Meeting Information
Date/Time: / Tuesday October 6, 2015
6:30 - 8:00 p.m. / Location: / SPB Library
Meeting Start Time: / 6:43 pm / Meeting End Time: / 8:30 pm
Agenda Approved by: / Anita (1st)
Katharina (2nd) / Previous Meeting Minutes Approved by: / Naila (1st)
Anita (2nd)
Meeting Participants
Chair(s): / Naila Seunath (2014-15 Chair)
Attendees: / Anita Molnar, Michelle Ogle, Naila Seunath, Patricia Mathias, Don Marangon, Cristina Boucinha, Emily Ribeiro, Tammy Ashton, Rosa Cozza, Graziela Jeronimo, Magdalena Rubio, Katharina Herz, Marilyn Dell, Christian Litunjua; Nicole Lippa-Gasparro; Patricia Mathias
Notes Taken By: / Cristina Boucinha/Emily Ribeiro
Meeting Minutes
Item No. / Discussion Points / Issues Raised / Decisions Made /
Action Items
Opening Prayer (Mrs. Rivers)
Reviewed by Anita (2014/15 Treasurer)
Allocation Amount: $16,550.00
Usage: $11,444.55
Remaining: $5105.45 / Budget for 2015/16 needs to be finalized
Outgoing Chair’s Update
  • Everything sent/posted for parents must be approved by the Principal
  • Any required photocopying must be done by parent council members, not school staff; Parent Council must use copy code for photocopying
  • CSPC Email – must be used carefully; information must be correct and accurate
  • Council meetings are not to be used to discuss teachers; council members should not engage in parent/teacher issues, should be directed to administrators
  • Minutes must be taken and kept in binder accessible to all parents (once approved by council)
  • Accounting must be kept up-to-date; transparency is key
  • Cheques must have two signatures; always the treasurer and principal
/ Confirm Copy Code
Confirm CSPC email address and passwords and confirm who will be responsible for monitoring
Principal’s Update
Current Enrolment: 685
Capacity: at full capacity, no room for additional classrooms; 18 portables
CSPC Bulletin Board: suggestion that Secretary post approved minutes, budget on Bulletin Board
Candles – distributed to teachers on September 3
Front yard playground – construction has started; expected to last few months
Terry Fox Run – Toonie for Terry fundraiser raised $800
World Teacher’s Day – October 5
First Mass – October 7 (Grades 1 – 8 at St. Paschal Baylon Church, at 9:00 a.m.
New Late Policy - considered late once Oh Canada begins at 8:35
Photo Day – October 19
Parent Involvement Week - October 24-31
  • Council to determine whether to organize any events for the week (i.e. special speakers to discuss such topics as nutrition, internet safety, etc…)
  • One parent and child invited to mass at Catholic Education Centre on October 26
/ Maximize use of CSPC Bulletin Board in front hall
Determine whether to undertake events during Parent Involvement week
2015/16 Parent Council Elections
  • Anita Molnar (new Treasurer)
  • Patricia Mathias (new Co-Chair)
  • Emily Ribeiro (new Co-Secretary)
  • Naila Seunath
  • Michelle Ogle
  • Nicole Lippa-Gasparro (new Co-Chair)
  • Cristina Boucinha (new Co-Secretary)
  • Tammy Ashton
  • Magda Rubio
  • Katharina Herz
  • Graziela Jeronimo
  • Roza Cozza
  • Don Marangon
  • Members at Large able to vote
  • Sub-committee to focus on School Expansion Project
  • Members: Patricia, Don, Nicole, Michelle
/ Prepare and distribute new Contact List
Parent Council Meeting Schedule - Proposed
  • Nov 16th
  • Jan 18th
  • Feb 29th
  • April 25th
  • May 30th
  • June 13th
/ Consider starting meetings at 7:00 to maximize parent attendance potential
Halloween Dance-A-Thon Action Items
  • Parent volunteers during the dance – Katharina, Michelle
  • Anita to purchase thank you gift for DJ at Costco
  • Gifts to children- stickers, Glow sticks dollar store
  • Ms Dell and Mr Litunja to do posters within the class also to think of music to provide to the DJ
  • Parade in the morning for the children times TBD by Mrs Rivers
  • Michelle and Patricia to purchase water for the dance from Costco
  • Magda and Katarina to purchase decorations
  • Anita to seek out costs for envelopes vs Ziploc bags
  • Cristina to get movie tickets
  • Emily Letter to go out to school outlining new prizes and envelope that will be used to collect money. Reminder to the parents to write student’s name.Reminder no masks or weapons. Parents are welcomed to see the kids during parade within the school.
  • Pizza lunch for class that raises the most money and child to get pair of movie tickets
/ Final Planning & Status Meeting:
October 26, 2015 @ 8:30
Other Items
Advent Mass: Friday December 11, 2015
Nutritional Program and Pizza Lunches: expected to continue; further planning required
Next Meeting
Date: / November 16, 2015

SPB CSPC Meeting MinutesPage 1