Forms for the Field: Section C 2





Instruction 2-3

Classroom Management 4-5


Acknowledging Appropriate Behavior 6

Active Participation 7

Behavior Expectations 8

Closing 9

Compliance 10

Demonstration/Modeling 11

Directions 12

Explanations 13

Gaining Attention 14

Key Terms and Vocabulary 15

Logistics 16

Monitoring Behavior 17

Monitoring Progress 18

Opening 19

Partner/Small Group Work 20

Practice 21

Questions and Questioning 22

Room Arrangement 23

Transitions 24

Visual Supports 25


Accommodations/Selected Interventions 26

Content and Diversity 27

English Language Learners 28

Presentations 29

Universal Design/Differentiated Instruction 30


Chapters 4-9, 19


Name ______Date ______

Lesson/Activity Title ______


I used an opening for the lesson or activity Ch 4
□  I used the opening to prepare students for learning
□  I used strategies to motivate or focus the students
□  I used strategies to help students make connections between current learning and other knowledge/skills
□  I involved all students in the opening
□  I used an opening responsive to student needs / YES NO /
I taught key terms and vocabulary words Ch 5
□  I selected important key terms/vocabulary to teach
□  I taught words at a time when they were needed for lesson/activity
□  I assessed student understanding of key terms/vocabulary words
□  I taught key terms/vocabulary thoroughly
□  I used visual supports to clarify word meaning / YES NO /
I provided clear explanations Ch 5
□  I used complete explanations of key ideas
□  I used explanations that were accurate
□  I used clear and concise explanation
□  I used explanations of key ideas that promoted student understanding (e.g., used CFUs, stopped to summarize)
□  I used explanations that were relevant to students / YES NO /
I used demonstrations and/or modeling Ch 5, Ch 19
□  I demonstrated throughout my lesson/activity
□  I demonstrated accurately (done by expert, multiple examples provided)
□  I demonstrated a product effectively (showed completed product)
□  I demonstrated/modeled a process using a think aloud
□  I modeled behavioral skills correctly (Ch 19) / YES NO /
I gave clear directions Ch 5
□  I gave directions whenever needed
□  I presented directions in multiple ways
□  I presented directions clearly (explained, demonstrated)
□  I clarified directions as needed (pictures, put in writing, referred to as needed)
□  I checked student understanding of directions / YES NO /
I used effective questions/questioning skills Ch 12
□  I planned questions in advance and used them effectively (e.g., called on students equitably)
□  I used a variety of question types
□  I responded appropriately to question answers
□  I used wait-time effectively
□  I used varied response strategies / YES NO /
I provided practice in my lesson/activity Ch 5
□  I provided varying types of student practice for varying purposes
□  I used supervised practice (for accuracy) and extended practice (for fluency)
□  I monitored the practice of every student
□  I planned practice that was congruent with the objective
□  I provided performance practice of behavioral skills
/ YES NO /
I monitored student progress Ch 7
□  I used checks for understanding (CFUs) early and often
□  I used CFUs correctly and for various purposes
□  I used a variety of response strategies to CFU
□  I used an accurate and congruent evaluation
□  I evaluated each student individually and independently / YES NO /
I used a closing for the lesson or activity Ch 4
□  I used a closing to review key information/main ideas
□  I used the closing to tie main ideas together
□  I used the closing to state the importance of the content developed/practiced
□  I used the closing to preview future learning
□  I used the closing to create a smooth transition from the current lesson/activity to the next / YES NO /
I promoted active participation Ch 6
□  I used active participation (AP) strategies effectively
□  I used AP strategies for various purposes
□  I used strategies that required different responses
□  I used strategies frequently throughout lesson/activity
□  I used strategies to meet individual needs of students / YES NO /
I used visual supports Ch 5
□  I used visual supports to increase effectiveness of instruction
□  I used visual supports to make information, explanations, and directions more comprehensible
□  I used visual supports for various purposes
□  I used a variety of types of visual supports
□  I used visual supports that were appealing and professional and could be seen from all parts of the room / YES NO /
I used partner/small group work Ch 8
□  My use of partner/group work was appropriate for my lesson/activity
□  I made thoughtful decisions for pairing/grouping students
□  I communicated clear directions for partner/group work
□  I monitored partner/group work carefully
□  I prevented behavior problems during partner/group work / YES NO /


Chapters 10 - 12


Name ______Date ______

Lesson/Activity Title ______


I gained attention of group Ch 11
□  I used an appropriate signal and response for gaining attention
□  I communicated the signal for attention/ response
□  I implemented the signal/response strategy correctly
□  I gained attention whenever needed
□  I supported class/individuals in paying attention / YES NO /
I communicated behavior expectations Ch 11
□  I selected relevant and important expectations
□  I thoroughly communicated expectations (stated, explained, demonstrated, posted)
□  I communicated new expectations at transitions in lesson/activity (just before needed)
□  I acknowledged student for following expectation
□  I followed through with stated expectations consistently / YES NO /
I acknowledged appropriate behavior Ch 11
□  I did so frequently (3 times as often as I responded to inappropriate behavior)
□  I did so specifically (I described the behavior)
□  I did so sincerely (for best efforts)
□  I did so fairly (all students)
□  I did so with an emphasis on important behaviors / YES NO /

Price/Nelson Planning Effective Instruction, 4th edition

Copyright © Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.

Forms for the Field: Section C 2

I monitored student behavior Ch 12
□  I scanned the classroom
□  I moved around the classroom
□  I positioned myself to monitor
□  I used monitoring to prevent behavior problems
□  I monitored the behavior of individuals / YES NO /
I arranged room/desks to support teaching and learning Ch 12
□  I arranged the room for visibility
□  I arranged the room to avoid distractions
□  I arranged the room to allow movement
□  I arranged the room/desks to match instructional methods used
□  I arranged the room based on student needs / YES NO /
I planned for logistics Ch 12
□  My equipment and materials were ready
□  Student equipment and materials were ready
□  Procedures for equipment/materials were planned/communicated
□  I effectively arranged setup, cleanup, and assistance
□  I provided structure/support to prevent problems with equipment/materials / YES NO /
I managed transitions Ch 12
□  I prepared in advance for transitions
□  I prepared students for transitions
□  I made transition procedures clear
□  I supported appropriate behavior during transitions
□  I supported individuals in making transitions / YES NO /
I encouraged compliance Ch 10
□  I stated directives clearly
□  I delivered directives effectively
□  I followed through with directives consistently
□  I made it easy for students to comply
□  I shared power and control with students / YES NO /


Chapter 11


NAME ______DATE ______



I acknowledged appropriate behavior 3 times more often than I responded to inappropriate behavior
/ YES NO /
I acknowledged behavior specifically, by describing the behavior / YES NO /
I acknowledged appropriate behavior in ways that were effective/comfortable for individuals / YES NO /
I used varied phrasing for acknowledgements / YES NO /
I acknowledged students for their best effort / YES NO /
I acknowledged students for improvement in behavior / YES NO /
I acknowledged behavior difficult for individuals / YES NO /
I acknowledged each student at least once by the end of the lesson / YES NO /
I acknowledged a variety of important learning and social behaviors / YES NO /
I acknowledged students for responding quickly and correctly to the signal for attention / YES NO /
I prompted students to self-acknowledge / YES NO /


Chapter 6


NAME ______DATE ______



I used active participation (AP) strategies that involved all students at once and made sure that all of my students participated / YES NO /
I used AP strategies while I presented (explained, demonstrated, reviewed, gave directions) / YES NO /
I used AP strategies for different purposes (involvement, processing, rehearsing) / YES NO /
I used strategies that required a variety of different types of responses (oral, written, signaled) / YES NO /
I used strategies in all parts of my lesson/activity (the opening, lesson body/activity middle, closing) / YES NO /
I met my goal of using strategies at a rate of ______/ YES NO /
I used strategies to meet the needs of my student who has difficulty writing by asking for oral responses / YES NO /
I kept my students on-task by using AP strategies / YES NO /
I taught the AP strategy that was new to my students / YES NO /
I reviewed AP strategies that I have not used recently, so my students knew what to do / YES NO /


Chapter 11


NAME ______DATE ______



I selected relevant and important behavior expectations for this lesson/activity
/ YES NO /
I stated behavior expectations firmly, directly, and politely / YES NO /
I explained and demonstrated behavior expectations / YES NO /
I posted behavior expectations so they were visible to the students and to me / YES NO /
The written behavior expectations were brief, simple / YES NO /
I communicated new expectations at transitions in the lesson/activity (i.e., when the task/situation changed) just before needed / YES NO /
I acknowledged students frequently for following expectations throughout the lesson/activity / YES NO /
I acknowledged students by labeling their behavior using words/phrases from the expectations / YES NO /
I addressed behavior different from the expectations / YES NO /
I supported students, through the use of prompts, in remembering to follow the expectations / YES NO /


Chapter 4


NAME ______DATE ______



I included a closing at the end of my lesson/activity / YES NO /
In the closing, I reviewed the key information and main ideas that I taught in the lesson/activity / YES NO /
I gave specific examples of how the content taught and practiced can be used in real life settings / YES NO /
I referred back to the lesson/activity opening and objective / YES NO /
I provided a preview of lessons/activities that were to come and explained how the current content fits / YES NO /
I used the closing to provide one more opportunity for students to practice the content taught / YES NO /
I provided opportunities for students to draw conclusions about the content taught / YES NO /
I involved all of my students in the closing / YES NO /


Chapter 10



NAME ______DATE ______



I gained the attention of the group or individual before giving a directive / YES NO /
My voice and body language showed confidence and calmness / YES NO /
I avoided giving too many directives at once / YES NO /
I stated directives rather than phrasing them as questions or requests / YES NO /
I gave students enough time to comply with directives, before repeating or reprimanding / YES NO /
I praised/rewarded compliance / YES NO /
I fairly and consistently implemented planned negative consequences for noncompliance / YES NO /
I avoided giving directives with which students were unlikely to comply (I picked my battles) / YES NO /
I turned away/gave time for individuals to comply / YES NO /
I gave choices whenever possible / YES NO /
I prepared students for change rather than giving an abrupt directive/command / YES NO /


Chapter 5


NAME ______DATE ______



When I demonstrated/modeled a process /
I pointed to the steps of the written task analysis as I demonstrated each / YES NO /
I demonstrated every step of the process thoroughly / YES NO /
I demonstrated multiple examples of the process / YES NO /
I used a think aloud as I worked the steps of the process (instead of just talking about what should be done with the content analysis) / YES NO /
I consistently referred back to the content analysis / YES NO /
I used wording that was clear and easy for students to understand / YES NO /
I checked for understanding while I demonstrated / YES NO /
I involved students while I demonstrated / YES NO /
When I demonstrated a product /
I showed a completed product, visible to all / YES NO /
I showed samples of each completed step of the product / YES NO /
I referred back to the content analysis while showing the product / YES NO /


Chapter 5


NAME ______DATE ______



I gave directions whenever needed (e.g., transitions, tasks, working with peers, homework) / YES NO /
I explained directions using vocabulary that all of my students could easily understand / YES NO /
I emphasized key words in oral directions, e.g., “This is very important” / YES NO /
I demonstrated the directions / YES NO /
I clarified written directions with pictures / YES NO /
I highlighted key words in written directions / YES NO /
I wrote directions in as few words as needed / YES NO /
I referred to the written directions as I explained and demonstrated them / YES NO /
I placed the written directions where students could refer to them as needed / YES NO /
I checked the understanding of directions of each student / YES NO /
I adjusted directions to meet individual student needs, e.g., gave fewer directions at a time / YES NO /