer consortiums
o Career Pathways
o Integrated Business & Training Provider Curriculum Development
3. Functional Alignment with NYS Department of Labor – Employment Services
The WDB seeks a strategic partner to work on developing the workforce to meet the changing economic trends. The CSS Workforce NY would like to highlight several unique circumstances that might interest potential contractors.
1. Offers short term transition to operate:
§ The WDB maintains the facilities, IT, Training Services and supplies for the One-Stop operations, allowing the Operator the ability to “walk-in” and begin to provide services.
§ Current staff may be available to continue delivering basic service. The WDB respects any organizations’ right to hire, manage, and evaluate staff based on their own criteria. Current staff possesses knowledge and experience in Workforce services beyond a “new hire” level.
2. Strong Community Partners:
§ Diverse partners in the community who are committed to working together to support the economic development goals of the Local Workforce Area.
§ The Department of Labor is co-located in most One-Stops and offers a positive opportunity to work together on labor exchange efforts. Other partners are listed in this notice.
§ Partners are willing to participate in special initiatives, job fairs, business services team and general system development when asked.
3. Positive relationship with local businesses:
§ Market penetration of employers served is considerable but can always be improved upon benefitting the entire One-Stop system.
§ Strong Business Services Team consisting of partner staff that have employer interface. The Business Services Team shares information and collaborates on projects.
WIOA is a very complex and challenging program but offers an exciting chance to make a difference in small, rural counties in terms of economic development and workforce development. The WDB has learned much from working with the State and recent Operators. The WDB strives to simplify the process of managing the One-Stop while working on continuous improvement of services in a dynamic, economic environment.
It is the hope of the WDB that this RFP reflects its commitment to supporting the Operator of the One-Stops to be successful in its challenge to meet regulatory requirements while providing customer friendly services to local businesses and job seekers. The WDB is also open to work with the successful bidder in any way needed to ensure smooth and manageable transitions as necessary.
The WDB welcomes any interested party to submit questions via any of the following methods. Questions will be accepted up to July 31st, 2015. All questions and answers will be posted for the public at the following website: www.csswfny.com
ü E-mail at
ü Phone at 607-937-8337ext1106
The WDB requests that proposals be concise and straightforward. A simplified application is attached as a word document. Evaluation is made based on proposals. The WDB may invite bidders to present their plans in person and/or choose to visit the bidders’ operations if necessary in completing the selection process.
Profile of Chemung Schuyler Steuben County Workforce Development Area
Number of WIA customers (adult and dislocated worker) active in PY14 8,800
Chemung Schuyler Steuben Counties Labor Force 91,400
Employed 85,700
Unemployed 5,700
The One-Stop Centers do business under the name of CSS Workforce NY. There are three principal areas that the WDB looks towards the One-Stop Operator to contribute:
Workforce Development for Job Seekers
In the past year, approximately 8,800 unique customers have utilized the services of the One-Stops. The Operator takes the lead in providing workforce development services to those customers, in partnership with the Department of Labor and other partners. The current operators have successfully participated in the process of functional alignment with the Department of Labor and it is expected these efforts will continue to be developed so that the system can serve customers in an effective and timely manner. The WDB is seeking leadership in the One-Stop Centers to work with the job seekers and partners to facilitate an effective match with available jobs.
In addition to providing leadership in the One-Stop Centers, the Operator directly provides Title I services including referral to training services to adults, dislocated workers. Services may include assessment, workshop delivery, upgrading of basic skills, case management, career counseling, and other services as deemed appropriate.
Equally important, is a focus on working with customers to retain their employment through follow-up services.
In addition to WIOA Title I services, the Operator administers the local Trade Readjustment Assistance programs and may be asked to be involved in administering other Department of Labor programs as determined by NYSDOL.
CSS WFNY is seeking a partner to effectively provide services focusing on customer service, as well as innovatively responding to changing customer needs and fast-changing State and Federal regulations and guidance. An operator will be expected to positively engage a diverse customer base and respond to challenging business climate changes. The service delivery system will include both traditional as well as alternate venues. CSS WFNY seeks to enhance the workforce systems ability to provide services in the virtual market and other electronic and social media.
Business Services
The CSS WFNY has Business Services strategies that focus on employer outreach, talent pipeline development, providing subsidized employment program and grant opportunity information, and recruitment services and assistance. The Operator works as a member of the business services team. The Operator has historically utilized staff to facilitate job placements of WIOA enrolled customers, issue and manage OJT contracts, as well as establish a presence with employers.
A. Priorities for One-Stop Management during the proposed contracting period: