Innovation Fund

Criteria & Processes

Revised – November 2016

  1. Overview
  2. Innovation Fund Principles
  3. Funding Criteria
  4. Timelines, Process, and Reporting
  5. Submission Form
  6. Reporting Template – fyi only; to be completed at end of project
  1. Overview

Over the past few years, Divisions have contributed unused Infrastructure funds to an Innovation fund. The Innovation fund balance is approximately $3.8mm, and is not anticipated to grow. Divisions are encouraged to work with their Physician Engagement Lead (PEL) as they prepare funding submissions.

  1. Innovation Fund Principles

Triple Aim: The use of Innovation Funds should advance the goals of the Triple Aim:

  • Enhance patient and provider experience
  • Improve population health
  • Lower per capita cost of care

Locally informed and led: Projects will be innovative yet practical, and will focus on a sustainable strategy or promising practice. They will be locally-informed and led, and will enhance the health care system, processes, or practices in the community.

Collaborative: Evidence of collaboration with community partners and/or other Divisions will be required.

Reporting: Divisions will complete financial, qualitative, and quantitative reports at the end of the project’s funding period.

Mutual accountability: The PDO will provide an annual summary of funding, including project learnings, to Divisions and GPSC.

  1. Funding Criteria
  1. Innovation funds will enable divisions to implement community-informed and locally-led solutions to address identified gaps, issues, or opportunities, within the context of the Division Impact Measurement Framework.
  2. Projects may be new ideas or replication/modification of existing projects from other divisions or elsewhere.
  3. Projects must align with the Division’s strategic plan/priorities.
  4. Projects may be distinct from Patient Medical Home/Primary Care Home initiatives.
  5. Funds will support one-time projects or projects with the intention to be sustained by other means.
  6. Funds are intended to support projects not eligible for other sources of funding (i.e., Shared Care).
  7. Funds cannot be used for ongoing Division operating expenses supported by Foundational funding, expenses that pre-date project approval, rent/lease/capital improvements, technology provided by the PDO, events, attendance at conferences/training. They are for strategic initiatives, not work that is of an operational or ongoing nature.
  8. Letter(s) of support are required from key partner(s) to the project.
  9. Maximum funding of $100,000 per division until March 31st, 2019; up to three grants per Division within the $100,000 overall cap. The $100,000 may be increased if more than one Division is involved.
  10. One-time funding, with all projects concluding by March 31st, 2019.
  11. Unspent funds must be returned to the PDO at end of project period.
  12. Financial, quantitative, and qualitative reporting is required within one month of project end that demonstrates impact and learnings. A reporting template will be provided.
  1. Timelines, Process, and Reporting

Timeline: Innovation fund requests will be accepted on a continuous basis, with the caveat that all projects must be complete by March 31st, 2019.

Review: The goal will be to provide Divisions with a response to their funding submission within six weeks of receipt of a complete submission. As additional information may be required, and as funding approval comes from GPSC, there may be a delay depending on meeting schedules and agendas. The review process is as follows.

  1. PDO Review: Submissions will be reviewed within one week of receipt for clarity, compliance with criteria, and concerns. Divisions may be asked to provide clarification or additional information.
  2. PSQ Leadership Review: Submissions and accompanying PDO feedback will be reviewed. The leadership team will be asked to note if they: have concerns with the project as related to the Innovation criteria; see unnecessary overlap with other initiatives; or, see positive synergy with other initiatives. They will either:

a) support the submission;

b) recommend a smaller amount of funding (due to budget, division capacity, etc.) ;

c) require additional information; or,

d) withhold support, with rationale provided.

  1. GPSC Review and Decision: The PSQ leadership team will provide a recommendation to GPSC, either via a briefing note prepared by PDO, or via email facilitated by the PDO executive lead.
  2. The GPSC decision will be communicated to the Division by the PEL.

Reporting: Unspent funds must be returned to the PDO at end of project period. Financial, quantitative, and qualitative reporting is required within one month of project end date.

Please contact your PEL if you need guidance or have questions.

  1. Submission Form

Innovation Funding Submission

Board Chair / Lead
Email / phone
E-mail / phone
Project name
Proposed start / end dates
Amount requested / $
Name / Title / Signature
Board Chair/Lead
Brief description of proposed project
Project name
Is this a new project or a replication or modification?
Project lead(s) Physician and/or staff
Community Assessment and Gap/Need
Include target population and describe gap/need to be addressed
Partners and Stakeholders
Identify key partners and stakeholders and briefly describe their role
QI & Evaluation
Describe how progress will be assessed and how impact measured
Is this a one-time project or anticipated to be sustained by other means?
Timeline & Milestones
Include key dates and milestones
Outcomes and Impact
Include anticipated outcomes and desired impact this
Risk Management
Please highlight risks if any, and mitigation strategy associated with the project
How will you allocate requested funds? The project’s total budget may exceed requested amount.
Expense Category: / Total Project / Innovation
Fund Request
Staff / Contractors (pleases list roles & FTEs) / $ / $
Physician (please list roles) / $ / $
Operating / Administrative (beyond those covered by Foundational funding) / $ / $
Project expenses (please specify) / $ / $
Evaluation / QI / Reporting / $ / $
Other (please specify) / $ / $
TOTAL / $ / $
Note in-kind support if applicable:
If relevant – could be Health Authority, community partner, other partner
Name / Title / Organization / Phone / Email

Submission: Please email request to Susan Climie, Business Support Lead, at and copy your Physician Engagement Lead.

  1. Reporting Template – fyi only; to be completed at end of project

Board Chair / Lead
Project name
Proposed and actual start / end dates / Proposed: / Actual:
Amount received / $
Brief description of project
Project name
Was this a new project or a replication or modification?
Community Assessment and Gap / Need
Include target population and describe gap/ need that was addressed
Partners and Stakeholders
Identify thekey partners and stakeholders in this project and briefly describe their role
QI & Evaluation
Describe how progress has been assessed and how impact was measured
Is this a one-time project or anticipated to be sustained by other means?
Timeline & Milestones
Include key dates and milestones
Outcomes and Impact
Include actual outcomes and impacts this project/initiative achieved
Risk Management
Please highlight risks if any, and mitigation strategy used to address the risks
Please highlight your key learnings and insights you would like shared with other Divisions
BUDGETHow did you allocate requested funds?
Expense Category / Innovation Grant Budget / Innovation
Grant Actual
Staff / Contractors (pleases list roles & FTEs) / $ / $
Physician (please list roles) / $ / $
Operating / Administrative (beyond those covered by Foundational funding) / $ / $
Project expenses (please specify) / $ / $
Evaluation / QI / Reporting / $ / $
Other (please specify) / $ / $
TOTAL / $ / $
Describe any significant variances: