Minutes of Meeting held on Sunday 20th December 2015 at the Cricketers Pub
Meeting held during the 2 course lunch! 1300-1600hrs
Attendance; 12 members, 12 family members
Apologies for absence received from, Graham & Gill Reeves, Gwen Fitch, Ann Dyer & Paul & Sarah Smithurst, Tony & Sandie Briault, Jim & Maggie Welton, Colleen Glendale-Perry, Ed & Barbara Gibbons, Dennis Wilson, Colin Smith, Terry & Joy Youngs and Robin & Carol Dowling.
Minutes; Minutes of meeting held on Monday16th November were approved, proposed by Barry White, seconded by John Doel.
Chairman’s Report. The chairman commented on the annual dinner saying, another successful dinner and thanked all involved.
Secretary’s Report:
1. Annual dinner 5th December; from the many ‘thank you’ messages received I feel the annual dinner was a great success! I would like to thank Bruce & Janet for organising and running the raffle, again a huge success.
2. Christmas cards; 12 cards were posted to various members/family members. 2 Christmas cards received, one from our area rep, David Walden giving season greetings to all members, the other from Joyce Haygreen wishing the President and all members a happy Christmas.
Treasurers Report;
1. Receipts Nov; Ann Dinner £943, raffle £48, profit from Irish bingo £15. Dec; A D raffle £130
2. Payments Nov; REME wreath £20, Port A D £10. Dec; table centre materials £13.20, A D £1539, entertainer £350, chocolates for the ladies £30, Xmas cards £3, 2nd class stamps (24) £12.96, ink cartridges (2) for printer £21.98
3. Balance as at 31st December approx. £1348.Full report at AGM (next meeting).
1. I, the secretary, was completely taken back on receiving the President’s Commendation Award at the Annual Dinner, will respond at the Jan meeting.
2. Major Glenn Soane who instigated the award, on speaking to him recently asked me, on his behalf, to wish all members a Merry Christmas and a good 2016.
3. The chairman and committee wished all members a joyful Christmas and a healthy, happy 2016
4. Manchester Branch 70th Anniversary Gala Dinner Sat 23rd July 2016. Six Branch members are invited to attend at a cost of £35 pp. Venue is the Britannia Country House Hotel, Manchester. B&B single room £49, double /twin £55. Only 4 places left. Names by the 11th Jan. Interested contact the secretary. The remaining 4 places will be on a first come first served basis!
Next meeting to take place at the WOs’ & Sgts’ Mess, MCTC on Monday 18th January 2016. Meeting to start at 2000hrs. A couple of jokes (compulsory) and a game or two of Irish Bingo, after the meeting!
Signed as a True Record; Proposed; Wally Grimsey Seconded; Ed Gibbons
Chairman’s Signature; Vic Langabeer (Secretary for Chairman)