
Camden Schools Sports Association

Dear Colleagues,

This year the CSSA will continue to play High Five’s Netball which is the All England Netball Associations recommended game for 9-11 year olds. The Netball League will be played after school during the first half of this term atLa Sainte Union, Highgate Road NW5 (2 mins walk from Parliament Hill School).

Entry forms are to be completed and EMAILED as an attachment to:

You will receive confirmation of entry by return and fixture schedules shortly after. Closing date for entries is Wednesday 11thSeptember, although if we are oversubscribed it will be the earliest entries that get in. Although the timescale is tight, please remember you have till 24th September to practice and select your final teams.

Each school can enter an A team or an A and B team but players MUST stay with one team throughout. Teams MUST have a minimum of 7 players (including 4 girls) – no excuses accepted!

The league will be played on the following 6 dates, with ALL schools having the option of taking part on 17th September where there will be friendly games. You will need to indicate on the entry form if there is one particular week you cannot attend in the 2nd, 3rd or4thweek. NB because of timetabling difficulties this may mean you team has to play several games in succession without a break.

Provisionally, we are looking to play from 4pm-5.30pm. On the same basis as the football league, if you are late for a game you will concede the game. Please indicate if you will find it hard to guarantee a 4pm arrival and when you can get there. In this case, I will attempt to timetable you for a later start (again this may mean your team has few or no breaks).

The first week will be an opportunity for children to play and get used to the format and rules. However, your children should be familiar with the game before you bring them. Scores on this day will not count towards the league. You will need a set of bibs for each of your teams.

Week 1: Tuesday 17thSeptember – ALL SCHOOLS (Friendlies)

Week 2: Tuesday 24thSeptember, Week 3: Tuesday 1stOctober, Week 4: Tuesday 8th October,Week 5Tuesday 15thOctober- Finals. (Tuesday 22nd October back up date in case of rain).

Basic rules are as follows:

  • High 5’s Netball rules apply (no WA or WD positions, GS and GK are allowed in the middle third)
  • The teams are to consist of 5 players on the pitch at one time – 3 must be girls.
  • Postions: Girls play: GK, C & GS. Boys play GD & GA.
  • Rotations: At half time everyone moves a position forward -

Girls: new player comes on as GK, GK moves to C position, C moves to GS, GS off

Boys: new player comes on as GD, GD moves to GA, GA off.

  • Unfair Advantage. If you do not have enough players to follow the rotation (minimum 7, including 4 girls) you can either:

A)play the game as a friendly (and concede the points) OR

B)play to the correct positions and rotation (this may mean you only have 3 or 4 players)

High Fives Netball League 2013-14 Entry Form

Please fill in and return if your school would like to take part in the League.

School Name:

Contact Person:

Alternative Contact Person:

(someone at your school who is prepared to bring yourteam if there is an emergency and you cannot make it - Essential):

School Tel No:

Mobile No:

Email address:

(We must have one - this is the only way we will get information to you)

We will be entering an A team only: Yes/No (Please Delete to indicate)

We will be entering an A and B team: Yes/No (Please Delete to indicate)

We cannot attend on the:


CSSA C/O Sport and Physical Activity

7th Floor, Town Hall Extension,Argyle Street, WC1H 8EQ

Tel: 020 7974 4260 Fax 020 7974 1590
